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People in Action: Web Guide: Social Change: Progressive Networks  

Progressive Networks
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Related topics:
Social Change
Global Justice
Redes Progresistas - Español
  Progressive Networks - Archive

Earth, the blue marble (east), by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth, Africa, from the Galileo spacecraft, by NASA/JPL Earth, view from Apollo 17, by NASA Earth, India and Australia, from the Galileo spacecraft, by NASA/JPL

Today's Website
Web link suggested today by People in Action

Global action alert network which can mobilize people simultaneously around the planet to speak out for a better world. It already includes more than 2000 citizen groups in over 160 countries, hundreds of members of parliament, and growing numbers of concerned people.
English, French, German, Spanish - At

Websites about Progressive Networks
Web links selected and commented by People in Action

APC - Association for Progressive Communications
Global Internet community for environment, human rights, development and peace. It cooperates with the United Nations and a large number of non-profit organizations. The member and partner networks provide Internet access to NGOs of solidarity all over the world.
English, Spanish - Places, Web Guide - At

c2o - Community Communications Online (Australia)
Environment, social development, human rights, social justice. APC member network. Internet host for community based organisations in the Australasia region.
English - Australia, Oceania - At

Converge (New Zealand)
Network of NGO websites.
English - New Zealand - At

Thousands of environmental links, news, Internet services for environmental and animal rights non-profit organizations...
English - Ecology, News Services - At

European Greens
European Greens - European Federation of Green Parties
The European Federation of Green Parties includes about thirty European Green parties. It is one of the founding Federations of the Global Green Coordination.
English - Ecology, Europe, Greens, Human Rights, Peace, Social Change - At

Google Groups:
Forum. Information for progressive activists. (Moderated). With web.
English - Forums, Social Change - At

GreenNet (London, UK)
Environment, peace, human rights and development. APC member network. Internet host.
English - United Kingdom, United Kingdom: Social Change - At

IGC - Institute for Global Communications (San Francisco, California)
APC member network. Internet host. With PeaceNet, EcoNet, WomensNet, Anti-RacismNet, etc.
English - United States - At

Jca-Net (Japan)
Empowering citizen's activities through the Internet for peace, social and environmental justice and human dignity. APC member network. It includes links to Japanese NGOs.
Japanese, English - Translate - Japan - At

A community of over 1250 organizations working for social justice. With international editions, news, campaigns, channels, radio, TV, guides, think tank, directory, jobs, volunteering, etc.
English, Catalan, Dutch, Finnish, German, Italian, Spanish - Directories, News Services, NGOs and Volunteering, Nonprofit Jobs, Solidarity, Volunteering - At

SANGONeT (South Africa)
Internet network for development and human rights workers. APC member network.
English - South Africa - At

Transformational Learning Community
Transformational Learning Community (Archives)
Information, dialogue and networking for social change. Archived website of this resource center founded by the late socioeconomist and futurist Robert Theobald (author for example of the online book Reworking Success, etc.) and Bob Stilger (now at New Stories).
English - Culture and Thought, Social Change - At

Union of International Associations - UIA
A nonprofit clearing house for information on thousands of intergovernmental and tens of thousands of nongovernmental -voluntary- organizations, and their global challenges. The UIA, co-founded in 1907 by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Henri La Fontaine, has useful publications and databases available on paper, cd-rom and on-line. For example, the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, with analyses and creative ideas from international organizations and constituencies, the Yearbook of International Organizations, etc.
English - NGOs and Volunteering, Reference - At

World Social Forum 2004 - Mumbai, India
World Social Forum 2004 (Mumbai, India)
"The World Social Forum is an open meeting place for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of experiences and interlinking for effective action, by groups and movements of civil society that are opposed to neoliberalism and to domination of the world by capital and any form of imperialism, and are committed to building a planetary society directed towards fruitful relationships among Humanking and between it and the Earth." (WSF Charter of Principles).
Photo (Indymedia India): Opening ceremony of the World Social Forum in Mumbai.
English, Spanish, French - Developing Countries, Global Justice, India, Social Change, Solidarity, Sustainable Development - At

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