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Plastic Recycling
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Japanese PET bottle recycle bin, by Mrofiq PET bottle in Japan, by Mrofiq Recycling PET bottles in Japan, by Quaisi Productions Recycling (detail): We consume, a lot, by Beej Jorgensen

Today's Website
Web link suggested today by People in Action

British Plastics Federation (BPF): Plastics Recycling
All plastics can be recycled. Information about recycling marking systems, marking symbols, recycling of manufacturing scrap, terms used, an example of plastics recycling plant, some statistics, types of recycling (mechanical, feedstock or chemical), recyclers in the UK, design for recycling, legislation, some types of plastics that are currently being recycled (PE film, PE, PP, PVC, PS, ABS, specialist polymers), mixed plastics processes.
English - United Kingdom: Ecology - At

Websites about Plastic Recycling
Web links selected and commented by People in Action

Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers - APR
Design guidelines to maximize a bottle's recycling potential. Including details for PET, natural HDPE, pigmented HDPE, polypropylene, PVC bottles.
English - At

Bureau of International Recycling - BIR
International trade federation representing about 600 companies and national federations from over 60 countries. Website with an introduction to recycling (metals, paper, textiles, plastics, tyres), news, publications in several languages, events, press, members directory, etc.
English, etc. - Metal Recycling, Paper Recycling, Recycling - At

Energy Kid's Page: Solid Waste Recycling
Clear introductory information about recycling, good for kids and the general public, from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). There are also pages on recycling metals, plastics, paper and glass.
English - Glass Recycling, Metal Recycling, Paper Recycling, Recycling - At
Information on plastics and the environment, including plastic recycling, electronic equipment recycling and recovery, recycled products and markets databases, faqs, links, etc.
English - At

Recoup - Maximising efficient plastics recycling
UK's leading authority on plastics waste management. Information on plastic bottle recycling as a lower cost waste management option than landfill. With sections on current issues, why is plastics recycling important, understanding recycling legislation, buy and sell recyclable plastics, find recyclers and manufacturers, links, and more.
English - United Kingdom: Ecology - At

Waste Online (UK): Plastics recycling information sheet
With the sections: Types of plastic; Why bother?; Hows, whats and wheres of recycling plastic; What does the law say?; What you can do; Useful publications and contacts.
English - At

Wikipedia: Plastic recycling
Encyclopedia article, including obstacles, alternative processes, and a link to another article on recycling of PET bottles.
English - At

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