Green Building | |||||||||||
Related topics: Alternative Technology |
Ecovillages Renewable Energy | Bioconstrucción - Español |
Topics in this section: Bamboo Houses (2) |
Bioclimatic Architecture (4) Earth Houses (9) | Straw Bale Houses (7) |
Today's Website | ||
Web link suggested today by People in Action |
Biblioteca Ciudades para un futuro más sostenible (Library Cities for a more sustainable future, Spain)
Extensive documentation. With experiences in cities of Spain, Latin America, etc. Spanish, English - Translate - Alternative Technology, Madrid, Spain, Sustainable Development - At habitat.aq.upm.es |
Websites about Green Building | ||
Web links selected and commented by People in Action |
Wikipedia: Asbestos
New Detailed encyclopedia article about this controversial group of fibrous minerals, used in buildings and a variety of materials. The inhalation of some kinds of asbestos fibers causes various serious illnesses, including cancers such as mesothelioma and lung cancer. With sections on types of asbestos, uses, asbestos-related diseases, litigation, removal of asbestos, controversy, links, etc. English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, etc. - Cancer, Diseases, Ecology - At en.wikipedia.org |
Bioclimatic Architecture
Extensive introduction to the architecture that designs to take advantage of climate and environmental conditions. English, Spanish - Bioclimatic Architecture - At arquitecturabioclimatica.info |
Builders Without Borders
International network of ecological builders who form partnerships with communities and organizations around the world to create affordable housing out of local materials, and to work together for a sustainable future. English - Alternative Technology, Developing Countries, Sustainable Development, United States: Alternative Technology, United States: Developing Countries - At builderswithoutborders.org |
Eco-Living Resource Database: Shelter
Detailed directory of links. Structures and methods; accessories; information resources. English - At eco-living.net |
Google Directory: Sustainable Architecture
Lists of links, ordered by PageRank or alphabetically. Including categories on design, earth construction, earthships, green roofs, log buildings, materials, straw bale construction, thatched, timber framing, yurts. English - At directory.google.com |
Green Home Building
A wide range of information about sustainable architecture and natural building. English - At greenhomebuilding.com |
Joiners' Quarterly - Fox Maple School of Traditional Building
Journal and school of natural building. Joiners' Quarterly has been publishing technical information about timber framing and traditional building since 1983. With workshops, news, info, links... English - Books, News and Media, United States: Alternative Technology, United States: Books, News and Media - At foxmaple.com |
Million Solar Roofs - MSR (US)
The MSR initiative is a unique public-private partnership to facilitate the installation of one million solar roofs by 2010. Eligible technologies include photovoltaics (PV), solar water heating, transpired solar collectors, solar space heating and cooling, and pool heating. English - Solar Energy, United States: Alternative Technology - At millionsolarroofs.org |
Natural / Alternative Building Photo Gallery
An interesting collection of photo galleries on many building techniques, such as strawbale, adobe, cob, rammed earth, earthbag, bamboo, wood, stone, etc. English - At potkettleblack.com |
Natural Building Resources
Beautiful photo galleries, natural building techniques (straw bale construction, wood, adobe, cob, bamboo, etc.), links, bibliography, books, videos... Image: Thierry Dronet's workshop with living roof. English - Alternative Technology - At strawbalecentral.com |
Natural Life: Home
Magazine articles on healthy houses, renewable energy, simple living... English - Alternative Technology - At life.ca |
Off-Grid - Freedom, mobility, environment
Self-sufficiency without mains water or power, for those who want to unplug, relax and feel at home anywhere on the planet. Including sections on homesteading, natural energy, water for life, etc. English - Country Living, Renewable Energy, United Kingdom, United Kingdom: Ecology - At off-grid.net |
Smart Communities Network: Green Buildings
Information pages on green building from a project of the U.S. Department of Energy. Building principles, affordable housing, success stories, etc. English, Spanish - At smartcommunities.ncat.org |
Sustainable Architecture, Building and Culture
With many links on ecological and natural building, sustainable development, environmental education, eco villages, permaculture, renewable energy, etc. English - Alternative Technology, Directories, Sustainable Development - At SustainableABC.com |
Sustainable Sources
Extensive information on green building, including Sustainable Building Sources, Sustainable Building Sourcebook, etc. English - At greenbuilder.com |
The Last Straw
Since 1993, the quarterly journal The Last Straw has been sharing news and developments from around the world about straw-bale construction and natural building. With online archive of free sample articles, resources, etc. English - Books, News and Media, Straw Bale Houses - At thelaststraw.org |
Yahoo! Directory: Sustainable Architecture
Lists of links, ordered by popularity or alphabetically. English - At dir.yahoo.com |
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