[Earth, NASA] PEOPLE IN ACTION for a Better World
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Personas en Acción: Tecnología Alternativa Navarra: Tecnología Alternativa
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Centre for Alternative Technology, Wales, by Dawn Danby Solar power is beautiful, by Johan Bolhuis New biodiesel pump wrapped up for the ribbon cutting ceremony, by Rob Elam Wind engines, Spain, by Max Boschini

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Alternative Technology


The links with are the examples given on the Guide.

Alternative Energy Engineering - AEE (California). www.aeesolar.com & www.alt-energy.com

Alternative Technology Association (Australia). www.ata.org.au

American Hydrogen Association. www.clean-air.org

American Solar Energy Society - ASES. www.ases.org

American Wind Energy Association - AWEA. www.awea.org

APPrO - Association of Power Producers of Ontario. www.appro.org
Renewable energy and sustainable energy systems in Canada.

Bay Winds - Wind Energy Systems (USA). www.baywinds.com

BeUtilityFree, Inc. (UtilityFree Living SourceBook). www.beutilityfree.com

The BioEnergy Homepage. calvin.biotech.wisc.edu/jeffries

Biomass Information Sources on Internet (Archive). solstice.crest.org/renewables/biomass

BP: Solar and renewables. www.bp.com/bpsolar

The British Wind Energy Association. www.bwea.com

CADDET - Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies. www.caddet.co.uk
Energy efficiency and renewable energy.

California Energy Commission - Access Energy. www.energy.ca.gov

California Energy Commission: Energy Quest - Energy Education. www.energyquest.ca.gov

Censolar (Solar Energy Training Centre, Spain). www.censolar.es
With links (enlaces). In Spanish and English.

Center for Neighborhood Technology (USA). www.cnt.org

Centre for Photovoltaic Engineering (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia). www.pv.unsw.edu.au

Clean Washington Center (Seattle, USA). www.cwc.org
State organization to develop markets for recycled materials.

Earth Pledge Foundation - Innovative Environmental Solutions. www.earthpledge.org

El Paso Solar Energy Association (Texas, USA). www.epsea.org

Electric Cars - Road map to better cars. whyfiles.org/005electcar

Electric Drive Transportation Association. www.electricdrive.org

Electric Power Research Institute - EPRI. www.epri.com

EERE - U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. www.eere.energy.gov

EERE: Energy Savers. www.eere.energy.gov/consumerinfo
A consumer guide to energy efficiency and renewable energy.

EERE Information Center. www.eere.energy.gov/informationcenter

Energy Ideas Clearinghouse. www.energyideas.org

EUFORES - European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources. www.eufores.org

Finnish Wind Power Association. www.tuulivoimayhdistys.fi

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems. www.ise.fhg.de

Gamesa (Spain) - Growing with the wind. www.gamesa.es
Wind power. In English and Spanish.

Geothermal Resources Council. www.geothermal.org
Geothermal energy.

Global Recycling Network - GRN: Reference Library. www.grn.com/library
Links, etc.

The Gorby Files: Renewable Energy. www.smashy.com/re/repage.html

Dennis Holloway - Architect (New Mexico, USA). www.dennisrhollowayarchitect.com

Home Power Magazine. www.homepower.com
Home-scale renewable energy and sustainable living solutions.

Home Power Magazine: Links. www.homepower.com/links

IEA - International Energy Agency. www.iea.org

IEA Energy Information Centre. www.iea.org/Textbase/subjectqueries

IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme. www.iea-shc.org

InfinitePower.org. www.infinitepower.org
Renewable energy, the infinite power of Texas.

Institute for Environmental Quality in Architecture. www.uwm.edu/SARUP/annualreport/randcs/centers2.htm
At the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development (De Montfort University, UK). www.iesd.dmu.ac.uk

International Solar Center (Technischen Universität Berlin, Germany). (Archive). emsolar.ee.tu-berlin.de/iscb

International Symposium on Renewable Energy Education - ISREE. www.swc2005.org/isree.htm

The Internet Consumer Recycling Guide. www.obviously.com/recycle

Investigating Wind Energy. sln.fi.edu/tfi/units/energy/windguide.html
Environmental education.

The Loka Institute. www.loka.org

Maine Solar House. www.solarhouse.com

Mr. Solar. www.mrsolar.com

National Renewable Energy Laboratory - NREL (U.S. Department of Energy). www.nrel.gov

North Carolina Solar Center. www.ncsc.ncsu.edu

Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (USA). www.nesea.org

Plataforma Solar de Almería (Almeria Solar Platform, Spain). www.psa.es
In English and Spanish.

[Critical Mass Energy Project] Public Citizen: Critical Mass Energy and Environment Program. www.citizen.org/CMEP
Resource for sustainable energy activists.

Real Goods - Products for an ecologically sustainable future. www.realgoods.com

Recycler's World. www.recycle.net

Renewable Energy Section, Technischen Universität Berlin (Germany). emsolar.ee.tu-berlin.de/index_engl.html
In English and German. With a lot of information, links, addresses, etc.

Renewable Energy World (REW) Suppliers Database. www.jxj.com/suppands/renenerg
Formerly, World Directory of Renewable Energy Suppliers and Services.

Residua (UK). www.residua.com
Sustainable waste management and resource recovery.

Revisiting Solar Power's Past (MIT's Technology Review, July 1995). www.solarenergy.com/info_history.html

Sandia National Laboratories: Renewable Energy. www.sandia.gov/Renewable_Energy

Sandia National Laboratories Wind Energy Technology. www.sandia.gov/wind

Shell Solar. www.shell.com/solar & www.shellsolar.com
Formerly Siemens Solar.

Sierra Solar Systems (California). www.sierrasolar.com

Smart Communities Network - Sustainability (US government). www.sustainable.doe.gov

Solar Cooking Archive. solarcooking.org

Solar Design Associates, Inc. www.solardesign.com

Solar Electric Power Association - SEPA. www.solarelectricpower.org
Formerly Utility PhotoVoltaic Group, UPVG.

Solar Energy International. www.solarenergy.org
With links.

The Solar Energy Journal. www.ises.org/shortcut.nsf/to/sej

Solar Energy Laboratory (University of Wisconsin-Madison). sel.me.wisc.edu

Solar Energy Network. www.solarenergy.net

The Solar Energy Society (UK-ISES). www.thesolarline.com

The Source for Renewable Energy. www.sourceguides.com/energy

Southwest Windpower. www.windenergy.com

Stockholm Environment Institute - SEI (Sweden). www.sei.se

Sustainable Architecture: Eco Design and Landscaping. www.aloha.net/~laumana

Sustainable Building Sourcebook. www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook

Sustainable Energy Engineering (Stockholm, Sweden). www.egi.kth.se/index.asp?pnr=15&ID=222&lang=0
International M.Sc. (Master of Science) degree program at the Royal Institute of Technology.

Texas Solar Energy Society. www.txses.org

Thermomax Solar Collectors. www.thermomax.com & www.thermotechs.com

University of Florida Industrial Assessment Center. www.ise.ufl.edu/iac
Energy efficiency.

The University of Michigan Solar Car Team. www.engin.umich.edu/solarcar

Wenvor Technologies. www.wenvortechnologies.com

WestStart-CalStart - Advanced Transportation Technologies. www.calstart.org
Electric vehicles, etc.

Wind Energy - Comes of Age. www.wind-works.org/books/wind_energy_age.html & www.ilr.tu-berlin.de/WKA/gwindenergy.html
Book by Paul Gipe.

Wind Energy Information. www.afm.dtu.dk/wind
Denmark, etc.

Wind Energy Weekly. www.awea.org/wew

Workgroup Windturbines (TU Berlin, Germany). (Archive). www.ilr.tu-berlin.de/WKA/engwindkraft.html
Wind energy. In English, Spanish, German, French.

Xantrex Technology, Inc. www.xantrex.com
With renewable energy solutions: inverters, chargers, accessories for solar and wind energy systems.

Yahoo: Alternative Technology. dir.yahoo.com/.../Alternative_Technology

Yahoo: Noise Control. dir.yahoo.com/.../Noise_Control

Yahoo: Recycling. dir.yahoo.com/.../Recycling

Yahoo: Renewable Energy. dir.yahoo.com/.../Energy/Renewable

Yahoo: Sustainable Development. dir.yahoo.com/.../Sustainable_Development

Alternative Technology


Google Groups: alt.architecture.alternative

Google Groups: alt.energy.renewable

Google Groups: alt.solar.photovoltaic

Google Groups: alt.solar.thermal

Google Groups: clari.biz.industry.energy

Google Groups: clari.biz.industry.energy.releases

Google Groups: rec.bicycles.tech

Google Groups: sci.energy

Google Groups: sci.energy.hydrogen

People in Action: Alternative Technology (Links)