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People in Action: Web Guide: Social Change: People: Hesse, Hermann  

Hermann Hesse
Web guide, and more on Hermann Hesse ->

Related topics:
  Culture and Thought

Earth, view from Apollo 11, by NASA Earth, South America, from the Galileo spacecraft, by NASA/JPL Earth, Africa, from the Galileo spacecraft, by NASA/JPL Earth, the blue marble (west), by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Today's Website
Web link suggested today by People in Action

Hermann Hesse Portal
Comprehensive online information resource on Hermann Hesse. Biography, literature, paintings...
English, German, French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish - At

Websites about Hermann Hesse
Web links selected and commented by People in Action

All about Hermann Hesse
The Hermann Hesse Museum, his hometown Calw, his biography and works.
English, German - At

Hermann Hesse - Nobel Prize in Literature 1946
With autobiography, Nobel Prize speechs, resources.
English - At

Hermann Hesse Page (HHP)
Published by a research project at the University of California, Santa Barbara. With journal, magazine, publications...
English, German - At

Hermann Hesse: Siddhartha
The story of a man in quest of meaning in life. Searchable online book, by Hermann Hesse. With user comments and reviews on this literary classic.
English - Culture and Thought, Online Books, Personal Growth, Spirituality - At

Hermann Hesse
Hermann Hesse Year 2002
Hesse's home town Calw celebrates Hermann Hesse's 125th birthday. His work, which reflects liberal-mindedness, tolerance and respect for humanity, is seen as a contribution to a far-reaching dialogue between cultures and between religions.
English, German - Culture and Thought, Germany, People - At

Pegasos Authors' Calendar: Hermann Hesse
Biography, bibliography, list of selected works.
English - At

Other Sections on Hermann Hesse
(Also accessible from the title tabs)

Hermann Hesse - Message Board

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