United States: Solidarity | |||||||||||
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Solidarity Hurricane Katrina | United States: Developing Countries |
Topics in this section: | United States: Developing Countries (9) |
Today's Website | ||
Web link suggested today by People in Action |
Nonprofit Career Network
Resource center for nonprofit organizations, individuals seeking job opportunities in a nonprofit organization, and people who want to volunteer to make a difference in this world. English - Nonprofit Jobs, Volunteering - At nonprofitcareer.com |
Websites about Solidarity (United States) | ||
Web links selected and commented by People in Action |
American Friends Service Committee - AFSC
Quaker values in action. Nobel Peace Prize in 1947. Their major efforts are focused in these six areas: new visions of justice, economic justice, humanitarian assistance, immigration and migration, peacebuilding and conflict prevention, youth. English - Christianity, Emigration and Immigration, Human Rights, NGOs, Peace and Cooperation, Youth - At afsc.org |
International Year of Volunteers - United States
IYV 2001 US: Awareness, engagement, capacity-building for volunteering. English - Volunteering - At iyv2001us.org |
National Coalition for the Homeless (USA)
National advocacy network of homeless persons, activists, service providers, and others committed to ending homelessness through public education, policy advocacy, grassroots organizing, and technical assistance. English - NGOs, Solidarity - At nationalhomeless.org |
Opportunity Knocks (USA)
Source of nonprofit jobs and career opportunities. English - Nonprofit Jobs, Solidarity - At opportunityknocks.org |
Plenty International
Non-governmental alternative development and environment organization with projects in United States and developing countries. The hippie peace corps. Founded in 1974 by the celebrated community The Farm. English - Developing Countries, NGOs, Solidarity, Sustainable Development, United States, United States: Developing Countries - At plenty.org |
Points of Light Foundation & Volunteer Center National Network (USA)
They coordinate nationwide activities to provide citizens with volunteer opportunities and resources. For information on volunteering in your area, visit Find a Center. English - Volunteering - At pointsoflight.org |
Save the Children
Poverty need not be a life sentence. Health and nutrition, education, economic opportunity, emergencies. In United States and a large number of developing countries. English - Childhood, Developing Countries, NGOs, Solidarity, United States: Developing Countries - At savethechildren.org |
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Biweekly newspaper of the nonprofit world. News source, in print and online, for charity leaders, fund raisers, grant makers, and other people involved in the philanthropic enterprise. With sections on gifts & grants, fund raising, managing nonprofit groups, technology, jobs... English - Books, News and Media, News Services, NGOs and Volunteering, Nonprofit Jobs, United States: Books, News and Media - At philanthropy.com |
Nonprofit, online service dedicated to helping everyone find a great place to volunteer. It helps interested volunteers get involved with community service organizations throughout the United States. There is also a Virtual Volunteering section to volunteer from anywhere. English - Solidarity, United States, Volunteering - At volunteermatch.org |
Yahoo! News Full Coverage: Hurricanes & Tropical Storms
Hurricane Katrina (2005): News stories, articles, blogs, related web sites, audio, video, missing persons, how to help... English - Humanitarian Emergencies, Hurricane Katrina, Solidarity, United States - At news.yahoo.com |
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