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People in Action: Web Guide: Social Change: Communities: Community of the Ark  

Community of the Ark
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Related topics:
Gandhi, Mahatma
  Lanza del Vasto
Comunidad del Arca - Español

Earth, Pacific Ocean, from the Galileo spacecraft, by NASA/JPL Earth, view from Apollo 17, by NASA Earth, the blue marble (west), by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth, view from Apollo 11, by NASA

Today's Website
Web link suggested today by People in Action

L'Arche de la Flayssière
L'Arche de la Flayssière
Community of the Ark in Joncels (Hérault, France). See also photos from the General Assembly 2002 in La Flayssiere of GEN-Europe (Global Ecovillage Network).
French, English - Translate - At

Websites about Community of the Ark
Web links selected and commented by People in Action

Annuaire Alternatif: Communautés de l'Arche
Addresses of the communities of the Ark in France. (Page at L'Annuaire Alternatif).
French - Translate - At

Communauté de l'Arche - Lanza del Vasto
Card at CCNR, information site on the spiritual and religious phenomenon.
French - Translate - At

Coordination de l'Action Non-Violente de l'Arche (CANVA)
Non-violence in the line of Gandhi and Lanza del Vasto.
French, English, Spanish - Translate - Nonviolence - At

Einfach Leben - Communauté de l'Arche
Page of the Association for Peace Education (Germany).
German - Translate - At

Grain Banks and Edible Tomatoes
By Jacqueline and Roger Cousin, Allies of The Ark in Burkina Faso and France. (Article in Compass journal, November/December 1995).
English - Developing Countries - At

Lanza del Vasto
Island of Peace - Lanza del Vasto and the Community of the Ark
Lanza del Vasto, a Christian disciple of Gandhi, founded in the forties The Ark (Communautés de l'Arche, country and spiritual communities, in France, etc.). Gandhi gave him a new name: Shantidas, "Servant of Peace". Text excerpted and adapted from the book The Community of the Ark, by Mark Shepard.
English - Communities, Lanza del Vasto, People - At

L'Arche de Lanza del Vasto
The Ark, movement and communities born from the meeting of Lanza del Vasto with Gandhi. Test of living the non-violence in all aspects of life. Also at (Article included in the Non-violence section of Alternatives et non-violence sur le net).
French - Translate - At

L'Arche de Saint-Antoine
L'Arche de Saint-Antoine
Community of the Ark in France. House for stays and courses. Meeting center for groups.
English, French - At

L'Arche: La Borie Noble, France
Mark Shepard: The Community of the Ark
Full text and all photographs of this little book about the communities of the Ark, founded by Lanza del Vasto.
English - Communities, Online Books - At

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