Heads up meditators (Sahaj Marg) Sahaj Marg (Shri Ram Chandra Mission) on other Religions... On other Religions, although Sahaj Marg claims to "erase Samskaras" (imprint on the soul), in a speech in Denmark in Nov. 2005, the current Master stated that abhyasis were lucky. If they were in religion, he said, they would have to go to church and "you know", tell lies in that "wonderful place called the confessional". Lord, forgive me for what I have done this week. And there would be an equally sinful priest on the other side of the curtain saying, In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I absolve you of your sins. Something that according to Chariji, he has no power to do. No man on earth has power, he states, to absolve you of your sins except two people: one, oneself, and the other, God. In between there is nobody who can do it, he stated. Then he added, that is why religion is useless, that is why religion has failed. Thats why, the Master stated, the abhyasis are all there, not in church. ...and later: Chariji stated that he was no Christ, ("you know" , to crucify himself on the cross for all of them. Did they think Christ was a wise man, he asked, that he (Christ) became crucified so that forever and ever after humanity would be absolved of its sins? "I dont think so", he said. It gave people more license for indulgence. But after all, he said, they have been forgiven two thousand years ago for what they are going to do today, what their children were going to do ten years hence. He said that he did not think he (Christ) was wise. According to Chariji,he (Christ)left no room, no incentive for human beings to change, become moral, become spiritual. He said that they were all happy that they had a Christ who got crucified. He added that none of us weep for Christ and that we were happy. God bless him, we say, which is another blasphemy. He then said that the abhyasis need blessings, not Christ. At a preceptors' seminar in January, 2001, Chariji stated: "In the Indian scene, the Hindus and Hinduism is corrupt. God is personified as somebody who can be bribed with gifts, with so called prasads - offering temptation of Heaven which fact Babuji emphasized in His teachings, saying that religions depends on two instruments - temptation and fear." "I am afraid that Sahaj Marg is suffering in this way because even when Christian people become abhyasis and preceptors, they somehow, somewhere along the way seem to lose this idea of love, charity, compassion, faith and become preceptors. So what Spirituality offers and can deliver, our priesthood, I would categorize you as, say temporarily as priesthood - they destroy." Written in the Sahaj Marg material: ABHYASI'S QUESTION:"..... "Why do I have to give up my existing religious practices....." MASTER'S ANSWER: "All religious practice involve the worship of God as being outside us. It is called Bahya Upachara in Sanskrit. Spirituality puts God where HE really is - inside the human heart, and indeed at the heart of every created thing, as Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita. One cannot mix the two. In the Vedas Murthy Pooja is called the lowest form of worship. Mantra is only a way of pleasing the mind, and bhajans please the senses, while giving the illusion of being a form of worship. I trust that this will be satisfactory. If people have more questions, they should be encouraged to read the Gita slowly, and try to understand it. Love to all." According to the teaching of this system, God is simple, and therefore, the way to reach Him must be simple. On the Nature of the Divine, when asked why in all the written material, God was referred to as "Him", Chariji replied: "God is Male, Nature is female." SMRTI Research this topic at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahaj_Marg or at: Websites of associations with similar or same lineage as Shri Ram Chandra Mission: * Insitute for Ram Chandra Consciousness (ISRC) * Yogabhyas * Naqsh MuMRa Blogs of dissociated, questioning and/or ex-abhyasis: * Inner Circle of SRCM-USA * Poxy SRCM- Switzerland * Mielk - A French Analysis- France-Fr. & Eng. * The Desperate Abhyasi-France-Fr. & Eng. Safely tucked inside the ONE God where we live. Don |