[Earth, NASA] PEOPLE IN ACTION for a Better World
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Studying economics, by Ole Jørgen Bratland & Gisele Jaquenod Newspapers, by Kathy McCallum Press photographers, by Bartlomiej Stroinski CD Mess, by David Di Biase

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The links with are the examples given on the Guide.

About: U.S. Liberal Politics. usliberals.about.com
News, articles, resources.

Alien (Italy). www.dialogo.org/alien/default3.htm
Humanist multicultural newspaper to promote the dialogue among the cultures.

Associated Press. www.ap.org
News agency.

Atlantis Rising Magazine. www.atlantisrising.com

Body & Soul Magazine. www.bodyandsoulmag.com

EarthLight - Journal for Ecological and Spiritual Living. www.earthlight.org

The Economist. www.economist.com

Editor & Publisher. www.editorandpublisher.com
American journal covering the newspaper industry.

Electronic magazines (Archive). www.ics.muni.cz/ics/library/mirror/emagazin-fabian.html

The Etext Archives: Zines. www.etext.org/Zines

Fate Magazine - True Reports of the Strange and Unknown. www.fatemag.com
Magazine of the paranormal.

Google News. news.google.com
Search and browse thousands of news sources updated continuously.

The Haight Ashbury Free Press. www.johnfloresgraphics.com/HAFreePress.html

HighBeam Research. www.highbeam.com
Online research engine, including a library of more than 35 million articles from over 3,000 respected publishers. Also, books, images, maps, reference, web... (Formerly Electric Library, eLibrary.com).

IngentaConnect. www.ingentaconnect.com
Comprehensive collection of thousands of academic and professional publications. Millions of articles, chapters, reports...

ISSN - International Standard Serial Number. www.issn.org
With a large database of periodical publications. More than one million ISSN numbers have so far been assigned.

Journal Of Humanitarian Assistance (University of Bradford, UK). www.jha.ac

Leading Edge International Research Group. www.trufax.org

Libération (France). www.liberation.fr

Magical Blend. www.magicalblend.com

The Mercury News (Bay Area, California). www.mercurynews.com

Mother Jones Magazine. www.motherjones.com

National Geographic. www.nationalgeographic.com

New Dawn Magazine. www.newdawnmagazine.com

New Frontier Magazine. www.newfrontier.com
Magazine of transformation. New age consciousness, etc.

New Renaissance - A Journal for Social and Spiritual Awakening. www.ru.org

The New York Times. www.nytimes.com

NewsLink. newslink.org

Parabola Magazine - Myth, Tradition, and the Search for Meaning. www.parabola.org

Progressive Review (Princeton University). www.princeton.edu/prog
A voice for social justice.

Resurgence Magazine (UK). www.resurgence.org
Ecological and spiritual thinking.

The Saturday Evening Post. www.satevepost.org

SelfhelpMagazine. www.selfhelpmagazine.com

Simple Living - The Journal of Voluntary Simplicity. www.simpleliving.com

Time Magazine. www.time.com

USA Today. www.usatoday.com

Washington Post. www.washingtonpost.com

WebActive. www.webactive.com
Weekly publication for progressive activists.

Whole Earth Magazine (Archive). www-dev.wholeearthmag.com

Wings (Archive). www.drwnet.com/wings

Yahoo: Magazines. dir.yahoo.com/.../Magazines

Yahoo News. news.yahoo.com

Yes! Magazine. www.yesmagazine.org
Supporting you in creating a more just, sustainable, and compassionate world.

Yoga Journal. www.yogajournal.com



Google Groups: alt.journalism

Google Groups: alt.zines

Google Groups: clari.biz.industry.media - Publishing, journalism and other media. (Moderated).

Google Groups: rec.mag - Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.

People in Action: Publications (Links)