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People in Action: Web Guide: Ecology: Alternative Technology: Renewable Energy  

Renewable Energy
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Alternative Technology
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Energías Renovables - Español

Topics in this section:   Solar Energy (30)   Wind Energy (16)

Sun Burst, by Matthew Bowden Solar cells, by Cedec Photovoltaic array on the roof of a school in Redbridge, London, by Fabienne Winkworth Lost in The Mancha, Spain, by Max Boschini

Today's Website
Web link suggested today by People in Action

Source Guides: The Source for Renewable Energy
A comprehensive online buyer's guide and business directory to more than 9000 renewable energy businesses and nonprofit organizations worldwide.
English - At

Websites about Renewable Energy
Web links selected and commented by People in Action

AGORES - A Global Overview of Renewable Energy Sources
Information centre and knowledge gateway of the European Commission for renewable energy sources. Sections: Policy, Fields, Sectors, Who's Who. Databases: News & Events, Website links, European Community Programmes, Publications, Projects.
English - Europe - At

An Introduction to Biogas
With a beginners tour on anaerobic digestion for waste treatment, and information to start a biodigester project. By Paul Harris, University of Adelaide, Australia.
English - Alternative Technology - At

Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST)
Renewable Energy Policy Project (REPP): Policy, hydro, bioenergy, geothermal, wind, solar, hydrogen, efficiency.
English - Alternative Technology, Web Guide - At

Consumer Utility Services (UK): Renewable Energy
Information on solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, and geothermal energy.
English - At

Danish Wind Industry Association
Danish Wind Industry Association
A lot of information, including a guided tour on wind energy.
English, Danish, French, German, Spanish - Alternative Technology, Denmark, Wind Energy - At

Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy - DSIRE
A comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility, and selected federal incentives that promote renewable energy in the United States.
English - United States: Alternative Technology - At

EERE Kids - Dr. E's Energy Lab
For kids. Activities, games, and information about renewable energy technology, sources, and future possibilities. Solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, alternative fuels, energy efficiency tips.
English - Environmental Education - At

Energy Star (US)
A US government/industry partnership that offers businesses and consumers energy-efficient solutions, making it easy to save money while protecting the environment for future generations. Including the sections: Products, Home Improvement, New Homes, Business Improvement, Partner Resources, News, Do Your Part.
English - United States: Alternative Technology - At

European Renewable Energy Council - EREC
An umbrella organisation of the leading European renewable energy industry and research associations active in the sectors of photovoltaic, wind, small hydropower, biomass, geothermal and solar thermal.
English - Europe - At

Florida Solar Energy Center - FSEC (University of Central Florida)
Large and active state-supported renewable energy and energy efficiency research, training, testing and certification institute. With sections on education, environment, hydrogen, buildings, photovoltaics, solar thermal.
English - Solar Energy - At

Google Directory: Renewable Energy
Lists of links, ordered by PageRank or alphabetically. Subcategories: Biomass and Biofuels, Geothermal, Home-Made Power, Hydro, Ocean Sources, Solar, Wind.
English - At

Home Power Magazine
Since 1987, more than 100 issues on home-scale renewable energy and sustainable living solutions. Comprehensive coverage of solar, wind, and microhydro electricity, home energy efficiency, solar hot water systems, space heating and cooling, green building materials and home design, efficient transportation, and more.
English - Alternative Technology - At

ILSE - The Interactive Learning System for Renewable Energy
Learning system on energy policy, solar energy, wind energy. By the Renewable Energy Section of the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering, Technical University Berlin.
English, German - Alternative Technology, Germany - At

International Solar Energy Society - ISES
With many National Sections. One of the ISES services is WIRE (World-wide Information System for Renewable Energy).
English - Alternative Technology, Solar Energy - At

National Renewable Energy Laboratory - NREL
The U.S. Department of Energy's primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development.
English - United States: Alternative Technology - At

North Carolina Solar Center
A clearinghouse for solar and other renewable energy programs, information, research, technical assistance, and training for the citizens of North Carolina and beyond.
English - At

NREL: Learning About Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
Information for the general public, from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Sections: Renewable Energy Basics (Biomass, Geothermal, Hydropower, Ocean, Solar, Wind); Energy Efficiency Basics; Energy Delivery & Storage Basics (Distributed Energy, Energy Storage, Hydrogen); Using Renewable Energy (Electricity Providers, Farmers & Ranchers, Homeowners, Small Business Owners); Student Resources.
English - At

NREL: Photographic Information eXchange - PIX
A collection of photographs related to renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, and to the work of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
English - At

NREL: Renewable Energy Education Programs
From the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. For K-12 students, undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and research associates, sabbaticals and faculty appointments, teachers.
English - Environmental Education - At

NREL: Student Resources on Renewable Energy
Educational resources on biomass energy, geothermal energy, hydrogen energy, hydropower, solar energy, wind energy.
English - Environmental Education - At

Off-Grid - Freedom, mobility, environment
Self-sufficiency without mains water or power, for those who want to unplug, relax and feel at home anywhere on the planet. Including sections on homesteading, natural energy, water for life, etc.
English - Country Living, Green Building, United Kingdom, United Kingdom: Ecology - At

Other Power
A group of alternative energy enthusiasts who want to spread the message that It's easy to make your own power from scratch! They live in a remote part of the Northern Colorado mountains where all the houses run on only solar, wind, water and generator power, because these are the only options available and they refuse to move to town.
English - Ecovillages, United States: Alternative Technology - At

Critical Mass Energy Project
Public Citizen: Critical Mass Energy and Environment Program (USA)
Resource for renewable energy activists, founded in 1974 by Ralph Nader as Critical Mass Energy Project.
English - Alternative Technology, Ecology, United States, United States: Alternative Technology, United States: Ecology - At

Renewable Energy Access
Recognized source for renewable energy news and information. With sections on RE Technology Basics (Solar Energy, Wind Power, Hydrogen/Fuel Cells, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Geothermal Energy, Ocean Energy, Green Power), News, Marketplace, Events, Jobs, Search, and a free weekly newsletter.
English - At

Renewable Energy for Development
Renewable Energy for Development (SEI, Sweden)
Energy and technologies in the Third World. Newsletter of the Sustainable Energy Programme at the Stockholm Environment Institute.
English - Alternative Technology, Developing Countries, Sustainable Development, Sweden - At

Renewable Energy Resources
Commented links, from A Research Guide for Students. Sections: General Renewable Energy Resources; Bioenergy; Fuel Cells and Alternative Fuel Vehicles; Geothermal Energy; Global Warming; Green Power; Kyoto Protocol; Solar Energy; Water Power or Hydropower; Wave, Tidal, or Ocean Energy; Wind Energy.
English - At

Renewables for Sustainable Village Power
Renewables for Sustainable Village Power - RSVP
Renewable energy for rural villages in developing countries. International program of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA.
English - Alternative Technology, Developing Countries, Sustainable Development, United States: Alternative Technology, United States: Developing Countries - At

Seattle City Light: Kids Exploring Energy
Animated website to teach fourth and fifth graders the basics on energy. With a game and sections on news, careers, how electricity is generated, conservation, safety, protecting natural resources, and renewable energy.
English - Environmental Education - At

Solar Energy International - SEI
Education and training in renewable energy technologies for a sustainable future. Hands-on workshops in solar, wind and water power and natural building technologies. Also online courses, special programs, resources, newsletter, etc. SEI works cooperatively with grassroots and development organizations to meet sustainable development goals with renewable energies.
English - Alternative Technology, Solar Energy, United States: Alternative Technology, United States: Developing Countries - At

Solstice Archive
Renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable living. Information service of CREST (Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology).
English - Alternative Technology - At

Sustainable Energy and Economy Network - SEEN
Action, news, key issues, research, global database, media, links... SEEN, a project of the Institute for Policy Studies (Washington, DC) and the Transnational Institute (Amsterdam), works in partnership with citizens groups nationally and globally on environment, human rights and development issues with a particular focus on energy, climate change, environmental justice, gender equity, and economic issues, particularly as these play out in North/South relations.
English - Sustainable Development, Sustainable Economy - At

The National Energy Foundation (UK)
Sustainable energy solutions for the UK. Sites: GreenEnergy (solar energy, wind power, hydropower, biomass, geothermal), PowerEd (renewable energy for schools), Log Pile (wood fuel), PV-Domsys (photovoltaic systems for European homes), CRI-East (Community Renewables Initiative), Solar Trade Association (solar hot water), PV-Web (British Photovoltaic Association), British Pellet Club (wood pellet industry), GSHP Club (ground source heat pumps).
English - United Kingdom, United Kingdom: Ecology - At

U.S. Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - EERE
Excellent and informative website, including several DOE programs (solar, wind, etc.), news, and an energy information portal: energy efficiency, renewable energy (biomass, geothermal, hydrogen, hydropower, ocean, solar, wind), information for consumers (on saving energy and using renewable energy), kids and states, and topics on education and financial opportunities.
English - Alternative Technology, United States: Alternative Technology - At

Wikipedia: Renewable energy
Encyclopedia article. Sources of renewable energy: geothermal energy, solar energy, wind energy, water power, biomass (liquid biofuel, solid biomass, biogas). And small scale energy sources, issues, historical usage, related articles, links, references.
English, Chinese, Esperanto, French, German, Italian, Spanish, etc. - At

World News Network: Renewable Energy
Latest news from WN Network.
English - At

World.Org: 100 Top Renewable Energy Sites
Links with comments. Web sites selected by the World Environmental Organization.
English - At

Yahoo! Directory: Renewable Energy
List of links, ordered by popularity or alphabetically. Subcategories and related categories: Biomass, Companies, Geothermal, Hydropower, Institutes, Organizations, Solar Power, Web Directories, Wind Power.
English - At

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