Wishing everybody a good day and nice eastern, I' am looking at the tv-serie here in the Netherlands of Jacques Cousteau in New Zeeland. Now I have a question, maybe stupid, but you hear and see so many opinions how mankind influences the nature troughout the world. Life is found many kilometers unther the earth surface so I think that when mankind is distinguished by a nuclair war or by a meteoryte or something it wil come back... But with the polution ? Maybe it will find its way deep in to earth too? I suggest that when somebody goes to all the same places as your father and brothers did you can make a very good comparisation based on facts and with strong point wat we are doing to the world.. Is this allready done? Excuse my English but my French is even more bad...☺ Many thanks for the good work and all the pleasures de work of your family and all other people gave. I think its a shame the crocodileman has past a way so unlucky by a fish and know for sure that it maybe had not happened if he had been their with you. His films are entertaining but I thing the profesional approuche and the respect of the Cousteau projects will stand out for a long long time.. Sencirely yours |