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Oct 10, 1999 - 10:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


This is a posting made in LOVE SHACK about censorship happening now in AOL. All readers concerned with net rights might find this very interesting.

Hi Everyone,

This topic is not only very relevant 2 Love Shack, because it affects every posting made here, but it is also very important 2 everyone on AOL and everyone outside it who's interested in our collective right of free expression. This is my first ever topic introduction and this posting itself may well be censored (so U had better download it now):this issue is that important to us and, I suspect, a beleaguered corporation. This posting has gone out all over the world in and out of AOL; net censorship is an international and interserver issue.

In my opinion AOL have no right to censor any posting made within the rules. If a posting is considered outside the rules it should be returned to the sender with a clear indication of which passages offend and why. Sometimes people put a lot of work and effort into postings and I reckon they deserve the courtesy of a justified explanation if any are removed. Some people may argue there should be no censorship at all. Most will argue that there should be no censorship of political opinions, but surely all people will argue that any censorship should be both notified and justified.

Sadly that isn't the case in Love Shack at present. Love Shack has been subjected to three very serious forms of censorship by AOL staff in the past week.I think all of them are very wrong and all of them could happen anywhere in AOL.


Remember this just doesn't affect Love Shack readers, but everyone who surfs the net looking 4 info and topics that interest them.

At least 50 postings have been removed from Love Shack folders over the past few days. Only a small number of the removals were notified to the poster and only vague blanket explanations were given like;
(UKHost Ace)<--- has removed every single posting in this topic which as much as touched on personal attacks.......(Subject: A new tone/attitude on this Board04 Oct 1999 06:55:20 EDT)
But that simply wasn't true. Many postings removed in that folder didn't contain even a mention of inviduals let alone personal attacks. Many axed postings were peaceful and very sensible discussions about what had happened here and why. One of them by Boyski was simply a farewell statement very calmly explaining the reasons why he had fought so hard 4 more rapid social change. That was no personal attack but AOL clearly didn't like the political tone of it and so they eradicated the whole discussion.

Of the other postings axed, many contained highly pertinent information about modern society without any personal remarks. And although some of them contained heated argument and the odd jibe, in my opinion absolutely none of them should have been censored. They were a record of how people think today and as such were very important. Removing these postings completely distorted the month long debate in the Shack over progressive sexual politics(Sex classes, public nudity,etc) The whole scope of discussion by the progressive side was effectively censored out. Now you surfers can only read one side of the case. I don't know about U but I think that stinks.

Extensive postings were removed on the pretext they may have contained a single jibe, even long after that jibe had been answered and overcome. And that process was very selective. If a jibe was made by 'humorous' IMPLICATION, or through snidey remarks in my language,it was OK with ACE. So an old regular could make some clever inference that BoySki was a sex crazed fantasist and not be censored at all by AOL. But if Boy simply called them Frumps or said "here's a magnifying-glass, use it to find your brain with",then AOL would consider that abusive and remove the entire posting. In other words if U belong 2 a certain class with certain ideas and a certain style of language U can say what the hell you like but if U come from somewhere else with new ideas and a different brand of humour then stand by 2 be censored out of play - that's AOL today in the Love Shack. I don't know about U, but I think that stinks too.


Some of the messages were reposted minus any phrases that might offend. But still they were removed within hours by UKhostACE along with any answers they attracted. ACE informed Boyski that the whole discussion was illegal and was therefore terminated. Can U believe that?

The topic had evolved into a discussion about whether young people under 18 but over the age of consent should be allowed to attend classes in which safe sex techniques were explained and demonstrated on a model by a qualified sexologist. BoySki argued that this would encourage non penetrative sex amongst young people and so lead to less teenage pregnancies, less VD, less hang ups and more sexual confidence.

But AOL have ruled the entire topic to be an illegal discussion and are therefore removing any postings which touch upon it. ACE didn't post this decision but only privately informed Boyski after axing another 8 postings from the topic. In other words, censorship inside AOL is not open at all, even news of it is censored. We are being actively prevented from discussing solutions 2 a major problem that affects society today. Again, I don't know about U, but I think that stinks.


The last form of censorship may sound a bit trivial, but there is a very important principle at stake here. Imagine if a journal was to publish a story about someone, make them pay their subscription, but then refuse to send them a copy of it. Well that is effectively what is happening in AOL today. The issue affects everyone because it could be happening 2 U right now for all U know - AOL didn't even inform the victim when they partially censored his access to the boards. I think that's very serious.

The incident involved UKhostACE choosing to block BOYSKISURFER's access 2 all postings made by JOSSS321 in Love Shack at her request. AOL then allowed that member 2 publish a series of postings containing direct personal criticisms of BOYSKISURFER which they knew he couldn't read. These postings even contained direct questions aimed at BoySki as well as denials by JOSSS321 of any involvement in the blocking. ACE has admitted the incident by mail but has refused to comment on it.

In other words, AOL directly conspired with one member to personally assault another member whilst deliberately preventing him from even reading those public attacks. When he wrote and asked them for an explanation, ACE simply wrote:"uh uh ! NOT getting into protracted debate here."

* * *
To me this whole thing stinks like massive political suppression. BoySkiSurfer was very strongly arguing the case 4 progressive sexual politics. He showed his opponents had serious flaws in their arguments. They didn't like that and so he was hacked.

If you want to see the effect of it all, here's an example of what was censored;

Subject: Practical Sex Classes (BoySkiSurfer) Date:01 Oct 1999 20:12:02 EDT

Hello everyone, JoSS has written:

I won't disagree with that....but I will add that youngsters also need to get over the sexist propaganda that western media has shoved down their's equally important for them to learn that all this body culture and gay/straight packaging is a load of nonsense.....none of which you seem to pay any attention to JoSS...........and it's vital they get over their conditioned hang ups about nudity, seeing other people nude, seeing other people have sex, etc etc.....hang ups that you seem to endorse and attempt to justify......BOY

Can anyone tell me what was wrong with that posting? Ask yourself, was that censored 4 'personal abuse' or 4 political reasons?

Well whatever, here's an example of what we are left with;

Subject: Re: Has Anyone Actually Physically met anyone on the internet and had a good time? Date: Fri, 08 October 1999 06:12 PM EDT From: UKHost Ace Message-id: <>

err...... yes just once...... ... and we've now just bought a house in the country wiv three kids in tow !! Shame about the fishing rights
Ace :o)

You obviously had the right bait though Acey! Josss321

<--- avoids mentioning Scots' tackle in the interests of decorum and Borg's blood pressure LOL Ace :-)

Speaks 4 itself doesn't it. So there U have the story of censorship in AOL/Love Shack today. If U want 2 do something about it please post your comments wherever U can.

Send them direct to AOL, post them under this(if it's still around)or go to love shack - Message of the Month Practical Sex Classes and post your demand that the topic be allowed for further discussion. It's your cyberworld as much as anyone's so please do what U can to keep it free and fair for all of us.



Oct 10, 1999 - 10:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Attention all who support freedom of information


Hi there,

The following posting on love shack message board was removed by UKhostACE along with more than 50 others posted over the previous month. Most of them concerned or were posted by a third world immigrant whose ideas were thought highly controversial in the Shack. They were removed in a single day without notification or individual explanation.
This posting in no way contradicts the COS rules. It is a highly relevant conclusion to a month long discussion about social change and is in no way offensive. The writer was also blocked by AOL staff from reading postings made by another member.

A fellow defender of free speech urges you to read the posting and make your own conclusions as to why it was completely censored. It is presented exactly as posted. As members of the global net community I feel it vital that we uphold fairness and freedom in our fledgling cyberspace.


Subject: Re: So many dolts so little time
From: (BoySkiSurfer)
Date: 03 Oct 1999 18:37:41 EDT

In the middle of all this JoSS aggro, DOC has written one of the finest postings I have read..
>If you look at the last 4-5 decades you will see that a lot has been
>achieved, but at what cost? the aged are no longer respected, things have no
>value to people, people have no values.
>I look around at people today and i see a very insular world, and the sad thing is that >this is going to continue, the gap between the have and the
>have nots is getting larger, "keeping up with the Jones" is more rife that
>ever before, and for what? progress?
>I am not saying i am better than or different to anyone else, but i try to
>have consideration for those who faught in 2 world wars, and for those who
>have changed things in the past so as to make things better for our
>Boy when "my gerenration" were the ones who were trying to change the world,
>i thought that no one understood why i was doing it or what i was trying to
>achieve, now that i have aged a little more i have come to realise that
>sometimes moderation is the key to it all, there are people who WILL NOT
>change the way they think or do things, there are those who will look at the
>suggestion and weigh up all the pros and cons, and there are those who will
>want to change everything tomorrow, Boy you are the latter, no disrespect
>there, the next few generations on are the ones who will look at things and
>weigh them up, and the older generation are the ones who like things to
>remain how they have always been.
>This world is big enough for all of us to live in and respect each others
>wishes, we can all get along, but to do so we have to learn how to understand
>each other.
>I don't wish to sound patronising by this note, but we all have differing
>views, why can we not discuss them without getting into personal insults

This is top class stuff here Doc.....I must agree that I am one of those who wants to see change sooner rather than later.....and I know I am fighting those who either want no change at all or who want to see it all gradually happen over the next few generations (i think Venus wrote that somewhere)......that sums up the whole struggle now being dramatised on these boards in front of us...

But I don't think these groupings are just governed by age.....many younger people fit into the no-change bracket and quite a few older people like me are very anxious for social change now.......

Here are our reasons for wanting change now......for the first time in human history it seems that the human race is actually running out of's not that the planet is about to end....that's millions of years away.....but the environment and ecology needed to sustain all carbon based life is under severe threat at warming is not just a scare's really happening... check out the ice berg moving now across the South Atlantic.... ozone depletion, rain forest destruction, air pollution, food shortages, over population, etc the present rate of deterioration we will face severe difficulties in less than 50 years.....there is a great likelihood of massive movements of refugees from environmental disasters at that time.......places like Bangladesh, Benelux, parts of Brazil etc will simply disappear under the rising sea whilst South Africa, Canada, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia will become uninhabitable through radiation hazard (spreading ozone hole)......hence we need to organise ourselves now in preparation for that because there seems no way of stopping my own village all the surrounding trees have been logged by western companies..... that means no soil is left to grow crops because the trees were needed to keep it in place...the rivers wash everything away now...the rate of environmental destruction is not as visible in your towns as it is in the third world....but it's happening've got problems with air.....cities are becoming choked on petrol fumes....then there's inverse trapping of chemicals from production plants and radio hazards from ever growing electrical fields etc etc etc......

More than that.....the pace of techno revolution (as Itsclosingtime mentioned) is so great that the whole of society is being transformed into a new age.....that may not sound too heavy but the side effects are beyond belief.....we can see them all around us as our communities are transformed.... you say yourself about the growing trend towards selfishness etc....well that's all part of the biggest social revolution certainly since the Industrial Rev. and probably since the Neolithic Rev......we are changing now whether we like it or not.... traditional family life is a thing of the past.......check out all social stats over the past 30 years and compare with the previous 30 years.....the pace of acceleration is's exactly as Orwell and Huxley predicted...

The point is that unless we strategise that change, unless we try to channel that energy for social revolution along paths that benefit mankind and the planet, the force of evolution will follow the easiest route.....and the progress along that road has been brilliantly put in your posting's bloody awful isn't it.....

Perhaps I as a younger person am more interested in that future than you are (and all the old grannies) because my generation will see the crisis point in 2050 whilst yours may yes, I am passionate about constructive social change now and not later...I don't want to see my children grow up in the same terrible society that you've described....can you understand my passion?
When I'm faced with people that resist change I get very frustrated because they are effectively condemning me and my children to live not only in the same impersonal society that their generation has created....but a new monster version of it that is developing around us today.......

Ok so we can't change things from the Love Shack..... I know that...... but I wanted to see what the climate for change was like in your society....and I have been very disappointed... .my feelings at the end of all this is that no one is interested in the planet but simply in their own lives.....I have tried to present some new ideas but most people only laugh at them without even bothering to learn all the details......they pour scorn on anything
they don't understand and always think of strangers with suspicion and's been like going into a pub full of people that know each other and who only want to know other people like them....Molec once wrote to me 'It's like being on the Titanic and you're trying to tell the passengers they ought to get into the lifeboats but they're more interested in looking after their jewels and fur coats'.......I think he was right....

You have written very kindly to me since you came back and I thank you for that......what a pity that you didn't write like that to me when all this blew up...I think that things would have been much better had people asked about my ideas rather than just slag them off as rubbish without even finding out about them.....because of that, all the debate has been about the way we treat each other rather than than the real subject at to sort
out this bloody mess of a planet.......I'm sorry if my words have offended you or anyone else......but it's very difficult being out there on your own screaming for change when no one is really interested in much else than their own lives......
I hear what you and Imi (thanks for your kind letters by the way Imi) are saying about keeping the heat down...and I wish it was possible......but JoSS has a style about her that seems to inflame argument with us progessives....and there's not much I can do to stop that......thanks for listening.


If you feel this message should not have been censored there are several things you can do to make your feelings known.

1.Contact other people on the list at the top of this E-Mail and discuss the issue.

2.Forward it to as many people as you can.

3. Post your comments in Love shack's discussion at Message of the Month,
Practical Sex Classes

4.Start discussions on other boards about
this form of censorship on the net.Post this whole mail as a topic heading and get people to discuss it.

5.Write to Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties and tell them what you think about this.

6.Send complaints to AOL

This is an issue which effects each and every one of us,
if you make a stand now then it might just be possible to stop this form of repressive censorship before it spreads through the whole of CyberSpace and beyond into our future.
Please help our common fight.



Charles Brennick
Feb 13, 2000 - 11:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
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Dec 17, 2005 - 11:46   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Confused? Not for long!

Visit the questions and answers website for all your confusing questions. If you are an expert in your field, you can register and answer questions simply to help with all those frustrating questions.

New User

Registered: Jan 2007
Post Number: 4
Jan 30, 2007 - 18:46   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Effectiveness of Social Networks

In order for us to find world peace and have productive social change in our environment we must unite as one. In order for us to unite we must find the most effective ways of communicating with each other. In recent years, I have found sites like Myspace, Friendster, and more recently the newly launched Cyworld to be very effective ways of meeting people of like minds. I feel alot can be done to improve our way of relating to each other, allowing us all to coexist as one. I recently joined Cyworld and have been really excited about the development of this site. You can create a virtual world of your own on Cyworld that expresses your true self. I was also invited to join the Vip Club which has cool contests and prize giveaways each month. Lets continue to grow together and make a difference, if you are already signed up lets be friends, if not let me know if your interested in joining!

New User

Registered: Mar 2005
Post Number: 6
Feb 25, 2009 - 07:21   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Gmail went down yesterday. This word combination "Gmail Down" is not something we are used to, but we should start getting used to the fact Gmail down is certainly an option in today's global meltdown. So what is Gmail's down? Why people get panic?
There are many opinions and here is the one that takes you to the root of the problem:

~Correction Is a Matter of Intention~

Nov 27, 2009 - 05:09   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Help Charity CHAMPS get funding!
November 26, 2009 - 11:53 PM

I recently started a nonprofit called Charity CHAMPS to encourage youth to get involved with microphilanthropy online (doing good in small ways using the Internet). The idea is about building up a good "character" - when you first sign up you get a champ character, and as you do good things online, you get points that you can convert to upgrade your character to get capes, hero suits, weapons, etc.

For more info, please see

I submitted Charity CHAMPS to the Aviva Community Fund to funding, but I need your help! In order to win I need your vote EVERYDAY from now until Dec 16th, 2009. Please commit to vote by joining the special task force at As a special thank you for those voting, we will be naming a piece of the Charity CHAMPS world after people who join the task force (imagine having a super hero belt, watch, or cape named after you!).

Voting is at

Thanks in advance for your help, and for spreading the word! We are always looking for more volunteers so if you want to be involved please contact

Dec 19, 2011 - 00:21   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Furrealz? That's mravelosluy good to know.

saurab marjara
New User

Registered: Oct 2015
Post Number: 2
Oct 09, 2015 - 07:43   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Hello everyone.
I am a new member of this forum. For those of you seeking job opportunities in the nonprofit sector, I have a website that meets your need.


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