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People in Action: Web Guide: Social Change: Society: Childhood  

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  Alternative Education
War Children
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Earth, the blue marble (west), by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth, Africa, from the Galileo spacecraft, by NASA/JPL Earth, India and Australia, from the Galileo spacecraft, by NASA/JPL Earth, view from Apollo 17, by NASA

Today's Website
Web link suggested today by People in Action

The Child Health Site
The Child Health Site - Help a Child in Need Lead a Healthy Life for Free
200,000 children die every week from preventable causes. Help save young lives. Please click once every day.
English - Developing Countries, Donate for Free - At

Websites about Childhood
Web links selected and commented by People in Action

Educate the Children
NGO founded in 1990 which conducts educational and community development projects, working in partnership with communities in Nepal.
English - Nepal - At

International non-profit network of thousands of kids through 17 years of age living in a large number of countries.
English, Catalan, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, etc. - At

Mith Samlanh (Friends) - Street Children in Cambodia
Cambodia's leading street children program, reaching out to over 1,500 children each day. Working with street children, their families and their community.
English - Cambodia - At

Save the Children
Save the Children
Poverty need not be a life sentence. Health and nutrition, education, economic opportunity, emergencies. In United States and a large number of developing countries.
English - Developing Countries, NGOs, Solidarity, United States: Developing Countries, United States: Solidarity - At

Sharing Foundation - Helping to Care for the Children of Cambodia
Non-profit charitable organization established to help meet the physical, emotional, educational and medical needs of orphaned and seriously disadvantaged children in Cambodia.
English - Cambodia - At

Uganda Children's Charity Foundation - UCCF
There is an orphan crisis in Uganda. Currently the country is home to nearly one million children under 15 who have lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS. UCCF was established in 1995 to care for orphans and other disadvantaged children in Uganda.
English - Uganda - At

UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.
English, French, Spanish - Developing Countries, United Nations - At

War Child
War Child International
A network of independent organizations working across the world helping the innocent victims of war.
English, Dutch - Human Rights, Peace, War Children - At

Other Sections on Childhood
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