| El Pueblo: I wanted to respond to the latest posting (Dclinch). First, I wanted to address the question of "U.S. inspired." I wish it were that simple. It is compelling to blame the United States for everything. The system producing the golpe del estado, unfortunately, is not a single cause explanation. It is complex. Second, I'd like to address the issue of fascism. The National Party is socialist. They are, unfortunately, National Socialist. They are not fascist exactly for example in the sense of Franco. That, too, is several very complex systems. I, too, mix the ideologies sometimes as I am far from perfect. Third, and probably the most difficult, is how Victor Jara died. It was horrible beyond belief. No one should ever die that way. I've been to Estadio Chile (now Estadio Victor Jara) and have felt how the place feels. It was a horrible experience producing nightmares for several weeks therafter. My heart broke. I felt it. However, and this is the hard part, how Victor Jara lived is more important. His wife, Joan Jara, said he was an ordinary man (Buy her book, it is worth it.). Being himself was what he did. He was extraordinarily ordinary in a way inspiring to us all. Would that I could be as ordinary as this wonderful common man. Eric J. Lindblom, PhD Viva Victor Jara ahora y siempre. |