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Earth, South America, from the Galileo spacecraft, by NASA/JPL Earth, the blue marble (west), by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth, the blue marble (east), by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth, Pacific Ocean, from the Galileo spacecraft, by NASA/JPL

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John Allan
Sep 23, 1997 - 10:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Online Democracy

You are invited to a Presentation on

"Electronic Democracy and the WWW: Building Sustainable Communities on the New Frontier"

TUESDAY 23rd September 97, 7pm for a 7.30pm start (RSVP)
Global Cafe, 15 Golden Square, London W1.
200 yds from Piccadilly Circus.

Speaker: Steven L. Clift, Director of Democracies Online


Short Biography:

Steven Clift is the Director of the new "Democracies Online" project and Co-Editor of the G7 Government Online and Democracy White Paper which will be released this fall.

In 1994, he started "Minnesota E-Democracy", a not for profit, non-partisan organisation which established the world's first election-oriented WWW site. From December 1994, through to July 1997, he co-ordinated the State of Minnesota's Government Online North Star Project which recently received state sponsorship to the tune of $1m from the Minnesota Legislature.

Through the establishment of Democracies Online, he will now focus on broader opportunities and challenges related to the convergence of democracy and the Internet, acting as consultant to governments and communities worldwide.

This will be the ONLY opportunity for Press, Media and campaigners to meet with this pioneer of Electronic Democracy on the WWW during his current European Tour.

A PowerPoint slide show by Mr Clift, about this matter can be downloaded from:

Mr Clift's Home Page:
Democracies Online


STOP PRESS: A "World First" Freedom of Information Act

First Government supported Online Consultation will be announced by UK Citizens' Online Democracy.

For an excellent example of innovative UK citizen-based online democracy, visit the UK Citizens' Online Democracy site at


STOP PRESS: This event will be webcast internationally LIVE over the internet to a potnetial audience of over 20,000. An innovative practice being developed at Global Cafe

Sponsorship by:

International Webcasting Association at

VirginNet at

We are pleased to announce that Virgin Net have kindly agreed to provide us with the audio feed which will enable us to Webcast this event internationally over the WWW from 7.30pm London Time on Tuesday 23/9/97.

Interested parties please contact for further details.

Virgin Net are committed to the establishment of UK electronic communities.

STOP PRESS: London Internet Conference on Electronic Democracy at:$webb.exe

Please register your interest and join our discussion.

Mr Clift's tour will take him to:

Friday, 12/9/97 - Civic Networks Today, Leicester - A half day seminar on Net Impact on Local Government.
"Building Civic Life on the New Frontier"

Wednesday 17/9/97 - Electronic Democracy Conference - CIRA University of Teeside.

Saturday 21/9/97 - Edinburgh

Thursday to Saturday 25,26,27/9/97 - European Symposium on Democracy and Multimedia - A 3 day conference in Paris.

Further information Global Cafe T:0171 287 2242

Please forward

Steve G.
Jun 22, 1998 - 10:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Radical tweaking of our political system.

Free candy if you visit my web site - Steve

Link: Attacking Dogmatism : Our Social / Political / Economic Spiral

Ron Libby
Aug 10, 1999 - 10:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
New Columbia University Press book--"Eco-Wars"

CUP has just published a new ecology politics book entitled "Eco-Wars: Political Campaigns and Social Movements" by Ronald Libby. "E/The Environmental Magazine" recently reviewed the book. The review can be accessed at Cheers

Jeanette Wallis
Oct 17, 2001 - 01:16   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Help Needed for "The Walk For Democracy"

Hello, all! My name's Jeanette Wallis, and I've spent the last 6 months of my life walking across America for Democracy. I started collecting "grievances" (hand-written notes to the President) in Seattle, and left on April 1st to collect more from my fellow Americans and deliver them personally to the White House. There are many reasons to do such a nutty thing, but most important to me was to give people HOPE. I understand that feeling of powerlessness and apathy - which is why I hope to demonstrate that even one person, despite impossible odds, can make a difference.

The problem is, my odds are overwhelmingly against me at the moment. After the 9/11 tragedy, I took a break in Logan, Utah after walking 1,050 miles. I was devastated by the event, but I was also concerned that my message would be terribly misunderstood in this difficult time. I came here to Portland, Or to do some fundraising (donations ceased completely after 9/11), but have not been able to find work. I am penniless and without a support driver for the difficult winter months through Colorado and Nebraska. I don't qualify for any grants, being an "individual" (which is truly a shame - why NOT support courageous individual action?!), and the dozens of letters to foundations and organizations which might support me have gone unanswered.

Don't get me wrong, though! I fully anticipated more difficulties than even this. When you take on a task like mine, you must be prepared to encounter difficulties. I'm posting here precisely because I refuse to give up. One of these times, I am confident the exact right person is going to read one of my posts. Is it here? Who can say - but if there IS a person out there who would find value in helping me as a support driver or with a small monetary donation (every a tiny bit helps at this point!), please e-mail me. I look forward to ANY correspondence. Please check out my webpage for more information about my walk -

Blessings to you all!

Nov 24, 2001 - 22:37   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
International Constitution

The world leaders are 'at the whim of the mores' meaning there are more of us than there are of them. The problem is we have never been able to agree on anything. If we can stand as one in favor of a thing then we will get it.

O.I.C. and G.S.P. (Global Standards Policy)

- Instate internationally based infinite source treasury

- Replace armies with police to eliminate all possiblities of war

- Legalize vice activities in adult resort areas

- Ban taxation and nuclear weapons in every country

- Increase workers pay while decreasing work hours

- Upgrade the standard of living with amazing new architecture

Your help is needed!

A few people are already involved, but we need many more. All that is asked of you is that you read the documents then contact me if you want to help spread word of this International Revolution.

Online Activists Wanted

You can make a difference!

David Joseph Brideau aka BiFrost

aka Frosty The Snowman

Nov 29, 2001 - 20:56   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Architecture for The New Earth

We are on the brink of an evolutionary leap. As beasts of burden we have been for the most part, many oppressed, some starve...

What if this planet was transformed by a miracle? Consider the possiblity that all workers could be paid directly from an infinite source internationally based treasury.

Pay could be increased, work hours could be reduced. The struggle to make ends meet replaced by simple but effective industrial improvements.

Our International Constitution and Global Standards Policy have been written. Their aim is to not only ban nuclear weapons in every part of the world but to end what is actually slavery.

Using a perfected version of the polygraph machine the crime rate is reduced. The quality of life is enriched past what the wealthy at present currently are in possession of, and is equal for all.

Please read O.I.C. and G.S.P. and see for yourself. These prophetic blueprints fulfill scripture and allow humanity to enter into a bright new future. One free of lack and danger.

David Hyman
New User

Registered: Jul 2004
Post Number: 2
Jul 16, 2004 - 18:01   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Become part of the most powerful grassroots campaign in American history by joining Americans Overseas for John Kerry Spain. AOK Spain is grassroots campaign working to mobilize the over 120,000 American citizens living in Spain to do all they can to make sure 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. has a new tenant come January, 2005.

We need volunteers to organize events, voter registration drives, and find creative ways to get Americans living in Spain involved in the upcoming election.

Contact David Hyman @ or call him @ 91 308 23 35 to join our team!

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