[Earth, NASA] PEOPLE IN ACTION for a Better World
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Glimpses of Toshogu pagoda, Nikko, Japan, by Jennifer Pack Jupiter Island Sunrise, by Bob Lowe Prayer, by Cris Watk Monastery garden in Italy, by David Di Biase

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The links with are the examples given on the Guide.

About: Buddhism. buddhism.about.com
Web guide.

About: Christian Teens. christianteens.about.com
Web guide.

About: Christianity. christianity.about.com
Web guide.

About: Christianity - Catholicism. catholicism.about.com
Web guide.

About: Hinduism. hinduism.about.com
Web guide.

About: Near Death Experiences - NDEs. dying.about.com/od/neardeathnde
Web guide.

About: Religion & Spirituality. about.com/religion
Web guides.

All In One Christian Index. allinone.crossdaily.com
Directory of directories.

AltNed (Netherlands): Spiritualiteit, Religie. www.antenna.nl/altned/spirit.htm

Amma (India). www.ammachi.org & amma.hindunet.org

Anthroposophy (Rudolph Steiner). origin.org/ucs/doc.cfm?e=0&ps=2&edit=1&fg=3176&fi=1122

Arcana Workshops (California). www.meditationtraining.org
Meditation, etc.

The Arcane School / La Escuela Arcana. www.lucistrust.org/arcane
Established by Alice A. Bailey in 1923.

Sri Aurobindo. www.miraura.org
Celebrated India's spiritual teacher (1872-1950).

Awakening on This Breath. www.openmindopenheart.org & www.dawn21.com

A Bahá'í Faith Page. www.bcca.org/bahaivision

Alice A. Bailey Books. www.lucistrust.org/lucispub/aab_books.shtml
Descriptions of the books.

Best of the Christian Web. www.botcw.com

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. www.ramana-maharshi.org
Celebrated India's spiritual teacher (1879-1950).

Bible Gateway. bible.gospelcom.net & bible.gospelcom.net/versions/index.php?action=getVersionInfo&vid=31#booklist
Full Bibles on the Internet in various languages.

Bibles. www.internetdynamics.com/pub/vc/bibles.html & etext.virginia.edu/rsv.browse.html
Full Bibles on the Internet in various languages.

Dannion Brinkley. www.dannion.com & www.near-death.com/experiences/evidence11.html & www.lightstreamers.com/dannion_brinkley.htm
Life after life.

Dannion Brinkley: Books. www.ascension-research.org/saved.html & www.ascension-research.org/at-peace.html & www.hsv.com/columns/bookreviews/art7.htm & www.baproducts.com/savedbyl.htm

Dannion Brinkley: The Twilight Brigade / Compassion in Action. www.thetwilightbrigade.com
Organization of volunteers. Too many people are dying alone, they are doing something about it.

"Buddha, the Gospel". www.sacred-texts.com/bud/btg
Book (full text).

"Buddha, the Word". www.sacred-texts.com/bud/buddha2.htm
Book (full text).

[Great Buddha of Kamakura, Japan] Buddhist Studies (WWW Virtual Library). www.ciolek.com/WWWVL-Buddhism.html
Image: Great Buddha of Kamakura, Japan.

Calculation of the Ecclesiastical Calendar. www.smart.net/~mmontes/ec-cal.html

Carlos Castaneda: Tensegrity. www.castaneda.org & www.verdeclaro.net
In several languages.

Catholic.net. www.catholic.net
Catholic information center.

Chetana - Spiritual, Ethnic, Indian (Mumbai, India). www.chetana.com
Books, publications, etc.

ConsciousNet (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20020808150438/http://www.consciousnet.com

Crosswalk Directory. directory.crosswalk.com
The Christian Internet Directory was merged with Goshen's Christian Internet Resource Directory. The latest updates are on the Crosswalk Directory.

Daily Inspiration on Spiritual Growth. www.elsajoy.com

Dalai Lama: The Good Heart. www.earthportals.com/goodheart.html
"Christians and Buddhists Meet", review of the book "The Good Heart", a Buddhist perspective on the teachings of Jesus.

Dalai Lama: The Teaching on Aspirational Bodhicitta. www.tibetancc.com/events/hhdl_1996teaching.html
Teaching by the Dalai Lama.

Dalai Lama and His Government in Exile (Archive). web.archive.org/web/19980128032124/http://www.s2f.com/stanmeyer/dalai/dalai.html
With photographs by John R. Stanmeyer.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet. hhdl.dharmakara.net

Destructive Cults. www.ex-cult.org & www.freedomofmind.com & www.freedomofmind.com/resourcecenter/responsibility & www.factnet.org & www.religioustolerance.org/mc_cults.htm & dir.yahoo.com/Society_and_Culture/Religion_and_Spirituality/Cults
Cults against freedom of thought.

Ecumenical News International. www.eni.ch

Ecunet. www.ecunet.org
Interactive Christian community.

Enlightenment On-Line. www.holistic.com/lonny/enlitonline.htm

Enlightenment Retreats on the Internet (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20001206212900/http://www.enlightenmentretreats.com
Retreat through e-mail, directed by Terence Grant, author of "The Silence of Unknowing".

[Facets of Religion] Facets of Religion (WWW Virtual Library). www.facetsofreligion.com & www.edunet.ie/resources/religioninfo/religion.html
Directory of the religions of the world.

FATE Magazine: To Death and Back - Children Share Their Glimpses of the Afterlife. web.archive.org/web/19991012140651/http://www.llewellyn.com/fate/9805/pr1_0598.htm & www.llewellyn.com/bookstore/article.php?id=64

Matthew Fox. www.wisdomuniversity.org/matthew.html & www.matthewfox.org
A liberation theologian and progressive priest, founder of Wisdom University -formerly University Creation Spirituality- and author of 26 books, including the best selling "Original Blessing".

Franciscan Web Page. www.wtu.edu/franciscan
The Franciscans, founded by Saint Francis of Assisi.

Franciscan Youth. www.franciscansinternational.org/fyi & www.ciofs.org/youfra.htm

Friends of Buddhism (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20001208180200/http://fobusa.com

GNAAK (Canada). www.gnaak.com
Spiritual and inspirational print materials. Poetry books by George D. Nicholls.

Hinduism Today. www.hinduismtoday.com

International Association for Near-Death Studies - IANDS. iands.org

St. John of the Cross, by Thomas Merton. praiseofglory.com/juancruztm.htm

The Krishnamurti Centre at Brockwood Park (UK). www.krishnamurticentre.org.uk

Krishnamurti Education Centre of Canada - Swanwick Study Centre. www.krishnamurti.ca

[Krishnamurti] Krishnamurti Foundation of America. www.kfa.org
Interesting explorations on the awakening of the human consciousness and on the fundamental subjects of the existence. Krishnamurti is author of "The First and Last Freedom" (his most celebrated book, with foreword by Aldous Huxley), "Commentaries on Living" (well-known three-volume work, selection of conversations with a wide variety of people), "Krishnamurti on Education" (talks and discussions with children and teachers), etc.

Krishnamurti Foundation India. www.kfionline.org

Krishnamurti Foundation Trust (UK). www.kfoundation.org

Krishnamurti Site Berlin (Germany). www.ksiteberlin.de & www.escribe.com/religion/listening
Home of the mailing list Listening-L.

The Philosophy of Jiddu Krishnamurti. www.uni-giessen.de/~gk1415/krishnamurti.htm

Lao-tzu: "The Tao-te Ching". classics.mit.edu/Lao/taote.html & www.kabooom.com/htmls/I_Ching/complete_tao.html & www.ncf.carleton.ca/~dr461/ch63.htm
Book (full text).

LinkLight. www.linklight.com

Meditation Mount (Ojai Valley, California). www.meditation.com

MKH Pages. members.tripod.com/~mkhpage

The Monthly Aspectarian - The Magazine for the New Age. www.lightworks.com/MonthlyAspectarian

[Life After Life] Raymond Moody, M.D., Ph.D. www.lifeafterlife.com & www.lifeafterlife.com/books_lifeafterlife.html & www.healthy.net/scr/interview.asp?PageType=Interview&ID=209 & web.archive.org/web/19970710043655/http://www.lightworks.com/MonthlyAspectarian/1995/April/RaymondMoody.html & www.14850.com/14850/9311/interview.html
Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy. Author of the well-known book "Life After Life" (Bantam Books), etc.

Near-Death Experiences (Archive). www.mindspring.com/~scottr/end.html
Life after life. Directory.

Nerd World: Christianity. www.nerdworld.com/nw372.html

Nerd World: Christian Youth and Student Associations. www.nerdworld.com/nw1473.html

Raimon Panikkar: Nine Ways Not to Talk about God. www.aril.org/panikkar.htm

Raimon Panikkar: The Vedic Experience. www.hinduismtoday.com/archives/2001/3-4/11_vedic_experience.shtml & www.hinduismtoday.com/archives/1996/1/1996-1-13.shtml & www.himalayanacademy.com/resources/books/vedic_experience/VEIndex.html

Pointing the Way. A Guide to Christian Literature on the Internet. www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/christian-books.html

Religion and Spirituality (Archive). cscs.umich.edu/~crshalizi/formerly-hyper-weird/wind.html
Directory, by Cosma Rohilla Shalizi and Mitchell Porter.

ReligiousTolerance.org. www.religioustolerance.org

Rudy's Page on Theosophy. www.teosofia.com
With many links, information, texts, etc. about Theosophy, and also Krishnamurti.

Sacred Transformations. www.well.com/user/bobby
Personal stories of spiritual emergence, visions, awakenings, and their effects on people's lives. By Bob Manrodt.

Shambhala. www.shambhala.org
International association of meditation centers and other organizations founded by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

Shambhala: Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. www.shambhala.org/teachers/vctr

Shambhala Publications. www.shambhala.com

The Shroud of Turin Home Page. www.shroud.com

Soc.Religion.Christian. geneva.rutgers.edu/src
The web page for the soc.religion.christian newsgroup. For a talk with others.

The Soul of the Indian. www.mountainman.com.au/eastman.html
The religion of the North American Indians. Full text of the book.

SpiritWeb (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20021126151534/http://www.spiritweb.org

Spiritual Potpourri (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20041028073516/http://www.eskimo.com/~wayneld/spirit.html

Emanuel Swedenborg. swedenborg.newearth.org

Table of Faiths (Archive). www.shunyata.net/re970802.htm
Directory of the religions of the world. Many links.

[Taizé] Taizé Community (near Cluny, France). www.taize.fr
Well-known ecumenical community. Encounter place for young people of all Christian beliefs. With beautiful music.

Taoism Information Page (WWW Virtual Library). www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/taoism

[Mother Teresa] Mother Teresa. www.motherteresa.org & www.cnn.com/WORLD/9709/mother.teresa & www.time.com/time/reports/motherteresa & nobelprize.org/peace/laureates/1979 & web.archive.org/web/20021014143906/http://www.s2f.com/stanmeyer/mamat/mamat.html & www.stanmeyer.com/ann/stories/aweb2.html & www.geocities.com/Athens/2960/mothert.htm & students.seattleu.edu/clubs/calcutta & www.tisv.be & web.archive.org/web/20000816045001/http://www.allindia.com/mother & web.archive.org/web/19971014022802/http://www.latimes.com/HOME/NEWS/NATION/TERESA
Life of love in Calcutta and the world.

Mother Teresa: Addresses and Links. peopleinaction.com/board/2/700.html

Mother Teresa: Links. dir.yahoo.com/.../Mother_Teresa__1910_1997_ & www.nobelprizes.com/nobel/peace/1979a.html & www.cyberindian.com/india/mtlinks.htm & www.tisv.be/mt/en/link.htm & dir.groupweb.com/.../Blessed_Teresa_of_Calcutta & d.webring.com/hub?ring=pathlove

Theology Library. www.shc.edu/theolibrary
Thousands of links. Formerly called the CatholicMobile.

Theosophical Society in America. www.theosophical.org

Theosophical University Press Online. www.theosociety.org/pasadena/tup-onl.htm
Full text of selected books (H. P. Blavatsky, Mahatmas Morya and Koot Hoomi, etc.).

Tricycle - The Buddhist Review. www.tricycle.com

United Communities of Spirit. origin.org/ucs/home.cfm

Urban Youth Workers Resource Directory. www.agrm.org/yth-res.html
Resources for urban youth ministry. Books, videos, magazines/journals, conferences/training, organizations.

Vatican. www.vatican.va
In several languages.

Vatican Exhibit Main Hall. www.ibiblio.org/expo/vatican.exhibit/exhibit/Main_Hall.html

Vivekananda Centre London (UK). www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda

Vocare National (USA). www.vocare.org

Alan Watts. deoxy.org/watts.htm & web.archive.org/web/20000616103316/http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/9535/Watts/watts.html & www.alanwatts.com & www.bluesforpeace.com/beat_zen.htm & web.archive.org/web/19980522185232/http://www.mysticfire.com/TVWatts.html
With online texts, etc.

We Care. www.wecare.org
Christian contacts: youth, etc.

Weblight. (In French). www.weblight.com
Esotericism (Alice A. Bailey).

[What Is Enlightenment?] What Is Enlightenment? www.wie.org
Magazine on spirituality.

World Council of Churches. www.wcc-coe.org

World of Religions. religionworld.org

The World Wide Online Meditation Center. www.meditationcenter.com

World Youth Day. www.worldyouthday.org
Catholic youth.

Yahoo: Bahá'í Faith. dir.yahoo.com/.../Baha_i_Faith

Yahoo: Buddhism. dir.yahoo.com/.../Buddhism

Yahoo: Carlos Castaneda. dir.yahoo.com/.../Castaneda__Carlos

Yahoo: Christian Youth Organizations. dir.yahoo.com/.../Christianity/.../Youth/Organizations

Yahoo: Christianity. dir.yahoo.com/.../Christianity

Yahoo: Hinduism. dir.yahoo.com/.../Hinduism

Yahoo: Meditation. dir.yahoo.com/.../Meditation

Yahoo: Near Death Experiences. dir.yahoo.com/.../Near_Death_Experiences

Yahoo: Religion and Spirituality. dir.yahoo.com/.../Religion_and_Spirituality

Yahoo: Sufism. dir.yahoo.com/.../Sufism

Yahoo: Taoism. dir.yahoo.com/.../Taoism

Yahoo: Theosophy. dir.yahoo.com/.../Theosophy

Yahoo: Tibet's Religion and Spirituality. dir.yahoo.com/.../Tibet/.../Religion_and_Spirituality

Yahoo: Tibetan Buddhism. dir.yahoo.com/.../Buddhism/.../Tibetan

The Zoo Fence - A Commentary on Life & Living. www.zoofence.com



Google Groups: alt.consciousness

Google Groups: alt.consciousness.mysticism

Google Groups: alt.consciousness.near-death-exp

Google Groups: alt.hindu

Google Groups: alt.islam.sufism

Google Groups: alt.life.afterlife

Google Groups: alt.meditation

Google Groups: alt.out-of-body

Google Groups: alt.paranormal.reincarnation

Google Groups: alt.philosophy.taoism

Google Groups: alt.philosophy.zen

Google Groups: alt.religion

Google Groups: alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan

Google Groups: alt.religion.christian

Google Groups: alt.spiritual.enhancement

Google Groups: alt.spirituality.circle

Google Groups: alt.support.ex-cult

Google Groups: alt.yoga

Google Groups: clari.news.religion

Google Groups: soc.religion

Google Groups: soc.religion.bahai

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Google Groups: soc.religion.christian.youth-work

Google Groups: soc.religion.eastern

Google Groups: soc.religion.shamanism

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Google Groups: talk.religion.buddhism - Faq: www.saigon.com/~anson/ebud/ebdha080.htm

Google Groups: talk.religion.misc

People in Action: Spirituality (Links)