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Jacques-Yves Cousteau
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Earth, the blue marble (east), by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth, the blue marble (west), by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth, view from Apollo 17, by NASA Earth, India and Australia, from the Galileo spacecraft, by NASA/JPL

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Mar 20, 1998 - 11:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Links

[Equipe Cousteau] L'Equipe Cousteau / The Cousteau Society. (In French and English). & & & &

[Cousteau] Jacques-Yves Cousteau. (In English). & & & & &

Jacques-Yves Cousteau. (In French). & & & & cousteau.html

Jacques-Yves Cousteau. (In Spanish). & & cousteau.html

Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Interview. (In English).

People in Action - Ecology

People in Action
Mar 21, 1998 - 11:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Autobiography and thought

[Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Book]

Jacques-Yves Cousteau: "L'homme, la pieuvre et l'orchidée" / "My Testament - Man, Octopus and Orchid". (Autobiography and thought). & & &
Editions Robert Laffont (France); Clarkson Potter Publishers (USA).

People in Action - Ecology

Lucio Gonzalez
Jan 02, 1999 - 11:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Re: Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Autobiography and thought

I want a big size Jacques Cousteau, please ¡HELP ME!

Diego Lurati
Feb 11, 1999 - 11:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Re: Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Links

please send me information about jacques to

Donald Perry
Sep 11, 1999 - 10:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Re: Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Links

What happened exactly at Tadoussac,Quebec with the whales. What I saw on the tv shocked me. I am sure there must be a logical reason for getting so close to those whales .

Respectfully Yours

Don Perry

Shannon Myers
Sep 14, 1999 - 10:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Re: Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Autobiography and thought

I am doing a personality analysis on Cousteau for my psychology research project. I need help finding some more info on this fascinating man. Please e-mail websites, book titles, or even info if you already have it!! Thanks

Nov 09, 1999 - 11:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Re: Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Autobiography and thought

I am currently doing research on Jacques-Yves Cousteau. I have done general background research and reading for five weeks. I will now continue to research focusing on primary source documents concerning the philosophy & long-term impact of Cousteau. Would you be able to assist me by sending me primary source Cousteau links?

Geert Grijpma
Apr 11, 2009 - 06:19   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Wishing everybody a good day and nice eastern,

I' am looking at the tv-serie here in the Netherlands of Jacques Cousteau in New Zeeland.

Now I have a question, maybe stupid, but you hear and see so many opinions how mankind influences the nature troughout the world.

Life is found many kilometers unther the earth surface so I think that when mankind is distinguished by a nuclair war or by a meteoryte or something it wil come back...

But with the polution ? Maybe it will find its way deep in to earth too?

I suggest that when somebody goes to all the same places as your father and brothers did you can make a very good comparisation based on facts and with strong point wat we are doing to the world.. Is this allready done?

Excuse my English but my French is even more bad...☺

Many thanks for the good work and all the pleasures de work of your family and all other people gave. I think its a shame the crocodileman has past a way so unlucky by a fish and know for sure that it maybe had not happened if he had been their with you. His films are entertaining but I thing the profesional approuche and the respect of the Cousteau projects will stand out for a long long time..

Sencirely yours

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Cousteau, Jacques-Yves - Web Guide

Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Jacques Cousteau (CNN)
Jacques-Yves Cousteau, 1910-1997. With videos, sounds, etc.
English - Ecology, France, Nature Conservation, People - At

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