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Mahatma Gandhi
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Earth, the blue marble (east), by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth, the blue marble (west), by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth, South America, from the Galileo spacecraft, by NASA/JPL Earth, view from Apollo 11, by NASA

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Mar 24, 2004 - 04:26   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Alright I have an important research paper coming up soon and i've done some preliminary research on Mahatma Gandhi and just wanted to see if i was in the ball park with my observations (as to not completely misinterpret this man's message).
The topic I have chosen is as follows : Which system of government is superior as a means of achieving economic and/or social justice?

Obviously he felt that India should have their own rule, and I take it he wanted a democracy (although there seems to be some conflicting socialist and even communist-like philosophy). At this point I get confused. I completely understand his means of India reaching its own rule...via non-violence, non-cooperation, etc. But what I'm a bit confused with is what type of government he'd want in place whent they became free. I've read of his village-system like philosophy where it would create self-sufficent villages and therefor state, but there seems to be some conflicting interests. He wrote in some places that he felt industry and technology should be controlled so that India would benefit everyone down to the last person, therefor I gather he was against capitolism.
I'm not sure if anyone will see this in time, but if you could clear this up somewhat or point me in some type of a direction, I would greatly appreciate it! My e-mail is or you could post a reply as I will be checking up!
Thank You!

shyam dash
Jul 17, 2007 - 19:16   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
You said:
Hi,I congratulate you for mahatma gandhi photographs . I understand that you are a gandhi lover. I can give you a link where you can find a temple . named "GANDHIMANDIR'" .A temple where mahatma gandhi worshiped as GOD . .If you are true GANDHI LOVER please visit the site
please intimate me if you have visited or ont. i have also upload some photographs in my page you can go there but the detail of information is on the site thanks
shyam dash

S. Lim-Hussain
Sep 10, 2007 - 05:43   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I'm doing a essay on Gandhi for school- just wondering if anyone had any ideas on this topic they wanted to share-

Was it Gandhi's civil disobedience and passive resistance that led to India's emancipation from the British, or was it his appeal to the British Christian values?

I know that it is easy for us to look at the British rulers as the ultimate "evil oppressors", but if we think about it, would Gandhi's methods of passive resistance have worked under an even more tyrannic ruling force?

For example, would Gandhi's ideals have worked under a communist government? A dictatorship? A society that didn't follow the just teachings of Christ, and therefore didn't feel compelled to be somewhat guilty?

Maybe Gandhi and his supporters would have been completely shut down under any other government.

Please let me know what you think...

Other Sections on Mahatma Gandhi
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Gandhi, Mahatma - Web Guide

Gandhi Today
Gandhi Today - The Story of Mahatma Gandhi's Successors
Online book (full text), by Mark Shepard.
English - Online Books - At

More websites in the section Mahatma Gandhi...

Gandhi, Mahatma - Books

The Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi
The Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi
Gandhi, the greatest advocate of non-violence, gives his interpretation of the sacred work that contains the essence of Hindu wisdom and philosophy. This volume includes his Gita text and commentary together in their entirety.
Information and shopping at: Amazon (US), Powell's (US), Amazon (UK), Amazon (Canada)
English - Hinduism

Gandhi, Mahatma - DVDs

Gandhi   New
The life of Mahatma Gandhi, and his message of peace. Director: Richard Attenborough. Cast: Ben Kingsley, Candice Bergen, Edward Fox, John Gielguld, Trevor Howard, John Mills, Martin Sheen, Roshan Seth... Music: George Fenton, Ravi Shankar. UK, USA, India, 1982. 8 Oscars, including Best Picture.
Information and shopping at: Amazon (US), Amazon (UK), Amazon (Canada)
English, French, Spanish, etc. - DVD, India, People

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