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Andalusia: Organic Farming
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Jun 20, 1997 - 10:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Organic farming in Andalusia (Spain)

Guillaume C., from France, asks about organic food and farmers at El Rocío village (in Huelva province, of Andalusia region, Spain), near Doñana National Park. The following addresses (to request information) are mainly from the zone round El Rocío, that is to say Huelva, Seville and Cadiz provinces of Andalusia. See as well the Ecological Agriculture section (People in Action directory).

The first address is the closest one (Almonte village is 15 Km. from El Rocío):

Agroecología Doñana, S.L.
(Ecological fruits and vegetables)
c/ Vicente Aleixandre, 10, 1º
21730 ALMONTE (Huelva)
Tel. 959 - 45 06 56
Fax 959 - 45 06 56

Organic farming associations of Andalusia (Spain):

Comité Andaluz de Agricultura Ecológica - CAAE
Cortijo Cuarto Hinojo, s/n (Valdezorras)
Tel. 95 - 468 06 73 & 95 - 468 04 35

La Ortiga - Asociación de productores y consumidores de agricultura ecológica
Procurador, 19
Tel. 95 - 570 01 24

Umbela - Asociación para el desarrollo de la agricultura ecológica en Andalucía
Camino de las Torcas, 41
Tel. 958 - 65 81 11
Fax 958 - 82 44 87

Alcalde Fernández Heredia, 14
41710 UTRERA (Sevilla)
Tel. 95 - 487 39 01

Some organic farmers in Huelva, Cadiz and Seville (Andalusia, Spain):

José Moreno Sánchez
El Tortero
21291 GALAROZA (Huelva)

Hermann Muller
Las Quintas
11140 CONIL (Cádiz)

Asil Araber, S.A.
Finca La Cañada del Robledo
11650 VILLAMARTIN (Cádiz)
Tel. 956 - 15 54 01

La Verde, S.C.A.
Vistahermosa, 37
11650 VILLAMARTIN (Cádiz)
Tel. 956 - 73 10 33

Asociación Paz y Bien
Finca San Buenaventura
Camino de Oromana, s/n
41500 ALCALA DE GUADAIRA (Sevilla)
Tel. 95 - 568 31 30 & 95 - 470 21 30

La Flor del Barranco (cooperativa)
Alcalde A. Rueda, 130
41657 LOS CORRALES (Sevilla)
Tel. 95 - 274 62 91 & 95 - 291 76 22
Fax 95 - 274 62 91

Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Sevillana de Naranjas y Productos Hortofrutícolas
Cerro Blanco, 7
41700 DOS HERMANAS (Sevilla)

Peter Schirmeisen, El Canario
Finca Pino del Aguila
41510 MAIRENA DEL ALCOR (Sevilla)

Fiedrich August Lehmann
Clavel, 22
41330 LOS ROSALES (Sevilla)
Tel. 95 - 474 01 00

CUNA - Cultivos Naturales del Aljarafe, Soc. Cooperativa
Apartado de Correos 79
41800 SANLUCAR LA MAYOR (Sevilla)
Tel. 95 - 471 01 24

Richard Blatnik
Doce de Octubre, 8
Tel. 95 - 461 89 50

Jason Leveque
Apartado de Correos 643

La Tenienta
Carretera Nacional 333, Km. 72,5
41710 UTRERA (Sevilla)
Tel. 95 - 486 42 84

Julia Alexandra
Dec 21, 2000 - 12:11   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Please could anyone send me any info on organic nursery's to buy herb plants and trees I am looking for andalusian prov better still Malaga area.

Feb 15, 2001 - 14:19   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I am interested in working on an organic farm in Southern Spain this spring and summer. If there are any farms that need workers for this period please could you contact me:

Mar 20, 2001 - 17:37   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I am trying to get in contact with an organic farm in Andalusia, which I think is run by Agricola Mar Milnor. Can anyone help, have any details for this farm? I can be contacted on

wil westerhuis
Apr 26, 2001 - 09:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I would like to go on holiday in Spain. I eat only organic food. I would like to have information about places at the Costa del Sol (and Andalusia) where I can buy organic food (markets or supermarkets).And what products can I get there?

Peter Traves
Oct 03, 2001 - 08:42   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I am looking to source up to 30 tonnes of organic orange peel per year. Can you help ?

Oct 24, 2001 - 02:30   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I would like to work in Spain, preferably Andalusia, during the olive harvest. I will be in the country from jan-mar and I have lots of experience working on organic farms. I would also like to learn to make olive oil in a stone cold press. please e-mail me any suggestions of small farms that make their own olive oil. thank you

stephen coe
Nov 09, 2001 - 01:21   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
my friend and I are looking to do some work on any orgnic farms in the andalusian area in nov and dec??? any help would be gratefully received at accommodation info would be a welcome bonus


Julie Ring
Dec 30, 2001 - 01:35   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I am a professional chef looking for an organic farming or vineyard working experiance in Andalusia Spain. I need to be close to nature and involved with informative people who can appreciate a hard worker who is open to a cultural adventure. Looking to spend a year August 2002-2003.

Jan 02, 2002 - 12:51   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Olives and Almonds

I have bought a small cortijo in Andalusia. I have inherited a number of almond and olive trees which I want to farm and make the most of.

I want to farm completely organically, but have no experiance of these trees yet.

Any help you can provide would be hugely appreciated.

Kind regards & thanks


jeanne baxter
Feb 04, 2002 - 18:42   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I have currently moved to andalusia and would like to buy hay or haylage or silage for my horses and mixed horse feed, please contact me via email or telephone 01798 874982 and leave a message.

marian pupulas
Feb 07, 2002 - 17:23   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

soy chica australiana y busco trabajo (desde febrero 2002) en una granja organica en andalucia para cambiar dormir y comida. ahora estoy in orgiva (la alpujarra). prefiero vivir con gente espanol para practicar mi espanol. si tu tienes trabajo para mi o conoces personas que necesitan persona para trabajo, por favor enviame un email o llamame 661 038 308.

hablo ingles, griego, y bastante espanol, y soy profesora de ingles.

muchas gracias
marian pupulas

rozz cutler
Feb 17, 2002 - 12:57   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Hallo, i have bought some land near Perriana in Andalusia and will be moving from the u.k. at the end of April . We have an olive grove and a orchard with pears peaches, oranges ect. the soil is clay. I am unsure of the growing seasons and need information on planting pruneing ect. in southern Spain, and wonder if there are any good books or information leaflets, ways of finding locol groups ect. who are into organic gardening.
Are there any organic nurseries in the Malaga area.
Any communication on the above would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Please contact me via e.mail

christine Truong
Feb 22, 2002 - 19:03   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
We are planning to be in Sevilla from April 16 to April 19 for the Feria de Abril. We are looking for a bed and breakfast or farm stay in the surrounding area. Please help.

jenny fahy
Feb 24, 2002 - 22:28   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Myself, my partner and 3 yr old son are looking to visit granada region beginning of May for a couple of weeks. We would like to rent/stay somewhere nice and child friendly. If someone would have a nice space to rent out on their Organic farm let us know.Go raibh mhaith agat!

Feb 25, 2002 - 03:03   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I love farming.
I love animals!!!!!!

clare jackman
Apr 06, 2002 - 18:05   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

we are a british couple looking into purchasing an almond and olive farm-we are completely new to this but any information anybody could give us would be greatly appreciated

caroline juscha
Jul 22, 2002 - 12:59   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
soy carolina .
Soy de alemania y ahora soy en salamanca .
busco un job en andalucia ...

I would like to work on a farm .
Without paying .I just want have something where I can sleep

Scott Burns
Aug 18, 2002 - 04:12   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I too am looking for work in Spain. I would love to work on an organic farm. Not too concerned about wages, just need room, board and the presence of hispanohablantes whom I can practice my spanish with. Anything in Andulusia would be great. I will be in Spain starting in October. If you have any info, please write me at

Scott Burns

Sep 08, 2002 - 19:37   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Anyone needing help on organic farm in southern Spain, starting next year, in exchange for room and board. We would love to hear from you. We are a young English couple who would like to move to Spain.

Roy Butterfield
Oct 28, 2002 - 11:51   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
A couple I know are vaguely planning to sell their UK property and just float off to Spain with the idea they can afford a small olive farm that will support them (they're approaching 60 years old and not particularly fit). I'm trying to get a few facts that they can chew on - nett yearly profit per acre; an overview of pitfalls for an inexperienced grower working with temporary local labour; typical personal daily workload involved, etc.

Can anyone help with this?

Roy Butterfield (UK)

Megan Ryan
Nov 16, 2002 - 18:48   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I am a Canadian interested in doing work/trades on organic farms in southern Spain during the winter of 2002/2003. I would love to help with the olive or orange harvest etc.If you need any help please let me know. Regards, Megan

Thea Ridley
Dec 28, 2002 - 06:56   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I am a horticulturist currently working in Australia with citrus, grapes, and maize. I have a great interest in organic and biodynamic food production and would like to work in an olive grove in Spain. I am very fit and would be keen to take part in all aspects of production, from general grove management, harvesting and oil pressing.
Those interested in further information or my resume may contact me via my email address.
Thea Ridley.

Jenny Fortune
Jan 20, 2003 - 17:11   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I own an organic orange grove in Andalucia and will need help picking oranges for the local co-operative this Easter 2003. Food and lodging provided in idyllic spot with easy access to the sea and Granada.

Feb 08, 2003 - 10:25   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

we are two british couples looking into purchasing either an almond/olive/fruit tree farm in Spain. We are completely new to this but any information anybody could give us would be greatly appreciated

Colm Corcoran
Mar 27, 2003 - 16:02   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
If you are looking for Finca ...?

We have a selection of properties in Southern Spain, suitable for Organic and Permaculture projects, and would be delighted to assist you in your property requirements, or just to provide advise.


Colm Corcoran

Apr 25, 2003 - 11:32   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I am looking for work in Southern Spain. I am 27 years old and will consider anything straight/legal, Bar work, fruit picking, cleaning etc. I am staying in Riogordo and am a car owner. Please reply to Catherine.

Eve Hannah
May 02, 2003 - 03:30   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Soy Eve y quiero trabajar y vivir en Las Alpujarras, Granada.En una granja organica o un ranchero caballo. Estoy en Irlanda a el momento. Por favor enviame un email. Gracias.

hi i am Eve, i want to work & live in Las Alpujarras, Granada area. Organic gardening or a horse ranch. I have a lot of experience & i work hard. Please contact me by email. I am currently in Ireland. thank you..

Jun 10, 2003 - 18:06   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I am from Croatia and I would like to volunteer in Andalucia (on the organic, agriculture farm if possible) for aproximatly three weeks, sometime in october
Can anybody sent me any information or an useful link
Thank you

Sheikh Sultan
Aug 24, 2003 - 20:35   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Spanish Olive Farming Consultant Required
Please email if you can help.

Sep 19, 2003 - 10:58   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Hi my name is Unnur and I´m staying on the Costa del Sol area now for a few months. I eat only organic and I´m having a lot of troble finding stores or markets that sell organic food! Can you please be so kind to let me know of places that you know sell organic foods or farms that I could visit to get my fruts and vegtebles at.
Thank you,

Lily Lewison
Nov 11, 2003 - 16:51   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Hello. I am an American student planning to spend February-May 2004 in Spain. I will study the Spanish language for a while but I would also like to spend a month or so volunteering and helping on an organic farm in the Andalusia region. I care about the environment and I work very hard. Please let me know of any opportunities.

joanna rich
New User

Registered: Aug 2004
Post Number: 1
Aug 17, 2004 - 21:55   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Me and a friend are going to be looking for work in spain for the month of september 04 after we fininsh a spanish course in Barcelona.
WE WILL GO ANYWHERE AND DO ANYTHING. We are both young and hard working, and would work for food and board if necessary.

if anyone knows of anywhere that would need people, or anything about the fruit picking season in spain and how is the best way to go about finding this kind of work please let me know.

thanks joanna x

luis cabezas
New User

Registered: Mar 2006
Post Number: 1
Mar 07, 2006 - 09:13   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

If you are looking for a job in Andalusia or you want to visit us, you must visit in section classifieds.


May 16, 2013 - 19:21   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
SERIOUS ... Anyone out there wants to invest in Organic Farm in Andalusia/Spain with me? I'll be cooking organic and I owned/worked in restaurants/cafes including south of Turkey/Marmaris "deja vu" since 1972.. My food is most delicious organic new/old artisan food... Of course, Tango/salsa/bellydance/flamenco is to complete the whole frame.. Message me.. or here.. (market/beachside cafe opportunity later on ).. At the moment I reside and live in USA and I am citizen of USA.. I believe I have an opportunity to re-enter Spain since my great ancestors came from there.. SALUTE

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