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Gerson Therapy
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Today's Website
Web link suggested today by People in Action

Doctor Yourself: The Gerson Therapy
Detailed review by Andrew Saul, Ph.D., of the book The Gerson Therapy, by Charlotte Gerson and Morton Walker. With links to a Dr. Max Gerson's speech, and to extensive bibliographies on the Gerson treatment for cancer and other illnesses.
English - At

Websites about Gerson Therapy
Web links selected and commented by People in Action

Annie Appleseed Project: Fifty Best Cases - Max Gerson
Review by Andrew Saul, Ph.D., of the book A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases, by Max Gerson, M.D. His book completely describes the details of his succesful natural therapy to stimulate the body's own defense system. Gerson's therapy can be done at home with minimal professional care. From Doctor Yourself: Best Health Books.
English - At

Annie Appleseed Project: Gerson Therapy Self-Help Offered
An offer to help patients set up for the Gerson program. By Marilyn Barnes Bloom, a recovered Gerson patient of melanoma and cervical cancers since over twenty years. She has helped many people, including Lorraine Day, M.D., who has successfully completed the therapy for breast cancer. The Gerson Diet is the basis of Dr. Day's treatment.
English - At

Baja Nutri Care Clinic (Baja California, Mexico)
Clinic licensed by the Gerson Institute. It offers Gerson Therapy care, a natural approach to recovery that relies on the body's ability to heal itself.
English - Mexico - At

Clinic for Chronic Diseases
Clinic for Chronic Diseases (Canary Islands, Spain)
Natural and scientific medicine. Available treatments include the remarkable Gerson Therapy for cancer and other degenerative illnesses, which acts by normalizing metabolism and strengthening the immune system.
English, Spanish, German - Canary Islands, Diseases - At

Gerson Institute
Gerson Institute (California)
A non-profit organization dedicated to the holistic treatment of cancer and other degenerative diseases, with the well-known and long tested Gerson therapy: Detoxification, a high potassium, low sodium (saltless) diet, high in fresh raw fruits and vegetables, etc.
English - United States: Natural Health - At

Gerson Research Organization
Nonprofit corporation that conducts and publishes the results of public interest research into the role of diet and nutrition and diet therapies in the management of cancer and other diseases. With many online documents.
English - At

Gerson Support Group (UK)
The Gerson Support Group has been established in the UK to advise, assist, inform and educate those wanting to undertake the Gerson nutritional therapy for cancer and other degenerative diseases.
English - United Kingdom, United Kingdom: Personal Growth - At

Hawaii Gerson Therapy Retreat
Part of Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center Mind Your Body, it offers Gerson programs and retreats on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii. Gerson Therapy is a detoxification and nutritional program that utilizes the body's own mechanism in the treatment of chronic debilitating illness.
English - At

Healing Cancer Naturally: Gerson Therapy
Several pages with interesting articles on the Gerson Therapy.
English - At

Dr. Max Gerson
Max Gerson, M.D.: The cure of advanced cancer by diet therapy - A summary of 30 years of clinical experimentation
Thirty years of clinical experimentation have led to a successful therapy for advanced cancer. This diet therapy, mostly raw fruits and vegetables and their juices, has cured many cases, normalizing metabolism and helping the body's immune system act on cancer cells. Lecture given by Dr. Max Gerson. Document at Gerson Research Organization. Other copies at Gerson Hawaii, Doctor Yourself, etc.
English - Cancer, Diseases, Max Gerson, Natural Health, Nutrition - At

Prince of Wales - Complementary Therapies and Cancer Care
Prince Charles, President of the Foundation for Integrated Health, has called for more research into the benefits of complementary therapies for cancer patients. At a conference on "Complementary Therapies and Cancer Care - A Research Symposium", the Prince said: "I know of one patient who turned to Gerson Therapy, having been told that she was suffering from terminal cancer and would not survive another course of chemotherapy. Happily, seven years later she is still alive and well. So it is therefore vital that, rather than dismissing such experiences, we should further investigate the beneficial nature of these treatments." There was some controversy over these words (see BBC News).
English - Cancer, Natural Health - At

U.S. National Cancer Institute: Gerson Therapy
In 1947, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) reviewed 10 cases submitted by Dr. Gerson. However, because the patients were also receiving other anticancer treatments, the NCI could not determine whether the patients' condition was due to the Gerson therapy or another treatment. The NCI has not conducted any further evaluation of Dr. Gerson's therapy.
English - At

Wikipedia: Gerson therapy
Encyclopedia article with a description and history of the Gerson Therapy.
English - At

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