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Solar Energy
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A solar powered light at the local park, by Claire Hyun Solar power plant on top of the Moscone Center, San Francisco, by Eddie Codel Net zero energy consumption home, with solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic panels, by Pete Beverly, DOE/NREL Solar Decathlon, Washington DC, by Jared Zimmerman

Today's Website
Web link suggested today by People in Action

American Solar Energy Society - ASES
A national organization dedicated to advancing the use of solar energy. ASES organizes the National Solar Energy Conference, and publishes Solar Today, a bimonthly magazine that covers all solar and renewable energy technologies.
English - Alternative Technology, United States: Alternative Technology - At

Websites about Solar Energy
Web links selected and commented by People in Action

EERE: Solar Energy Technologies Program
One of the programs within the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. The website includes information on the following technologies: concentrating solar power, solar electricity or photovoltaics, solar heating, and solar lighting.
English - At - Connecting you to Renewable Energy Professionals
Answering the common questions "Where can I find solar for my home or business?" and "How much will it cost?". With a solar estimator (of price, savings and system size) for United States, and a database of hundreds of solar energy system installers and other solar pros in the US and Canada. Free service from the American Solar Energy Society, Solar Electric Power Association, Energy Matters LLC, and U.S. Department of Energy.
English - United States: Alternative Technology - At

Florida Solar Energy Center - FSEC (University of Central Florida)
Large and active state-supported renewable energy and energy efficiency research, training, testing and certification institute. With sections on education, environment, hydrogen, buildings, photovoltaics, solar thermal.
English - Renewable Energy - At

Google Directory: Solar Energy
Lists of links, ordered by PageRank or alphabetically. Subcategories: Daylighting, Solar Cooking, Solar Electric, Solar Thermal.
English - At

International Solar Energy Society - ISES
With many National Sections. One of the ISES services is WIRE (World-wide Information System for Renewable Energy).
English - Alternative Technology, Renewable Energy - At

Million Solar Roofs - MSR (US)
The MSR initiative is a unique public-private partnership to facilitate the installation of one million solar roofs by 2010. Eligible technologies include photovoltaics (PV), solar water heating, transpired solar collectors, solar space heating and cooling, and pool heating.
English - Green Building, United States: Alternative Technology - At

MySolar - Solar energy for you
Clear information on solar electricity and solar heat, and a step-by-step wizard straight to your solution (mainly for European countries). MySolar intends to be an objective site: All suppliers of systems for solar energy can provide data on their equipment and terms.
English, Dutch, German, Polish, Spanish - At

Solar Electric Power Association - SEPA
A nonprofit organization whose membership consists of more than 100 electric service providers, utilities, manufacturers, government agencies, research organizations, and educational institutions from eight countries.
English - Solar Electric Power - At

Solar Energy Industries Association - SEIA (US)
National trade association of solar energy manufacturers, dealers, distributors, contractors, installers, architects, consultants, and marketers. They work to expand the use of solar technologies in the global marketplace. The site includes solar news and press releases.
English - At

Solar Energy International - SEI
Education and training in renewable energy technologies for a sustainable future. Hands-on workshops in solar, wind and water power and natural building technologies. Also online courses, special programs, resources, newsletter, etc. SEI works cooperatively with grassroots and development organizations to meet sustainable development goals with renewable energies.
English - Alternative Technology, Renewable Energy, United States: Alternative Technology, United States: Developing Countries - At

The Solar Cooking Archive
Plans, documents, multimedia, resources, discussion. Sponsored by Solar Cookers International.
English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Catalan - Solar Heating - At

Wikipedia: Solar power
Encyclopedia article. Classifications of solar power, types of solar power technologies (solar design in architecture, solar heating systems, photovoltaic cells, solar thermal electric power plants, solar chemical, solar cooking, solar lighting), energy storage, deployment of solar power (North America, Japan, Europe, Israel, India), related articles, references, links.
English, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, etc. - At

Yahoo! Directory: Solar Power
Lists of links, ordered by popularity or alphabetically.
English - At

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