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Earth, South America, from the Galileo spacecraft, by NASA/JPL Earth, view from Apollo 17, by NASA Earth, the blue marble (east), by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth, view from Apollo 11, by NASA

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Nov 04, 2002 - 09:28   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Moral, natural and very effective

1. A Road to Success

"Harmonic forest islands"
- fruitful
- natural
- harmonic
- well suited for happy life
- a good ground (the island)

or independence

Build on a fruitful ground,
naturally, without conflicts
Use separate islands for different conflicting

Find a natural balance for the whole.

This can be used also as an problem solving

Apply to both goals and methods, usually to
several perpectives at once.

Use also analogs.
Naturality in thinking means: according to
common sense, main things right, according to
objective thinking and so on.
Often "naturally" means straightforwardly towards
the right direction without walking over anything


2. About moral:
"Live and let others live."
Justice which respects human values
Common sense, objective thinking and holistic
Carrying responsibility (for example by
following this method using a holistic view)

Who belongs to your own island?
- One should carry responsibility about all the
things that one affects
- Those who do not follow some set of rules, do
not deserve benefits which are created by
following those rules.
-> what things are grounded on,
the society agreement,

Avoid walking over things uncaringly.
Optimize towards the natural and positive for
happy life (and success).

I, Kaisa
Kind Ways and Optimizing
A text in Finnish language: "Virtuaalinen
A text in Finnish language about the society
agreement: "Yhteiskuntasopimus"
Finland, North-Europe
Kaisa: I am a WOMAN!

Dr. M. Radh Achuthan
Nov 08, 2002 - 15:40   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Global Truth and Reconciliation Commission 911 (gtrc911)

Global Truth and Reconciliation Commission 911 is a non-violent proposal to deal with the issues underlying 9/11. The website address is
Please visit the website and participate.
Thank you.
Dr. M. Radh Achuthan

Jun 27, 2004 - 13:09   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Real Reason for Hope in this Dark Hour

The way into the future is clear. There must be global cooperation. There must be sharing of resources. There must be trust among nations. All this can only come to pass if the nations of the world renounce war as a means of settling disputes and eliminate greed as the primary motivation behind commerce. The world exists for the benefit of all people. We have to start living on it as if all people actually mattered to us.

How can this be done? Only through the combined actions of good-willed men and women everywhere: only through the united efforts of all who care for peace, who care for the environment, who care for the well-being of children, and who care for the very survival of the planet itself. All this is obvious.

What is less apparent is that behind the chaos in the world today stands an orderly progression from one age to another, from one way of doing things to another, from one set of assumptions about life to another. We are a species in transition, and there are among us today those who understand this transition and have the will and wisdom to assist us in it.

In the immediate future there will appear on the world scene a group of individuals who embody the highest ideals of humanity: love for all people, service to the whole, and insight into the actual roots of our problems. These Great Ones will lead those who are willing into an age characterized by cooperation and sharing rather than war and competition. They will advocate real change at the core of our attitudes toward one another. They will show the way to implement plans long held in waiting to transform our structures into institutions that actually serve human liberation from need, fear and bondage. These teachers are the essence of the human spirit - fully realized - just as every one of us will one day fully realize that essence. They come only to serve and will do so for millennia.

At the center of this group is the World Teacher. His personal name is Maitreya. He embodies the highest aspirations of humanity. He knows the way forward for all people. Look for this one in the midst of those who clamor for peace and justice throughout the world. He will distinguish himself by his selfless will to serve and his great love for all humanity. He will call to what is best within us, trusting that we will respond from that same place.

This is no pipe dream, but the single most important fact of our time. The leadership we so desperately need will soon be available to us. With that guidance and inspiration we can, and we will, build a new world.

For more information contact

Stanley Green
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Registered: Jul 2004
Post Number: 1
Jul 07, 2004 - 04:18   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Helping Charities Worldwide

God blessed me with the idea of organizing the FTPGSC Charity Lotto Club. Our mission is to donate to charities worldwide. Each member would pledge donating ten percent of their winnings to the favorite charities of their choice. As the club expands its membership worldwide, no charities would be left behind.

Merchants welcome opportunities to associate themselves with patriotic symbols, especially during a time of war. FTPGSC Charity Lotto Club symbolizes the patriotic spirit of sharing and providing for the needy, hungry and distressed.

Gambling is a sin and leads to addiction. Yet, when the proceeds are used to serve worthy causes then, it becomes a blessing to the recipients. We can turn the world around in a new positive direction by organizing charity lotto clubs.

I am cordially inviting all nationalities to join FTPGSC Charity Lotto Club. God will pour out his blessings to charitable groups worldwide, and restore peace on earth.

quwen harry
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Registered: Oct 2004
Post Number: 1
Oct 11, 2004 - 23:46   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
hello, I am doing a research paper over "The United Nations as Peacekeepers." Please give me any input, resourses ic an go to.. im not finding what i need thank you very much.


Dec 08, 2004 - 18:45   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I am facing serious crises, somebody help me please.

I badly need US$8000. Is somebody could help me. If someome wants I can explain my situation.

Looking forward to hear for some sympathetic people.


lara sahin
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Registered: Jan 2005
Post Number: 1
Jan 15, 2005 - 17:35   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Please take a moment to visit my online store

You will find T-shirts, journals, hoodies, calendars, and stickers that promote peace, activism, and the preservation of natural forests. All of the products are simply designed and are targeted to get the message across in a decent fashion.

I will be adding more products soon, so check back. All of the graphics and pictures are my own, so it takes a little time.

Never give up!


Parity Foundation
Feb 02, 2005 - 20:05   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Dear friends

Sorry for any disturbs. Do not recognise this letter as Spam. It is Charity needs appeal from Republic of Moldova!

We hope that if you can not help direct – you can show this charity appeal to others and via newspaper and network too. Thanks.

Parity Foundation (Fundatia Paritate) is established in Moldova Republic and registered by Ministry of Justice with No.3202 as an NGO. Our main aim is to help our citizens as people of the poorest country of Europe and to improve democracy.
We kindly ask you to support our undertaking and to help as much as you can or you feel that you can.
Any kind of help and donations is welcome (money, goods, office techniques, car, minibus, toys, clothes, etc.).
This year we will concentrate our efforts on anti-AIDS program. We will try and we really hope to succeed in helping orphans-kids and also any other people in a bad social or healthy condition.
We are convinced that a country even a small one as Moldova can’t grow up without a strong culture. By this reason we are going to support also any activities concerning historical monuments and places.
One of our programs connecting to Green activity – making lakes and countryside clean from human rubbish.
Of course we understand that all the above mentioned can be done only in a really democratic society. So we will do our best to make Moldova a democratic country.
We are asking for help because we believe that a few young people can do a lot of good things for a small beautiful country they really love.

Everyone can make a donation by transferring money:

in US Dollars:
Correspondent Bank: Citybank N.A., New York, USA
Beneficiarys: Victoriabank, Chisinau, Moldova
Beneficiary: Fundatia Paritate
Account Number: 222400100250799

in Euro:
Correspondent Bank: Deutschebank A.G., Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Beneficiarys: Victoriabank, Chisinau, Moldova
Beneficiary: Fundatia Paritate
Account Number: 222401700250799

Everyone can make a donation by sending a cheque, money order or any kind of goods to following address:

Fundatia Paritate (Parity Foundation),
Republic of Moldova, MD-2028, mun. Chisinau, sos. Hincesti 62/3, off. 58.

We ask you to share this appeal to people and organisations you are connected with.

Hope on your sincere attention and further participation.
Do not forget that any charity activity is always thankful and useful especially when we are talking about one of the ex-USSR countries.

Sincerely yours,
Ghenadii Mihalakii,
Foundation director.

Chad Nance
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Registered: Mar 2005
Post Number: 1
Mar 28, 2005 - 19:02   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I just wanted to alert everyone here to a new website that covers progressive politics, and the Anti-war movement in particular. It's at and features articles on Jeremy Hinzman the brave young soildier who took his wife and child and drove to Canada becuase he was not prepared to kill people in Iraq.

Emily McDermott
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Registered: Apr 2005
Post Number: 1
Apr 04, 2005 - 21:26   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Good Greetings!

My name is Saji Prelis, coordinator of our 5th annual Summer Peacebuilding & Development Institute at American University. I am writing to ask if you might be or know anyone who might be interested in our professional training program in peacebuilding & development. I would greatly appreciate your kind assistance in sharing this information (please see below) with your friends and colleagues through your networks. I thank you so very much for your kind assistance and time.

Peacebuilding & Development Institute
Summer 2005 Professional Training Program at
American University
Washington, D.C. U.S.A.

The Peacebuilding and Development Summer Institute provides knowledge, practical experience and skills for practitioners, teachers and students involved in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, humanitarian assistance and development. The Summer Institute will focus on various approaches to mediation, negotiation, facilitation, reconciliation and dialogue, particularly in conflict-torn and developing regions. Participants will explore innovative methods of promoting cultural diversity with respect to public policy, community and religion, war and post-conflict environments, while expanding their knowledge and skills in a participatory and interactive learning environment. Participants in the Summer Institute will be exposed to leading national and international professionals in the fields of public policy, peacebuilding and development.
The summer 2004 Institute welcomed 170 participants from 29 countries. The participants came from varying backgrounds ranging from international agencies such as the UN, World Vision, CARE, Mercy Corps, USAID, as well as scholars and practitioners from other agencies. They were joined by Master’s degree students from the International Peace & Conflict Resolution division and the International Development division within the School of International Service.
The Peacebuilding and Development Summer Institute is one of the first academic programs specifically organized to bridge the two issues of peacebuilding and development. Three to four courses will be offered each week for three weeks and participants will have to choose one class each week. The courses are:

Week I: June 27-July 1, 2005

Course 1: Religion & Culture in Conflict Resolution with Mohammed Abu-Nimer
Course 2: Applied Conflict Analysis and Resolution with Ronald Fisher and Brian Mandell
Course 3: Political Negotiation in Latin America with Graciela Tapia

Week II: July 5-July 9, 2005

Course 1: Training for Trainers in Peacebuilding & Development with Mohammed Abu-Nimer
Course 2: Development in Conflict: Practical Approaches to Recovery with Kimberly Maynard
Course 3: Bridging Human Rights Conflict Resolution & Development with Julie Mertus
Course 4: Media and Peacebuilding: Concepts, Actors and Challenges with Ross Howard

Week III: July 11-15, 2005.

Course 1: Arts Approaches to Peacebuilding & Development with Babu Ayindo
Course 2: Positive Approaches to Peacebuilding & Development with Claudia Liebler
Course 3: Islam and the West: Strategies for Peace with Nathan C. Funk and Meena Sharify-Funk
Course 4: Design, Monitoring & Evaluation for Peacebuilding and Conflict-Sensitive Development
with Cheyanne Church and Mark M. Rogers

Phone: 1-202-885-2014
Online Application:

Saji Prelis
Program Coordinator
Peacebuilding & Development Institute
American University, School of Int'l Service
4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20016-8071

Phone: 1-202-885-2014
Fax: 1-202-885-2494

Winky Pig
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Registered: Jun 2005
Post Number: 4
Jun 02, 2005 - 15:55   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Anti-war magnetic ribbons:

David Charles Hahn
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Registered: Jun 2005
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Jun 18, 2005 - 06:24   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Hello! My name is Lance Corporal David C. Hahn. I am starting a new approach to the protection of people and human rights on an individual level. This is called the (Human Defence Network). The purpose of HDN is to put together small groups among the United States. These groups would be able to work as a team to solve each others problems. This way realistic problems could possibly resolved in a more efficient manner. If you are interested in learning more email me at

The Human Defence Network realizes that human rights of a person could also be violated on a telepic level.

Oliver Corrigan
Oct 14, 2005 - 19:38   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Thought this was something you guys and gals would be interested in. A nice way to say thank you and to support someone who is working hard for peace.


Below is the "mass email" type thing with all the practical information.


Dear friends,

Please join Newfangled Productions in a very special project.

Some of you may know our friend Steve Lynch. Some of you may not. But either way, please take a moment to read his story:

Steve Lynch is as 23 year old native of Bainbridge, Ohio and graduate of Ohio State University. He was a very active member of Newfangled Productions in our first three years - in fact, he was there right at the
beginning singing and playing at our very first event - The First Starving Artists’ Ball.

A year ago Steve left his home, his friends and his family to join the Peace Corps. He is currently stationed in Turkmenistan, a former soviet country in central Asia. He has dedicated two years of his life to service and hardship.

Many of us talk about working for peace from the comfort of our homes, but Steve has made a great sacrifice - leaving everything he has ever known to travel to a country where the people are impoverished,
where electricity and hot water are considered luxuries and where the “president for life” squanders
what little his people have on self-glorification and statues in his honor.

There must be many days when Steve feels alone and forgotten, but we have not forgotten him. He is far from home but he is never far from our hearts. And with that in mind, please help us to create a very
special gift for Steve.

Our intention is to create a book of letters from as many people as we can to send to Steve for Christmas. We hope to collect letters from those of you who know
Steve and from those of you who do not, but are still touched by his story. If you are his friend, now is the time to remind him, to tell him how much you miss him and how proud you are of him. If you’ve never met
him, now is the chance to introduce yourself, to thank him for proving that in a world that sometimes seems full of selfishness and violence that there are people like him working for peace and humility.

Please email your letter to
with the following information:

Your name
Where you live
You occupation or some other one-line distinctive
description of yourself


Dear Steve,
Thank you so much for all that you are doing. You are an example to us all.

Johnny Newfangled
Akron, Ohio
Sprocket salesman for “Newfangled Sprocket Company”

Your letter can be as short or as long as you would like - a couple of sentences or a full-length letter. It is up to you. But what’s important is that you say something - that we can show in a small way that no
matter how far away Steve is he is never alone.

Also, please provide us with a way to contact you, whether through email, phone or a mailing address (all three would be preferable). Once the letters are collected and the book is produced we would love to
make copies available for all of you - so we can all share in the celebration of this remarkable person.

Finally, think of this book as a “surprise party.” It is so much more fun if Steve doesn’t know about this until he receives the book. We encourage you to make copies of this letter, to send it to your friends,
family and coworkers - to post it on mailing lists and on coffee shop bulletin boards, but if you post it on the internet, try not to post it someplace where Steve
is likely to see it. (Steve has limited internet access through the Peace Corps to communicate with home and to post letters.)

If you have any questions, comments or want to help in any additional way please feel free to email us at or call (330)620-9686.


Oliver Corrigan
Artistic Director
Newfangled Productions

P.S. To read about Steve’s experiences in his own words please read

P.P.S. To learn more about the Peace Corps read

P.P.P.S. To learn more about Turkmenistan start with

Listener Friend
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Registered: Dec 2005
Post Number: 1
Dec 05, 2005 - 08:41   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Whenever you feel depressed, have any problem, feel lonely, feel like sharing your thoughts with someone but there is no one around, when u want to have a word with someone but don’t know whom? When you find that no one is free to talk to you when u desperately want to talk to someone. Your friend is just a call away.Call 9899520440. Share your thoughts/problems/words with your friend who is never too busy to talk to you. If you are aged and have no one around to talk to you, just call. If you are alone at home. children& husband are away, just speak to your listener friend. Mere sharing your words with someone can make a difference. It can make up your mood. You won’t get any professional advice. What you will get is a friend who will listen to all you want to say.Listener Friend. Delhi (India)

christine moore
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Registered: Feb 2006
Post Number: 1
Feb 24, 2006 - 03:31   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I think its great to see artists like Agnes Chan using their music to make a difference and to establish world peace. As a activist, she has witnessed childern suffering throughout the world on her missions with UNICEF. Proceeds from her album are donated to UNICEF as she continues to help those in need. i heard about this inspirational pop artist while interning at umvd and her music moved me. visit her website and listen to her songs for some truly inspirational songs about the world and wanting peace.

Message edited by the author on Feb 24, 2006 - 03:40

Michael Radke
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Registered: May 2006
Post Number: 1
May 11, 2006 - 15:41   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I am undertaking my dissertation on certain psychological values and non-violence. If you have 15-20 minutes to spare and would like ot help me out I would greatly appreaciate it, My survey is available on the net here: I am especially looking for respondents that consider themselves to be participants in the US civil rights movement. Please feel free to forward this to anyone you might know who would be interested, or helpful. All responses are confidential and there is no link made to any personal information (wouldn't know how even if I wanted to). Thank you so much for your time.

GuangXing Zhang
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Registered: Sep 2006
Post Number: 1
Sep 03, 2006 - 04:19   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Please read all of the contents, UNIVERSE, PHYSICS - WORLD PEOPLE
Please download WORLD PEOPLE PHYSICS UNIVERSE full Theory

Below is the small part of the WORLD PEOPLE PHYSICS UNIVERSE THEORY
Please download WORLD PEOPLE PHYSICS UNIVERSE full Theory

All countries leaders lays down ‘five fundamentals of freedom’: freedom from fear, of information, of religion, of expression, and from want.

All countries leaders are elected as Presidents for an unprecedented third term with 54 percent of the popular vote.

All governments approve initiation of mass production of ‘anti war bacteria’, ‘anti war chemical’, ‘anti war weapon atomic’.

All leaders in all countries of world tell people world: "We must be the great arsenal of the democracies."

In all countries leaders annual message to Congress, all countries leaders announce the "Five Freedoms".

All countries’ budget includes large mechanical, machinery, high tech appropriation.

All leaders of world introduces 'Lend Lease' bill to the House of Representatives, after recognising that neither Britain or Russua or US could continue paying indefinitely for material supplied. This allowed the dieing friends, allies to pay the country back in kind, but after the happening - period. They likened this to 'lending a neighbour a garden hose to put out a fire'.

All countries Senate pass the 'Lend Lease' bill.

All countries House of Representatives pass the 'Lend Lease' Bill, where upon it is immediately signed by All Presidents. Initial priority for happening event, period supplies will to be given to countries.

All countries leaders broadcast to the nations announcing ‘the end of compromise with tyranny’.

After meetings, all countries in the world staff conference ends with a basic framework for all countries in the world co-operation. Most importantly an agreement was made that evil, wicked should be defeated first.

Wicked and evil make proposals to all countries of the world in order to improve relations. They demand that all countries in the world stop supplying visit, business, trade materials to countries and that they normalise trade relations. These are rejected by all countries in the world, although both sides agree to continue talks.

All countries leaders tell countries to ‘choose between Evil, Wicked and all countries of world’.

All presidents in all countries declares unlimited national emergency; calls upon all people of world to resist Hitlerism, wicked and evil.

All countries’ House committees introduce largest mechanical, machinery, high tech expenditure bill since the First World War.

All presidents in all countries order the freezing of all wicked and evil assets, as well as those of occupied countries.

All countries departments order the closing all evil, wicked consular offices and tourist agencies in all countries.

All countries government officials, backs all countries’ aid-for-countries policy.

All countries presidents create the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), name directors.

In and Independence Day broadcast, all countries presidents warn the national public that the country 'will never survive as a happy and prosperous oasis in the middle of a desert of dictatorship'.

All countries of world freeze all wicked and evil assets in all countries.

All presidents in all countries stop all countries oil supplies to the ‘aggressors’.

All countries and countries agree on all countries aid.

The wicked and evil foreign minister, proposes to all countries a meeting between all countries presidents and Prime Minister.

All countries Senate extends business service, commercial service, and financial service.

All countries presidents sign the Sea Charter, an eight-point declaration of peace aims.

All countries reply to proposals, rejecting any high level meeting until the present differences between wicked, evil and all countries have been resolved.

New User

Registered: Feb 2008
Post Number: 1
Feb 07, 2008 - 15:45   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Most biracial people are considered black. Biracial people are more likely than other blacks, to have intimate relations with whites. Hence, our women are "acceptable" targets for racial violence, because we're whores anyway. Some of us are being utterly savaged and disgraced, with none to rescue us. Many of America's most academically promising blacks, fall into this unfortunate category. Whites are secretly using this, to maintain their economic stronghold. This is our reward for opening our hearts to our enemies, during the Civil Rights Movement.

Our relationship with our political allies, will never be the same. They have lost respect for us over this issue, and they have deserted us. Certain white liberal-Democrats have the resources to restore our honor and dignity, but they won't. This is no surprise. Whites have always treated minorities this way, ever since they turned on their Native American allies, for similar reasons.

I can live without whites, but I can't live without a fundamental sense of security. I have a plan to spare other biracial people, from similar sufferings. Because of the class issues involved, this requires a real estate investment. I am working very hard, to accumulate the necessary funds. If you would like to discuss this issue, e-mail me at

Jul 12, 2008 - 16:29   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
VIDEO: Transforming Ourselves, Transforming the World

* Toward Integral Consciousness - Highlights from Düsseldorf 2006 international scientists conference “Wisdom and Science in Dialogue: The new Planetary Consciousness.” usness

* The Table of Free Voices - BERLIN (Sept 9, 2006): The Table of Free Voices question-answer symposium heralded a new, experimental approach to issues of global concern. s

* Wisdom in Action - Highlights from the 4th World Spirit Forum (feat. members of the World Wisdom Council).

* Creating a New Civilization - The World Wisdom Council’s 3rd meeting “Creating a New Civilization” in Tokyo, November 2005. on

"Only a life lived for others is worth living" ~ Einstein

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