[Earth, NASA] PEOPLE IN ACTION for a Better World
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Earth, the blue marble (west), by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth, view from Apollo 11, by NASA Earth, the blue marble (east), by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth, Pacific Ocean, from the Galileo spacecraft, by NASA/JPL

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Progressive Networks


The links with are the examples given on the Guide.

AlterNex IBASE (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). www.ax.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

Antenna (Nijmegen, Netherlands). www.antenna.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

[APC] APC (Association for Progressive Communications). www.apc.org
World communications network for environment, human rights, development and peace. It cooperates with the United Nations and a large number of non-profit organizations. The APC member networks and the partner networks provide computer communications (Internet access) for NGOs of solidarity, etc., all over the world.

APC: Members / Miembros. www.apc.org/members.html & www.apc.org/spanish/memberssp.html
Directories. (In English and Spanish).

APC: Partners / Socios. www.apc.org/partners.html & www.apc.org/spanish/partnerssp.html
Directories. (In English and Spanish).

The Civic Network gopher. Gopher: gopher://gopher.civic.net:2400

ComLink e.v. (Hannover, Germany). www.comlink.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

Econnect (Prague, Czech Republic). www.ecn.cz
APC member network. Internet host.

GlasNet (Moscow, Russia). www.glas.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

Global Action and Information Network (GAIN). www.igc.apc.org/gain

GLUK - GlasNet-Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine). E-mail: support@gluk.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

[GreenNet] GreenNet (London, UK). www.gn.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

GreenNet (London, UK): Web Sites on GreenNet. www.gn.apc.org/gn/links/websites.html

[IGC] IGC - Institute for Global Communications (San Francisco, California). www.igc.org & Gopher: gopher://gopher.igc.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host. PeaceNet, EcoNet, ConflictNet, LaborNet, WomensNet.

IGC (San Francisco, California): Members. www.igc.org/igc/members

[Impact Online] Impact Online. www.impactonline.org
Volunteering. (Including via the Internet, etc.).

Intuition Network. www.lh.com/Intuition

Knooppunt (Gent, Belgium). www.knooppunt.be
APC member network.

MacroNet. (Free books, space, database, links for Progressives). www.macronet.org/macronet

New Age Net. www.dnai.com/omega

[New Civilization Network] New Civilization Network. www.newciv.org & www.worldtrans.org/newcivnet.html
Network of people working for a better world.

New Civilization Network: Visit our Members. www.newciv.org/ncn/ncnvisit.html & www.worldtrans.org/ncn/ncnvisit.html

The New Group of World Servers. www.ngws.org

NordNet (Johanneshov, Sweden). nn.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

[OneWorld] OneWorld. www.oneworld.org

OneWorld Partners. www.oneworld.org/partners/partners_list

Pegasus Networks (South Brisbane, Australia). www.peg.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

PlaNet (Christchurch, New Zealand). www.chch.planet.org.nz
APC member network. Internet host.

[The QLN Network] The QLN Network (Quality of Life Network). www.transform.org/transform/qln
Founders: Robert Theobald, Mark Jowett, Tiina Kurvits.

Rainbow Family of Living Light. www.welcomehome.org/rainbow.html
Annual Rainbow Gatherings, etc.

Retina / RIDMC. (Ljubljana, Slovenia). www.kud-fp.si/retina
APC member network. Internet host.

SangoNet (Johannesburg, South Africa). wn.apc.org/sangonet.html
APC member network. Internet host.

Terraweb - Server für Umweltorganisationen (Germany). www.terraweb.de
Server for German non-profit organizations in the environmental field.

Web Networks (Toronto, Canada). www.web.net & www.web.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

Web Networks: Community Resource Centre (Canada). community.web.net

World Goodwill. www.oneworld.org/worldgoodwill & www.lucistrust.org/goodwill/wg1.htm

Z-Net. www.lbbs.org & www.zmag.org
Left-wingers and progressives. (Noam Chomsky, etc.).

ZAMIR-BG (ZTN). (Belgrade, Serbia). E-mail: support@ZAMIR-BG.ztn.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

ZAMIR-LJ (ZTN). (Ljubljana, Slovenia). E-mail: support@ZAMIR-LJ.ztn.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

ZAMIR-SA (ZTN). (Sarajevo, Bosnia). E-mail: support@ZAMIR-SA.ztn.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

ZAMIR-TZ (ZTN). (Tuzla, Bosnia). E-mail: support@ZAMIR-TZ.ztn.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

ZAMIR-ZG (ZTN). (Zagreb, Croatia). E-mail: support@ZAMIR-ZG.ztn.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

ZANA-PR (ZTN). (Pristina, Kosovo). E-mail: support@ZANA-PR.ztn.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

[Former Yugoslavia] ZTN - Zamir Transnational Net (Former Yugoslavia: Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia). mediafilter.org/mff/ztn_info.html & www.MediaFilter.org/MFF/ZTN_InFo.html
APC member network. Internet host.
(Map: PCL Map Collection).

Progressive Networks


Google Groups: alt.activism

Google Groups: alt.gathering.rainbow

Google Groups: misc.activism

Google Groups: misc.activism.progressive

People in Action: Progressive Networks (Links)