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People in Action: Web Guide: Ecology: Country Living: Ecovillages  

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Related topics:
Country Living
  Alternative Technology
  Green Building
Ecoaldeas - Español

Wind Mill, alternative energy, by Cheryl Empey Garden alley, by Uschi Hering Friends, by David Bebb Solar panels, South Australia, by Oliver Ransom

Today's Website
Web link suggested today by People in Action

Crystal Waters
Crystal Waters Permaculture Village (Australia)
Rural community and eco-village, near Brisbane.
English - Australia, Communities, Permaculture - At

Websites about Ecovillages
Web links selected and commented by People in Action

African ecovillage networks (Global Ecovillage Network)
Article about the ecovillage movement in Africa.
English - Africa - At

Eco-Village and Cohousing Assoc of New Zealand - EVCNZ
Eco-villages, etc.
English - New Zealand - At

Ecovillage at Findhorn
Ecovillage at Findhorn (Scotland)
Since 1980 the Findhorn Foundation and Community has been involved in the development of the ecovillage as a natural continuation of its work with nature. The Findhorn Ecovillage Project received Best Practice designation from the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) in 1998.
English - Country Living, United Kingdom, United Kingdom: Ecology - At

Global Ecovillage Network (GEN)
Global confederation of people, ecovillage networks, ecocenters and communities, including Auroville (India), Christiania (Denmark), Crystal Waters (Australia), Findhorn (Scotland), The Farm (USA), and many more.
English - Communities, Country Living - At

Other Power
A group of alternative energy enthusiasts who want to spread the message that It's easy to make your own power from scratch! They live in a remote part of the Northern Colorado mountains where all the houses run on only solar, wind, water and generator power, because these are the only options available and they refuse to move to town.
English - Renewable Energy, United States: Alternative Technology - At

Rosneath Farm (Australia)
English - Australia - At

The Farm
The Farm (USA)
Well-known cooperative, spiritual, country community and ecovillage, founded in 1971 by Stephen Gaskin and some hundreds of hippies, and based on the principles of nonviolence and a respect for the earth. In 1974, they founded the international development agency Plenty, also known as the hippie Peace Corps.
English - Communities, United States - At

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