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Buddhist monks at a rally against the Iraq war, Washington DC, by Elvert Barnes Spirituality, just after sunset on a full moon night, Myanmar, by Sara Heinrichs Buddha closeup, by Henning Buchholz Monks at Angkor Wat, Cambodia, by Oli Young

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May 23, 2001 - 23:44   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Coming from the Tibetan Buddhism side of things, I'd like to suggest a practice that may help you. Buddhism says that when we purify our mind, the true nature, or GOD in the sense of ultimate truth if you will, appears.

First of all, chant the mantra aloud or in your heart -

Om guru lin sun siddhi hum
siddhi sounds like "sid ee"

and visualise pure white light continuously flashing down on you, all over your body and penetrating into the core of your body and mind and filling it with pure white light. All the negative emotions, thoughts, desires, karma etc. exits your body through all the hair pores of your body as black smoke and rise to the sky where they dissolve into emptiness.

This practice is a very powerful way to purify your mind and body, making you peaceful and calm, with equanimity.

Actually, you may get some kind of result straight away but in any case, if you persevere with this practice, it can have a tremendous, beneficial effect on your heart and mind (also body because of improved health), effecting a great positive transformation, where we have the volition and power to overcome self-limiting beliefs and behaviour and manifest all that is good and pure within us.

Best wishes,

Sep 17, 2003 - 09:35   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Dear all,

I would like to inform you the new University which offers the
Bechelor degree of Buddhism, Dhammakaya Open University, California.
The mode of study is distance education via various materials ie., Books,
VCD and Internet. The course is focus on the subject related to the in-
deepth Buddhism Religion for example, Law of Karma, meditation
technique, the science to be Lord Buddha, Universology etc.

Should you need more information of this university, Pls. visit the
web site

Sincerely Yours,
Rittirong Chindamai

Dipendra Hamal
Jan 15, 2005 - 14:19   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Dear Friends,

I would like to inform you that we have launched a new website on Tibetan Buddhism Teachings by Tibetan lamas. Its a nice resource for people interested in Buddhism. Please have a look at if you find time.

Many thanks team

Adam Taylor
New User

Registered: Apr 2004
Post Number: 2
Aug 10, 2005 - 23:48   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism

Members of the SGI practice the Buddhism taught by Nichiren, a 13th Century Japanese priest whose philosophy centered around the final teaching of the first historically recognized Buddha (known as Siddhartha Gautama or Shakyamuni Buddha). This teaching, called the Lotus Sutra, declares that all living beings have the potential to attain enlightenment or Buddhahood.

Enlightenment is an awakening to the true nature of life, including the profound realization of the interconnectedness of all things — the inseparable relationship between the individual and the environment and the ability of each human being to powerfully influence both. This realization leads the individual to assume personal responsibility for his or her own condition of life and for that of the environment.

This responsibility is furthered by an understanding of the simultaneity of cause and effect. Each thought, word and deed has an immediate effect both on the individual and on his or her environment.

The goal SGI members try to achieve is to manifest Buddhahood, or enlightenment, in their lives, which will tap their creative potential as individuals and, in so doing, create thriving and peaceful families, work places and communities. The eventual goal is, through the gradual "human revolution" of the individual, to create peace and prosperity in societies throughout the world.

For more information go to

Bill Savoie
Oct 08, 2005 - 04:43   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
The 15-th Alabama Enlightenment Intensive !
Facilitators: Bill and Joanne Savoie will be co-leaders
Location: Elk River State Lodge 35 miles west of Huntsville Alabama.
Dates: Friday November 4, 2005, Saturday, and ending Sunday 9 pm.

Note: We request people be at an 8 pm introductory talk Thursday night before the official start of the Intensive. ( This year we have the building from 4 pm so you can come Thursday before dark. You can also stay overnight Sunday. Official checkout is at noon Monday so you can avoid night driving.)

Cost: $225 to $275. If you pay six weeks before the Intensive (September 15) the Cost is $225. The cost after is $275. This covers everything - food, lodging, fresh towels, hot showers, three square vegetarian meals and two snacks per day served by a full time cook. (The price difference covers the deposit that is needed early and allows us to more efficiently order food supplies and plan meals. The state lodge does not allow cancellation during the last 45 days.)

Facilities: There is room for 20 participants. We will have beautiful isolated woods near a large river. It is very peaceful. You will be fed vegetarian food to allow you to reach a very natural balance with your body. If you are absolutely hooked on coffee - bring some instant and try to taper off.

Location: From Hunstville travel west on 72. When you cross I-65 the lodge is 16.5 miles away. Continue on high Way 72 until you see Lucy's Branch Marina on the left. On the right is a road and a sign for the Elk River Group Lodge. Turn right off hw-72 and drive down the hill. A state bait store is on the left but stay straight. Go up the hill 300 feet and turn left into the lodge parking lot. You will see a car with a "dyad" plate. Welcome!

Information: Contact Bill or Joanne Savoie for details. P.O. Box 891 Guntersville AL 35976-0891 Phone: (256) 505-4443. Email: Bill or Joanne at also see our web site at

Alabama is a wonderful state for Enlightenment Intensives - beautiful state parks - near rivers, lakes and airports. We can provide you with transportation to and from the airport. Come to the beauty of Alabama and integrate yourself/life/another in a state of mutual respect and love.

John C. Kimbrough
Mar 25, 2006 - 04:10   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Jesus and The Buddha: Closer Then We Think

It has been interesting to see, both having lived around a Christian theology and tradition of how to live our life in the west, meaning the United States, and around a Buddhist theology and tradition of how to live our live in the East, meaning Thailand, how the founders of each of these spiritual practices seem to be perceived as being so far away from who and how we perceive ourselves as mere mortals and human beings.

In both life contexts, we find that on many occasions, both Jesus and The Buddha are looked at as Gods who are certainly put on a high pedestal, seem far removed from the daily routines and challenges of mankind, and many times are only looked at in times of need, greed, confusion, trouble and crisis.

We sometimes seem to forget that both of them were men who worked and had relationships, saw suffering in the world, and we assume themselves, and came upon a way to live that promoted harmony both within oneself and with others.

It is also sometimes worth noting that Jesus was crucified while he was still a young man while The Buddha lived to be an elderly age before passing on.

Does this mean that Jesus may have undergone a transformation leading to greater wisdom had he lived longer?

Does it also imply that some of his actions while he was alive may have been given without much thought as to their consequences?

Was his destiny to really die on the cross as God’s son or could he have acted in a manner that would have in the long run been wiser?

And there are many Christian theologians who think that it was Paul, not Jesus, who was really responsible for the spread of Christian teachings and the development of the Christian Church.

The Buddha, as he is related to in the traditional Buddhist contexts that this writer has found himself in, seems to be thought of as a God or someone who is in the heavens or some other supernatural or mystical environment.

He is seldom thought of as being a man who through his own investigation and effort achieved enlightenment and the two major characteristics of that enlightenment, wisdom and compassion.

The point of all of this is that we may be putting ourselves at a disadvantage when we think of these two men as being Gods and so far removed from where we are, and how and what we are.

They both provided us with their teachings, not to worship them in times of distress, need, or greed, but to emulate them in how to think, speak and act, so that we could become like them.

This does not mean that we become objects of worship by others or think of ourselves as being special or more enlightened then others.

What it does mean is that we can achieve the same state of mind and consciousness as they did, and within that state, live a life where we are a light to both to ourselves and to others.

Jesus and the Buddha are closer then we think, and in fact are within our very being on a day to day basis, but we have to be mindful and sincerely committed to accessing and cultivating their energy and wisdom.

It means putting aside our own ego and various attachments and aversions.

It means that we look at our own attitudes in the light of what they taught us and making changes and adjustments as needed.

It means having the ability to see that we have made mistakes in our life and in our perceptions of others.

It means that we benefit when we are accountable for our actions and take some time to explain about or apologize for our words and actions to others.

It means that we acknowledge the good in others instead of focusing on what we perceive as being the bad in them.

It means that we spend sometime making a wise self – examination of ourselves, not from a place of shame or guilt, but with the intention of understanding and developing ourselves further.

When we can live a life in this manner, we will find that Jesus and The Buddha are closer then what we have been led to think and believe in the past.

In fact, we will find that they are walking with and in us on a day to day basis.

©2006 John C. Kimbrough

John C. Kimbrough
Mar 25, 2006 - 04:12   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Buddhists Are Ambassadors for The Buddha and His Teachings

To say that “I am a Buddhist”, or “I am a Christian” can sometimes be something that is said with an air of pride, and can almost be said arrogantly at times, like because one is a Buddhist or Christian, they are somehow special, should call attention to themselves, or more enlightened then others.

Such an attitude would be incorrect, as what being a Buddhist, Christian or Yoga practitioner does not involve is a puffed up or an arrogant pride, but instead humility and simplicity and seeing oneself as one of many, not one among many.

Having had considerable experience with both Christians and Buddhists in my life, I have been at times disappointed by the contrast between what a person says that they are or thinks of themselves as being, and how they speak and act in their interactions and in expressing their views about others.

If we want to think of ourselves as being a Buddhist, we want to try and live our life as agents or ambassadors of the Buddha, just as if we say that we are a Christian, we want to try and live our life as agents or ambassadors of Jesus.

This does not mean that we proclaim our religion or spiritual discipline to all, but that we learn and understand how to think, feel, speak and act according to the teachings of these enlightened beings.

Our objective is not only to serve as they asked us to, but to, though serving, work to achieve the things that they did, those being non – violence in thought, word and action, loving kindness and compassion.

As this writer frequently points out, these are also the three foundations for the practice of Yoga.

Sadly, because of our own ignorance, lack of interest in making any kind of sustained or sincere effort, the sensual impingements that television and the world throw our way and our own at times confused and conflicting conditioning, we many times do not really understand what is involved in the practice of the religious or spiritual discipline that we think or say that we follow and practice.

And unfortunately, many times those who have some authority or influence over us may in their ignorance ridicule us for our interest in these things, which may confuse us further, or harden our resolve, or make us angry or resentful to them.

People seldom seem to in this world want to sit down and really learn about and understand how another person thinks and feels about something.

What Buddhism, Christianity and Yoga can provide us with are a direction with which to use the energy of our being, which is for many of us better then the at times confused desires and feelings that we have and experience.

We can easily become and be confused about what it means to be a man, a woman or a human being.

We may be unsure about what our duties and responsibilities are to ourselves, our family, our friends, our community and the world as a whole.

We may not know how to deal with day to day thoughts, feelings and experiences. Should we do this, or should we wait until later, or should we ignore them all together?

Religious and spiritual disciplines are there to assist us in figuring out things, not further confuse us.

If we are going to proclaim ourselves to be Christians, or Buddhists, or Yoga practitioners, we want to be able to make our thoughts, words and actions ones that are wise and compassionate.

©2006 John C. Kimbrough

Jul 05, 2006 - 19:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Dear Friends,
Buddhism Practise is not only religious but it enables a person to truly understand him. There are many practices and to master these practices will take more than 1 life to complete. However there is one mantra that is very effective
You have to stay on the meditating pose and chant "Om Aah Hu, Bajra Guru Pema Sate Hu" this is said to be the mantra used by one of the bodhisattva. i strongly suggest people to try this. For more information on Buddhism and Buddha statues log on to
If you have any question mail it to I'll be honoured to answer it.

Thank you

richard durham
Sep 30, 2007 - 12:25   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I am from Washington state ,and am trying desperatly to find a way to the celebration Oct.16th 07 in wash.D.C..
The u.s. is giving his Holiness a gift in reconition of his great patient's and peacfull
dealing's with the chinese in hopes of a meaningfull and open dialogue concerning present Tibetan affair's.I'm 60 yrs.old and a Buddhist
and feel that this is the last chance I will probably have to see his Holiness.
Any group that is going and has room for one more I would most happily pay my share of gas and any other cost's.I no it's scary now day's to pick up stranger's ,But Im willing to give any info. you need to check me out.Any body at all going to this event from Washington state I would be most happy if you could us the company and gas for the long ride to D.C. Tashi Delek and Best Whishes

Richard Durham

Oct 01, 2007 - 04:22   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Dear Fellow Buddhists,

I am new to the whole message board thing. I am from the United States of America and am helping to spread the word on a large project underway in Bhutan that I am happy to say, "I am a part of". It is being undertaken by "The Buddha Dordenma Image Foundation" ( or ( This Foundation was founded by His Eminence Trizin Tsering Rimpoche. It is a wonderful project to preserve the Buddhist traditions and ways of life in one of the last Buddhist kingdoms left on earth. I hope at least one person will read this and look at the websites that I provided. We need funding for this project, and any amount (no matter how little) will help tremendously, as it can be hard to find any such funding for a project such as this !!! There are payment options on the sites that I posted. Please spread the word to anyone who you may know that has any interest in the preservation of Buddhism or it's meaning to civilization for future generations to come. May all sentinent beings live in peace, harmony, and with whole-hearted compassion.


Dawn Moreno
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Registered: Sep 2009
Post Number: 4
Sep 14, 2009 - 23:08   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Gosh, I'm amongst like-minded people here. I do agree that Buddha and Christ have many similarities. I'm trying to get more into meditation, and I feel that chanting is a wonderful practice. I will try the chant suggested here on this thread.


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