[Earth, NASA] PEOPLE IN ACTION for a Better World
Links to Initiatives, Associations and Information on the Internet

Internet Links

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Searching man, by Philippe Ramakers Magnifying glass - 6, by Pawel Vares Woman typing on a laptop, by Matthew Bowden Arrow over search button, by Peter Hamza

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Search for Information


The links with are the examples given on the Guide.

A9.com. www.a9.com
Metasearch engine.

About. www.about.com
Good guides to hundreds of topics.

About: Web Search. websearch.about.com
Web guide.

Alexa: Top 500 Sites. www.alexa.com/site/ds/top_500

All 4 One. all4one.com

[AltaVista] AltaVista. www.altavista.com & www.altavista.com/web/adv
World Wide Web pages, Usenet News Groups. One of the search engines that give more information. Advanced search at the second link (and, or, near, parentheses, quotes " " for phrases, etc.).

The Argus Clearinghouse (Archive). www.clearinghouse.net

BBC: Directory. www.bbc.co.uk/directory

Bigfoot Directories. search.bigfoot.com
Find people, business...

CataList. www.lsoft.com/catalist.html
The official catalog of Listserv mailing lists.

CiberCentro. www.cibercentro.com/english
Latin America, USA, Spain.

Dogpile - All the best search engines piled into one. www.dogpile.com
Metasearch, including Google, Yahoo!, MSN and Ask Jeeves.

Excite. www.excite.com

Go.com. www.go.com

Google Groups. groups.google.com
Usenet newsgroups. Good service.

HotBot. www.hotbot.com

[InfoSpace.com] InfoSpace. www.infospace.com
Yellow pages, white pages, web search, maps & directions, search by phone, email search, directories...

Internet Scout. scout.wisc.edu & scout.wisc.edu/Projects/PastProjects/toolkit

The Internet Sleuth. www.isleuth.com
Colleges, universities, and more.

iTools. www.itools.com

Latin World. www.latinworld.com
Latin America and Spain.

Librarians' Index to the Internet. lii.org
Information you can trust.

Links2Go. www.links2go.com

LookSmart. www.looksmart.com

Lycos. www.lycos.com

[MetaCrawler] MetaCrawler. www.metacrawler.com
Simultaneous search with several well-known search engines. Good service.

Metasearch. www.metasearch.com

Nerdworld: Nerd Wide Web. www.nerdworld.com/ww_template.html

New Riders' World Wide Web Yellow Pages (Archive). www.fos.ut.ac.ir/links/Wwwyp/welcome.htm
Directory: old times -1997- of the Web. Online version of this book.

Open Directory Project. dmoz.org

Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20020929212903/http://www.paml.net
Thousands of mailing lists (old listings).

[Search.Com] Search.com. www.search.com
Metasearch engine from CNET.

Search Engine Watch. searchenginewatch.com
Information about search engines.

Snap! www.snap.com

SuperPages. www.superpages.com

Surfy! www.surfy.com

Switchboard. www.switchboard.com
Telephone directory: yellow pages, white pages, online maps, reverse phone number search, and more.

Tile.net. tile.net
Discussion lists, email newsletters, Usenet newsgroups, web development articles, etc.

The Virtual Reference Desk. www.virtualref.com

Virtual Tourist. www.virtualtourist.com

W3 Search Engines (Archive). cui.unige.ch/meta-index.html

WebCrawler. webcrawler.com
Metasearch, including Google, Yahoo!, Ask Jeeves, About, LookSmart, Overture, FindWhat.

WhoWhere. www.whowhere.com

World Email Directory - WED. www.worldemail.com

The WWW Virtual Library. vlib.org
Celebrated directory of directories, by topic.

Xplore. www.xplore.com

[Yahoo] Yahoo. www.yahoo.com
With excellent lists of links by topic.

Yahoo! People Search. people.yahoo.com

Yahoo: Searching the Web. dir.yahoo.com/.../Searching_the_Web

Yellow Pages. www.yellow.com

People in Action: Search for Information (Links)