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Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Feb 16, 1998 - 11:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
The Sunflower - A free electronic monthly newsletter

[The Sunflower]

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Link: The Sunflower

Wim Bauwens
Mar 09, 1999 - 11:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Olympic Truce

Please go to the IFITOS website and give your vote of support to the Olympic Truce which IFITOS wants to realize during the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.
Thank you.

Link: IFITOS the Association for the revival of the Olympic Truce

Banner Heather
Mar 11, 1999 - 11:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Faslane Peacecamp

Please add this link to your site
Banner Heather's Homepage: NVDA in Scotland
We are now running the Faslane Peace Camp
Update newsletter from our site at
If you would like to recieve mailouts please reply to:
Typing SUBSCRIBE inside the text box.

Link: NVDA Scotland

Apr 16, 1999 - 10:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
urgent petition re NATO

Help to spread the word!

'On the occasion of NATO's 50th Anniversary, we the people demand the immediate end to NATO's attacks and a return to the negotiation table.'

Please send this statement with as many signed names as possible to NATO headquarters, e-mail:
This petition is being circulated internationally.

father love
Apr 16, 1999 - 10:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
world Peace

Please contact regarding world peace through inner peace teacher Father Love.For important unique groundbreaking method of achieving this wonderful gift

amy + martin
Jun 14, 1999 - 10:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Re: Faslane Peacecamp

send us info on peacecamp.

Don Nelson
Aug 15, 1999 - 10:00   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
What's Next for the Balkans?

What's Next for the Balkans? is a special section of the New Renaissance web page ( Veteran peace researcher Johan Galtung presents the case against the NATO intervention and offers his views on possible solutions to the region's problems. Anton Ljutic, debating with Galtung, argues that the NATO intervention was necessary. You can see both articles at

Link: New Renaissance

Bernardo González Reinfeld
Sep 15, 2001 - 04:14   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Message board against war. A world in peace

Last week was so impacting, all the world lived a shock! We want call to common sense and don´t use the force against civil people. Use hate against hate doesn´t has sense.

Write your feelings about war and call to peace in, help us to send this site to many people and media.

We want a world in peace.

Tim Tipene
Dec 28, 2002 - 06:30   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Flowers of peace to Islam.

On the 27th of January, representatives of the United Nations will report on the weapons inspection in Iraq. America and Britain are hoping to lead an attack on Iraq following this date.
I ask that this be the day for you to give a flower to Islam as a symbol of peace and to demonstrate that you do not support this intention of mass violence on Iraq.
Either lay flowers at the gate of a mosque in your area or give a flower to a Muslim.
But please respect Muslim tradition. Men only give flowers of peace to Muslim men, and women only give flowers of peace to Muslim women.

Through this act, our government will witness our desire for peaceful, non-violent resolutions; and that we do not want our country to be party to war. Our government’s attempts to support the violence against Iraq, in order to please America, will only bring acts of violence to us all.

Our cry for non-violence encourages peace.
Our silence will only add to the violence.

Regardless of what happens before or on the 27th of January, please give flowers of peace to Islam, on the day.

God bless.

Tim Tipene.

Please forward this message to others.

andrea voke
Jan 16, 2003 - 17:01   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Dear friends,
Our world is on the bring of WWIII. Please pray for World Peace. You can also visit Ahimsaji's website below (Ahimsa is the Sanskrit word for non-violence). As Ahimsaji preaches non-violence, his words to the President of the USA in regards of this pending war, which is a result of the WTC attack, he says:

"Anger does not destroy anger; hate does not destroy hate. Only Love destroys anger and hate. Retaliation does not bring peace! We must destroy the demons of hate and anger with the powerful weapon of compassion, not bombs."

Ahimsaji has a new book coming out called "World Peace Through Meditation." ASK for it at your local book stores this summer.

Also, I have a 2001 Dodge Ram 4x4 2500 series with a V-10 engine for sale. The blue book values it at $20,330. I am selling it, to donate the proceeds to the Ahimsadharma Dhyanayoga Ashram which will help move Ahimsaji's message of world peace. Please, if anyone wants to do something important, purchase this truck for world peace!!!

Thank you and God bless.
Andrea Voke

Jayasiri Deshabandu
Feb 15, 2003 - 17:31   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
I am against all forms of Evil. I respect all major religions but have some reservations about certain things. For example, I do not believe in wars that results in Mass murdering people just to catch few evils.

I am really afraid of a situation if and when both Christian and Muslim faiths say it is time for the Just War!! Can this ever happen?

It is clear and true that some terrorists( or some extremists)cite Jihad to justify their actions. Should the Christians cite Crusade to justfy their actions at this time? When both faiths think that it is time for the war, then it will be the end of Civilaztion on this earth!

May be we need to turn to some other thoughts..

May all hearts and souals will love each other regardless of the differences of their form of worship!!

May all hearts be filled with compassion and respect for all living beings which are creations of GOD.

May all hearts and mind realize that no creature was created by a mistake by GOD.

May all hearts and mind be filled with comforts and peace at all times.

May all human beings realize that EGO is some form of Evil.

jose mathew
Feb 18, 2003 - 07:07   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

It is disappointing to go through the emerging scenario- war fear- around the world. Any common man is confused to realize what is right and what is wrong and who is right and who is wrong. Who ever understanding the fact is trying to cop-up with the situation by accepting “the wrong is right” – just because it is being declared by the supper power that what ever they do is right and all should accept it.

When we talk about America’s stand on Iraq issues, it becomes clear that America is warning the entire world that they should obey the orders of America.

We should realize we are living in the 21st century. Showing the power to suppress other’s interest is Ridiculous which U.S is doing with Iraq. It is sad to see that many countries not opposing the actions of America and its allies, though they know U.S move is wrong.

America or any other countries have no right to interfere in any other countries affairs. Who is Mr.George Bush to take decision on world matters? He had been selected by the U.S people to take care of their problems – not of the world. If he does it, every country has the right to do it with their opponents – which will lead to the destruction of the World.

I do not support Iraq by any means. But I believe Iraq is an independent state. They have gone a long way after the war with kuwait. They have been isolated from the world over 12 years! It is enough now. Let the Iraqi children feel the air of freedom. Let them have their right to avail basic amenities which has been denied for 12 years! By saying this I am not supporting Saddam, but just concern about the people of Iraq and their rights.

My personal feeling is that, in the present set-up, Iraq do not need to be dis-armed. Why should they? Because American’s think Iraq would attack other countries? If so what is America doing? How the America can say – Other countries should not make weapons and only they make freely? If America can make or possess any weapons, so do others.

I don’t think, by defusing Iraq the world will become safe. Many countries have very dangerous weapons and what guarantee can any one give that they will not use it against their opponent?

By America saying something is wrong, it does not. Wrong is always wrong and truth is truth. World should think every country has their right as any other country has. It should be judged from the rational point of view and it has to be sensible and justified. If America can use their force, so do others.

Hence we should move on realities and facts . Not with might and Power. If the world goes on the existing manner, it can not go more. Every country should sit around the table and find solution with out fearing any one.

World has to realize that if a war, the world economy will fall which will put all countries in distress. The suffers will be more of un-developed countries and developing countries. But developed countries will not be spared. We should remember the collapse of the World trade center which led to close down of many companies and thus led to many un-employments. If an individual like Osama Bin Ladan could make the world economy down, what could be the situation if all terrorist group join hands with to fight against their targets? Any move to attack the Iraq may help various terrorist group to join together thus hampering the interest of the world.

What is the solution to save our World? How can we preserve the world for our new generation?

According to my view the option is:
United Nations Organization has to be Re-structured to meet with the needs of the world.

The existing U.N is not powerful enough to handle the world issues. It has to be re-structured in a way that it has to become a Democratic International Government. All world issues will be handled by the U.N (Not by the administration of any other countries). The administration of any country should handle only their national problems.

In re-structured U.N set-up, every country will have representative in the U.N. These representatives will choose the council members in three division. 1) Administrative council 2) Security Council 3) Judiciary.

1) Administrative Council:
The function of the Administrative council will be to study the world issues including the conflict between member states & the welfare of the people around the world. 1 each Senior members of the Administrative council should be selected from each continent to have equal representation.

2) Security Council.
Security council will take care of the World security in accordance with the Advise from the Administrative council & Judiciary. Security council will maintain the International force which include Army, Navy and Air force. Also the Arms and ammunition will be handled by the Security Council. Every nation will have to hand over their weapons to the security Council Except the small scale arms for internal security. By this way all countries will be defused –which is important for world peace. Security council will destroy the excess Arms other than required for world security. This way world get free from dangerous weapons up to an extend. All country will benefit from this as every country is spending millions of amount wasted to hoard weapons. This could be used for the developments in the country.

Security council will also maintain a group of Inspectors who can keep an eye on every countries to check any one is engaged in making weapons. 1 each Senior members of the Security Council should be selected from each continent to have equal representation. Any action against any country has to be taken only after a combined majority approval from the Administrative Council, Security Council and Judiciary.

3) Judiciary.
Every member country can approach the Judiciary for justice. Also can approach judiciary for any terrorist, Criminals wanted by the member country. Any death punishment to the criminals by the member country will be executed only after permission from the Judiciary. This will act us the HIGH SUPREME COURT, where any person can knock for justice.

Initially the guideline for rules can be made by suggestions from the member countries.

I just tried to give an outer picture of the re-structured U.N, which could solve the issues concerned with the world. The formation, set-up and functioning has to be drawn out in the required manner by the members.

I strongly believe this sort of an International Government can control the world issues and lead to prosperity, development and peace.

Pls do write your comments on :

Oil War -
Feb 21, 2003 - 09:50   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
War for Oil ?

The Iraq war was planned by oil bosses and former oil bosses in the American government. It will begin with its primary objective - the seizure of Iraq's oil fields.

The oil companies that fund the Bush cabinet are already cashing in on the Iraq Oil War.

Profits for ExxonMobil, the world's biggest oil company, have soared by 50% already as oil prices surge, fuelled by the oil-funded American government's plans to attack Iraq:

Violence is bringing profits to the oil companies that funded Bush (who is an oilman himself) into power, while ordinary people face an increased threat of terrorism and financial instability.

Mar 27, 2003 - 17:33   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Hypocrisy, You want peace? What about the people of Iraq? Is it fair that they can be executed for speaking their mind? People in America forget all-too-easily that the only reason you CAN speak out against the war, is because you're IN AMERICA. Try going to Iraq and speaking out against THEIR government. You'll end up blindfolded, binded to a pole, and shot to death by a firing squad. I've seen a few videos of the executions going on in Iraq, it's not pretty. Unfortunately it's something that most Americans can't stomach, so they won't ever see it. Everyone wants peace, that's just common sense. I do not support this war, and I'm sure that there are plenty of underlying reasons that the U.S. doesn't tell us about. But I'm damn glad that I live in a country where I can sit here at my computer, speaking my mind without fear of being tortured or killed for my opinion. I respect everyones individual opinion, but before you jump to conclusions that Iraq is some kind of under-noticed good country, take a look at what they do to their own people, now imagine what they'd do to OUR people. Thanks for listening to me vent. ;)

Mar 27, 2003 - 23:45   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Are all of you "peace" people crazy? Remember 9-11? Maybe you would feel differently if a family member or friend died in the WTC or Pentagon. Look how many innocent people died that day. And you think we should just forget about and let things go? I agree with world peace, but the world doesn't work that way. There is always some psycho out there who thinks he can overthrow everything and that maybe some day he will rule the world. Iraq is finally getting what has been a long time coming. If innocent people die, oh well, they died here too. We are now living in a country that has a "terror alert". The world changed on 9-11-01 and not for the better. Yes, innocent people will die, but they died here too. Just remember that.....

Robert Bjorndal
Mar 28, 2003 - 20:21   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Thanks U.S.

I live in Canada and watch the news to follow up on what is going on in Iraq only to
find people from the United States, Canada and many others protesting the war
on Iraq.
Shame on them!!!
No one likes war or bloodshed, but where there is one there is the other.
What does this teach our young ones in school grades? Take anything thrown
your way. Because the way I see it and it’s already been proven these chemicals
will make it here. It’s just a matter of time unless it’s dealt with.
Do we feel safe and free even if the thought of wearing a mask and suit to
protect us from any chemical not known lingers, or perhaps the foods we buy in
a market being tampered with.
Perhaps the time these protesters are spending running a Country down for
looking out for their best interests. They would like to live under Saddam’s
rules then maybe they might just have another outlook on the situation.
I know I love freedom. Freedom to speak, to come and go as I please. I love my
family, friends and the freedom to make choices.
The United States is seeing to it our freedom is not threatened, and for that I
am forever grateful.

Robert Bjorndal

Mar 30, 2003 - 09:10   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Support the War? Check out this link!

World War Oil
Apr 11, 2003 - 08:20   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Oil War: Who Next?

AFGHANISTAN: Already under US control. Already under a new regime led by Hamed Karzai and other former executives from American oil corporations. The new pipeline there was planned long before September 11. The new regime installed by the "war on terror" (although Osama bin Laden is still at large) was a stated prerequisite.

IRAQ: The world's second most important source of oil. Oilfields were siezed within hours of the first ground attacks of "Operation Iraqi Liberation" (OIL). Saddam's military dictatorship will just be replaced by an American military dictatorship, which will sieze full control of Iraq's oil trade. This is just armed robbery on a national scale.

IRAN: Another key oil country. They used to be the enemy of Iraq but American attacks are pushing all Arab/Islamic states into an anti-Western alliance. American weapons have already hit Iran.

SYRIA: Another key oil country now allied to the growing anti-Western alliance created by American-led aggression. American weapons have already hit Syria.

SAUDI ARABIA: The world's most important oil producing country.

LIBYA: Another key oil country whose links to Iraq and terrorism are being strengthened by American-led attacks.

* All key oil countries.
* All opposed to the illegal Israeli occupation.
* All made to hate America by anti-Arab foreign policies.
* All targets.

The American oilgovernment may claim that Saddam or his associates are hiding in one or more of these countries.

One thing is sure. Where there is oil in the Middle East America will find or fabricate a pretext to attack and sieze control.

THIS IS NOT ABOUT FREEDOM. America plans to install a military dictatorship in Iraq. (The new regime in Afghanistan is already led by Hamed Karzai and other former employees of American oil corporations.)

THIS IS NOT ABOUT TERRORISM. Iraq has no links to terrorism. Ansar-al-Islam is a KURDISH paramilitary group, active in a Kurdish region of Iraq - an area that has been outside Saddam's control for over a decade. Islamic terrorist groups with links to Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda are operating in Kurdish Iraq.

These terrorists oppose Saddam. Saddam has been accused of gassing the terrorists, as well as the Kurds who support and harbour them. The US & UK are liberating Al-Qaeda linked terrorists from Saddam. Iraq tried to kill the terrorists. American soldiers are fighting alongside terrorists who are known supporters of Osama bin Laden.

Fighters from Syria, Jordan, Iran, Lebanon and elsewhere are flooding into Iraq. Hatred of America and the West is worse than ever before. As a result the threat of terrorism is greater than ever before. The threat is rising daily. There are now thousands of new terrorists. Arabs, Muslims, militants and terrorists all over the world are uniting in their hatred of the West. As usual American policies are creating and escalating the threat.

The US government has blocked an investigation into the September 11 attacks, refusing to fund it. What have they got to hide?

The CIA founded Al-Qaeda's precursor training camps in Afghanistan.
The FBI knew the 09-11 terrorists were training as pilots in America.
Their investigation was blocked at high levels.

September 11 was a licence for the American oilgovernment to do whatever it wanted, starting with the occupation of Afghanistan that was planned in 1998.

THIS IS NOT ABOUT PEACE. American aggresion is turning half the world against America and American allies. We could be on the brink of a new World War, especially if America continues to bully North Korea. Over 60% of British casualties in the Iraq War before so far were attacked by Americans!

THIS IS NOT ABOUT SADDAM. It is not about the regime. Once oilfields, key oil installations and the means to export oil are secure, victory will be declared even if the regime leadership - including Saddam - remains at large. Only oil really matters in this conflict. Victory will be declared even though fighting still continues once the real objective - Iraq's substantial oil resources - are brought under American control.

THIS IS NOT ABOUT WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Other tyrants have weapons of mass destruction. Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were supplied by America and Britain. Israel has weapons of mass destruction, thanks to America. Every day Israel breaks UN resolutions by expanding their brutal and illegal occupation of Palestine. They bulldoze people's homes, killing whole families and build new illegal settlements. This ongoing crime is funded by $3billion every year from the American government in mostly military aid.

In Israel recently an American woman stood in front of an Israeli-owned American-made American-funded bulldozer. The bulldozer was about to crush another house with its Palestinian inhabitants still inside.

This happens every day in Palestine. New illegal Jewish settlements are built on the rubble and carnage.

The bulldozer just rolled over the American peace protester. But she was still alive, though horrible mangled. So the Israeli bulldozer backed up and rolled over her again, crushing and mutilating her. She continued to scream for some time before she died of her horrific injuries.

This happens all the time, although it is usually innocent Palestinian women and children, not Americans. It is funded and supported by the American government. It is paid for by the American taxpayer. This is the source of the hatred that fuelled September 11.

Iraq's Al-Samoud missiles and other weapons were being destroyed by the UN - before America started the war. Now these weapons have been used to kill our boys - and others - thanks to American corporate-sponsored aggression.

Oil and the American Government:

Nov 25, 2003 - 15:29   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Re: War for Oil ?

Okay so now are we all happy that we have blamed everyone but the ones needing the blame...Why did we go after Iraq: We went there because the U.S of A. That includes you and me, considered Saddam Hussien a threat to not only national security but Global Security.

We are now still there after many months of occupation why you ask, well not because of the pathetic excuses you people, you nervious insecure peoeple, keep coming up with. It's more of the reason that they don't want Saddam to come back like he did after the Gulf War. If we leave now we will again be letting the people down the people of Iraq who will hate us even more.

Valerie McKnight
Feb 12, 2004 - 03:16   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
[From Dr. Sis Levin on the The Children of Abraham email list. To join the list, go to
Visit the website at ]

I am sitting at my desk at Holy Land Trust in Bethlehem. I have just gotten caught up on e-mail (barely) and want to thank those of you who have stayed in touch (or tried to) in the last few weeks so much. I think I would be totally isolated were it not for you. But then, you must feel that you live on another planet. It has been one of the most trying times here ever, full of contrdictions and confusion for anyone trying to work for peace here in Israel and Palestine. How can we brush this week off with "one step forward and then two backward" when we are talking about innocent civilians being killed right before our eyes? Our HLT newsman just came into my office and said that in the armored tank re-invasion of Bethlehem just now (among otherr things) the Israeli militia had beat up a pregnant woman in Aida Refugee Camp and now "how to get the ambulance thrrough the check point?"

My darling Jewish volunteer here now (Dorah Rosen) is in tears, as is my Muslim partner and translator (Ahmad Al Azzah) (MA in Peace Studies) and my musicial English language/Peacebuilding teacher (Liz Kopp from Jerusalem). Dorah has been teaching our students (and others) Yoga with great welcomming success and everyone loves her. We press on; no turning back

Yesterday we went down below Beit Sahour (Shepherds' Field) to show Dorah The Wall (pix attached) and the Israeli soldiers blocking the nearest adjoining section of it here on the (confiscated) land in Bethlehem (checking our passports, etc.) said "This is a very dangerous place". No matter that I live and work here, and that I love these people. He looked at Jerry and Dorah's Jewish passport names and waved us on, grimly I thought. "My husband, I smiled"; he didn't demand mine. It was a beutiful day, but the wall is so sobering, and yes, discouraging. Chris Duchot of Pax Christie told me that his wonderful artist wife, Jackie, is coming to paint a Peace Mural on The Wall.

Our newly established Children of Abraham Mission Teacher Training Center is situated only two blocks from the Bethlehem-Jerusalem check point. The Wall then will be in my backyard! And the view of the giant illegal settlement Har Homa ("Protected Mountain" in Hebrew) dominates the landscape from my bedroom. Liz wants to bring Christian, Israeli Jewish, and Muslim women who have made a beautiful quilt together (and in the process done some good family therapy). We will meet, have a good meal and display the quilt on our center's main conference room wall for all of the teachers who will be coming for training and fellowship.Pray for us, please.

On February 17th, Clare Norelle (University of Wisconssin, Madison) and Stephan Waligur (Church of the Savior, Wash. DC) both gifted musicians, songwriters and choral masters will come to work with our teachers and children! Liz has our Kindergardeners singing in English now (which is a new development here) and Paul Pierce of AFSC who is the most incredible barritone African American singer has promised to sing with them: "And the Wall Came A-Tumbling Down" (aka "Joshua Fit"...but we don't; we sing it down and build bridges in its place!)

I miss you all. Please keep e-mailing and coming! The group coming in April for the Sabeel Conference plus Every Church A Peace Church, CPT and The Children of Abraham visits can take some more in their delegation which Jerry and I will lead through the Holy Land. You will never be the same!

As they say on TV: "Stay with us!"



United for Peace and Justice
Mar 17, 2004 - 22:10   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
The World STILL Says No to War!
Global Day of Action Against War and Occupation
Saturday, March 20

Anti-war groups throughout the United States and around the globe will take to the streets on Saturday March 20, the one-year anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, under the banner "The World Still Says No to War." Over 150 protests are planned in cities across the United States, from Alaska to Florida, Hawaii to Maine, calling for an end to the occupation of Iraq. Similar demonstrations will take place on every continent in the world, making March 20 a global day of coordinated action in the spirit of last year's historic February 15 protests.

In New York City, tens of thousands from throughout the Northeast will converge in Midtown Manhattan for a march and rally in the heart of the city's busiest shopping district. People will gather on Madison Avenue stretching north from 23rd Street beginning at noon. For more details, see

Other major March 20 protests in the U.S. include a march and rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, home to Ft. Bragg, which will prominently feature military families and veterans opposed to the Iraq war and occupation. Caravans from throughout the state of Texas will converge on President George W. Bush's hometown of Crawford, for an anti-war parade and rally.

United for Peace and Justice is a national coalition with nearly 800 groups under its umbrella. Since its founding in October 2002, UFPJ has spurred hundreds of protests and rallies around the country, including the two largest demonstrations against the Iraq war. For additional information see

* Find out about March 20 activities in your community at

* Join the March 20 day of action! List your community's event on the United for Peace and Justice website at:

* Visit our website for leaflets that can be adapted for use in any community planning a March 20 event:

* Get the most up-to-date logistical information about the regional demonstration in NYC on March 20 at

* Join our action alerts list for once-a-week updates on the March 20 mobilization and other peace and justice activities:

* Support the March 20 mobilization by making a contribution at

Information War News
Nov 20, 2004 - 09:08   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Information War Network invade by IT weapons.
They do many crimes. Please read next.
Information War Network send spies if you
read these websites. Because they watch
almost websites. They conceal their crimes.

lara sahin
New User

Registered: Jan 2005
Post Number: 2
Jan 15, 2005 - 17:40   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Please take a moment to visit my online store

You will find T-shirts, journals, hoodies, calendars, and stickers that promote peace, activism, and the preservation of natural forests. All of the products are simply designed and are targeted to get the message across in a decent fashion.

I will be adding more products soon, so check back. All of the graphics and pictures are my own, so it takes a little time.

Never give up!


Lynne Shifriss
New User

Registered: Apr 2005
Post Number: 1
Apr 16, 2005 - 05:11   Edit Post Delete Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
We had these bracelets/wristbands made as favors for my daughter's bat mitzvah. Then we thought, make a bunch more, sell them, and give the profits to charity.

You can see them on eBay (search for coexist bracelet) and on my blog, it tells how to order one:

The "c" is the Muslim crescent, the "o" is the yin-yang sign, the "x" is the Jewish Star of David, the "t" is the Christian Cross.

Respect, tolerance, diversity -- that's what it's all about!

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