[Earth, NASA] PEOPLE IN ACTION for a Better World
Links to Initiatives, Associations and Information on the Internet

Internet Links - Forums

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Personas en Acción: Música Navarra: Música
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Playing the piano, by Joe Young Violin, by Per-Lke Byström Guitar, by Calchan Guitar Chord: David Crowder Band playing at the National Youth Workers Convention, by Jen Ward

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The links with are the examples given on the Guide.

About: Christian Music / Gospel. christianmusic.about.com

About: Classical Music. classicalmusic.about.com

About: Traditional Music. blues.about.com/od/traditionalmusic

About: World Music. worldmusic.about.com

Aeiou (Austria): Music Album. www.aeiou.at/aeiou.musalbum
Mozart, Haydn, etc. (in English and German). With audio samples.

Allmusic - All Music Guide (AMG). www.allmusic.com
Large database.

Robert Altman: The Folk Era. www.altmanphoto.com/Page3c.FolkMusic.Gallery.html
Photographs and links: Phil Ochs, Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Judy Collins, Steven Stills.

Amazing Sounds - The Alternative Music Magazine. www.amazings.com/ingles.html & www.amazings.com
World music, new age, folk, etc. (In English and Spanish).

American Music Therapy Association - AMTA. www.musictherapy.org

ARTISTdirect. www.artistdirect.com
With an extensive and only-music specific search engine (formerly known as the Ultimate Band List, UBL). Sections for each artist: albums, biography, listen/watch, links...

Johann Sebastian Bach. odur.let.rug.nl/Linguistics/diversen/bach/intro.html & www.bachplucked.com & w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/bachjs.html & www.bach-net.org & www.bach-fest.org

Johann Sebastian Bach: Online Music. www.ipl.org/div/mushist/bar/bach.htm & www.wyastone.co.uk/nrl/main/7031b.html & www.flutist.com/goodman/english & www.larastjohn.com/audio.html & yca.org/finch.html & yca.org/belinic.html

Bach Meets Cape Breton. www.scottmacmillan.ca/albums/bach.html
Classical and folk music (RealAudio).

The Beatles: Links. classicrock.about.com/od/beatles & www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/webs/0,,402274,00.html & dir.yahoo.com/.../Beatles__The

The Beatles: Sound Files (Archive). classicrock.about.com/cs/soundfiles2

The Beatles Jukebox / Beatles Midi Center (Archive). www.geocities.com/Yosemite/2729/index2.html

[Boys of the Lough] Boys of the Lough. www.boysofthelough.com & www.ceolas.org/artists/Boys_of_the_Lough.html & www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=11:a1y67ul0h0jk & www.dirtylinen.com/linen/feature/43lough.html
Good Celtic music.

British Society for Music Therapy. www.bsmt.org

Los Calchakis (Latin America). www.calchakis.com

Canadian Association for Music Therapy. www.musictherapy.ca

CelticMusic.Com. www.celticmusic.com

CelticMusic.Com: The Virtual Tunebook. www.celticmusic.com/cgi-bin/tunes.pl
With music clips.

[Ceolas] Ceolas Celtic Music Archive. ceolas.org/ceolas.html
A lot of information on Celtic music. With music samples, links, etc.

Ceolas: Celtic Music Links. www.ceolas.org/links.html & www.ceolas.org/ref/Internet_Sources.html

Chansons Françaises. www.geocities.com/foursov
Lyrics (Moustaki, etc.).

[The Chinese Music Page] The Chinese Music Page. www.arts.utas.edu.au/tongtao/chinese_music.html & Ftp: sunsite.unc.edu/pub/multimedia/chinese-music
With audio files.

Classic CD on line: Composers. web.archive.org/web/20000819110517/www.classiccd.co.uk/composers/composers.html

The Classical Midi Resource. www.classicalmidiresource.com

The Classical Music Archives. www.classicalarchives.com
A lot of online classical music. Live recordings and midi files.

The Classical Music Guide Forums. www.classicalmusicguide.com

The Classical Music Pages. w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp
With sound examples, etc.

Classical Net. www.classical.net
Classical music.

Composers Page (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20030530130210/http://composers.net

Concerto Copenhagen (Denmark). www.coco.dk
With online music: baroque, classical.

R. Crumb and his Cheap Suit Serenaders. www.timshome.com/css

[John Denver with Cousteau] John Denver (USA). www.johndenver.com & www.shellworld.net/~emily & www.john-denver.org & www.johndenvermusic.com & www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/card/0,,422530,00.html & www.math.hmc.edu/faculty/levin/JD/denver.html
Celebrated musician, and environmental and humanitarian activist. (Photo: John Denver with Cousteau).

John Denver: Links. www.shellworld.net/~emily/jd-www.htm & www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/webs/0,,422530,00.html & www.john-denver.org/default.asp?nc=9904&id=371 & www.folklib.net/index/d/denver_john.shtml & directory.google.com/.../Denver,_John & dir.yahoo.com/.../Denver__John__1943_1997_

Folkmusic.org. www.folkmusic.org

Gracenote: Music search. www.gracenote.com/music/index_old.html
CDDB, a large database including millions of CDs.

Steven Halpern's Inner Peace Music. www.innerpeacemusic.com
New age music.

George Frideric Handel. gfhandel.org & www.ipl.org/div/mushist/bar/handel.htm & w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/handel.html & web.archive.org/web/20030208022354/http://bruichladdich.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/HandelWWW/HandelCat.html & www.npj.com/homepage/teritowe/gfhindex.html

George Frideric Handel: Links. gfhandel.org/gfhweb.htm

Harmony Central - The Internet Resource for Musicians. www.harmony-central.com

[Franz Joseph Haydn] Franz Joseph Haydn. www.ipl.org/div/mushist/clas/index.htm#haydn & www.aeiou.at/haydn.htm;internal&action=_setlanguage.action?LANGUAGE=en & w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/haydnj.html & home.wxs.nl/~cmr/haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn: Online Music. www.wyastone.co.uk/nrl/main/7041b.html & www.wyastone.co.uk/nrl/main/5200b.html & www.multiwire.net/virtuart/cometto/room4.html

Alexandre H. Hohmann's Music Page. www.geocities.com/Vienna/Strasse/9570/music
Classical music: Bach, Handel, Mozart, etc.

Integrity Media - Hosanna! Music (USA, etc.). www.integritymusic.com & store.integritymusic.com/dept.asp?deptid=4
Good Christian music: Praise & Worship collection, etc.

Integrity Media - Hosanna! Music: "Come to the Table", by Marty Nystrom. www.worshipmusic.com/hmd037.html

Integrity Media - Hosanna! Music: "Give Thanks", by Don Moen. store.integritymusic.com/product.asp?prodid=109&deptid=4
With RealAudio samples. Songs: "I Am the God That Healeth Thee", "Blessed Be the Name of the Lord", "Worthy, You Are Worthy", etc.

Integrity Media - Hosanna! Music: "Up to Zion", by Paul Wilbur. store.integritymusic.com/product.asp?prodid=428&deptid=4 & www.gracenote.com/prof/music/album.html/genreligious/87e47afab3e18b224a68322a88563cca.html
With RealAudio samples. Songs: "Worthy Is the Lamb", "Who Is Like Thee (Mikamocha)", "He Shall Reign", etc.

Integrity Music Europe. www.integrityeurope.com

Internet Public Library: Music History 102 - A Guide to Western Composers and their Music. www.ipl.org/div/mushist
Classical music. With RealAudio files.

Irish Music Box (Ireland). www.dojo.ie/musicbox

Irish Music Box: Directory. www.dojo.ie/musicbox/imd
Links: musicians, etc.

Irish Music Box: Irish Music Jukebox. www.dojo.ie/jukebox/irishbox.htm
Many online music fragments.

Irish Music Box: Jukebox Players. www.dojo.ie/jukebox/player.htm
Shareware audio players for Windows and Mac.

Irish Traditional Music Archive. www.itma.ie

[Victor Jara] Victor Jara (Chile). www.sreyes.org/vjindex.htm & simr02.si.ehu.es/FileRoom/documents/Cases/291jara.html

Victor Jara (Chile): Songs. www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Alley/4021/victor.html & www.lakeheadu.ca/~langwww/files/jara.html
Songs: "Te recuerdo Amanda", "Duerme, duerme negrito", "Cuando voy al trabajo", "El martillo", "Abre la ventana", "Lo único que tengo", etc.

Jesus Christ Superstar. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Christ_Superstar
Rock opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.

Leonardo da Vinci: Music. library.thinkquest.org/13681/data/link3.htm

Maarten's Music Links. www.xs4all.nl/~mrtn/muziek.htm
Directory. Classical music and world music.

The Mamas and the Papas (USA). www.angelfire.com/ma2/mamasandpapas & www.rockhall.com/hof/inductee.asp?id=147 & en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mamas_&_the_Papas & music.yahoo.com/ar-256187---The-Mamas--The-Papas
Hippie music in the sixties.

Midiworld. midiworld.com

[Moustaki] Georges Moustaki (France, etc.). www.comnet.ca/~rg/moustaki.htm & www.comnet.ca/~rg/moust2.htm & www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/card/0,,470939,00.html & www.pserrano.com/moustaki/e_moustaki.html

Georges Moustaki: Lyrics. perso.wanadoo.fr/walter.marinella/M.html & members.tripod.com/~baltaro/mous.htm & web.archive.org/web/20010417063507/myweb.worldnet.net/~apperrin/collection/textes/moustaki/_index.htm & www.harmony-central.com/Guitar/OLGA/all/georges_moustaki.html

[Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. www.mozartproject.org & www.ipl.org/div/mushist/clas/mozart.htm & w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/mozart.html

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: "Amadeus" (film). www.imdb.com/title/tt0086879 & www.allmovie.com/cg/avg.dll?p=avg&sql=1:1764
With RealAudio clips (three last links).

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Links. www.mozartproject.org/related_sites & www.mhrcc.org/mozart & www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/links/0,,471012,00.html

[Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Online Music] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Online Music. Audio: w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/mozart_piano_con21_2.wav & www.wyastone.co.uk/nrl/main/1756b.html & www.wyastone.co.uk/nrl/main/1775b.html & www.wyastone.co.uk/nrl/main/5487b.html & www.yca.org/fain.html & www.efes.com/lecagot/samples.asp
With music ready to listen to (for example, first link is a fragment from the celebrated Andante of the Piano Concerto No. 21).

Mozart makes you smarter. www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/gen99/gen99023.htm & www.sonyclassical.com/releases/66245.htm & en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozart_effect & parenting-baby.com/Parenting-Baby-Music-Research/Music-Research.html

Mozart's Musical Dice Game. sunsite.univie.ac.at/Mozart/dice & webplaza.pt.lu/public/mbarnig/pages/dicemus.html & www.studyworksonline.com/cda/content/article/0,,EXP1237_NAV2-95_SAR1238,00.shtml

The Mudcat Cafe - A magazine dedicated to blues and folk music. www.mudcat.org
With the Digital Tradition Folksong Database.

The Music House: Music Boxes. www.themusichouse.com/musich/musicboxes.htm & www.themusichouse.com/musich/sounds36.html
Music boxes, with lovely sound samples.

Music of the World (Archive). www.debone.com/worldmusic.html
Directory of world music. Many links with audio samples.

Music stores with online music samples. www.cdnow.com & www.cduniverse.com & www.towerrecords.com

Music Therapy Info Link. members.aol.com/kathysl

Música colonial brasileira. www.geocities.com/RainForest/9468/musicamg.htm
Classical music from Brazil and Latin America (18th, 19th centuries).

Musical Traditions - The Magazine for Traditional Music throughout the World. www.mustrad.org.uk
With RealAudio clips, links, etc.

Musicoterapia / FIM (Italy). www.musicoterapia.it

Musicoterapia on line (Italy). www.mtonline.it

Musicoterapia on line (Italy): Link. www.mtonline.it/link.php

MusicSearch. www.musicsearch.com
Music-only search site.

Nimbus Records: Audio. www.wyastone.co.uk/nrl/audio.html
Online music: classical, world music (full length, RealAudio).

Gilbert O'Sullivan (Ireland and UK). www.gilbertosullivan.com & www.gosullivan.com & www.gilbertosullivan.net & www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/card/0,,474708,00.html
Songs: "Alone Again (Naturally)", "What's In a Kiss", "Clair", etc.

Phil Ochs (USA). www.cs.pdx.edu/~trent/ochs
Folk singer/songwriter in the sixties.

Public Radio MusicSource. www.prms.org
With audio samples.

[RealPlayer] RealPlayer. www.realnetworks.com/products/media_players.html & www.real.com & guide.real.com
To listen to music on the Internet. Well-known RealAudio and RealVideo program, with a free version.

[RootsWorld] RootsWorld - Magazine of world music, roots music, music from around the planet. www.rootsworld.com/rw
With sound files, etc.

Christina Rosenvinge (Spain, USA). www.smellslikerecords.com/christinarosenvinge & www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/card/0,,682411,00.html & www.music-map.com/christina+rosenvinge.html

Rough Guides: Music. www.roughguides.com/music
Classical music, world music, etc.

Pete Seeger (USA). www.peteseeger.net & www.rockhall.com/hof/inductee.asp?id=185 & www.salon1999.com/weekly/seeger960527.html & www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/seeger-bio.html & www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/seeger-bio-2.html & www.livingmusic.com/catalogue/albums/pete & www.malaspina.com/site/person_1040.asp
Folk music.

Joan Manuel Serrat (Catalonia, Spain). www.des.emory.edu/mfp/jmanuel.html & www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Alley/4021/serrat.html

Cat Stevens. catstevens.com & catstevens.com/multimedia & catstevens.com/multimedia/audiovideo.html
With audio and video.

Rabindranath Tagore (India): Music. web.archive.org/web/20010818111351/http://www.westbengal.com/arts/music/rabisngt & www.cs.brockport.edu/~smitra/rsangeet.html

[Taizé] Taizé Community (near Cluny, France): Audio. www.taize.fr/en_article681.html & www.taize.fr
Beautiful Christian music. (With online fragments).

The Vinyl Web Stop - Vinyl records: LPs, EPs, 45s, 78s... (Archive). www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/1031
With hundreds of links to companies and private persons selling vinyl over the net.

Antonio Vivaldi. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonio_Vivaldi & w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/vivaldi.html & www.classical.net/music/comp.lst/vivaldi.html & www.classicalarchives.com/vivaldi.html & web.archive.org/web/20041122014759/http://www.antonio-vivaldi.org & www.ipl.org/div/mushist/bar/index.htm#vivaldi

[Whales] Whale Songs, etc. asa.aip.org/sound.html & seaquestadventures.com/sounds.html & www.nmfs.noaa.gov/image_galery.htm

WOMAD - World of Music, Arts and Dance. womad.org & www.breiner.com/womad
World music.

World Music. www.worldmusic.org
Music and dance from all corners of the world.

Worldwide Internet Music Resources (Archive). www.music.indiana.edu/music_resources

WWW Virtual Library: Audio. archive.museophile.org/audio

WWW Virtual Library: Classical Music. www.gprep.org/classical

Yahoo: Ballet. dir.yahoo.com/.../Ballet

Yahoo: Christian Music. dir.yahoo.com/.../Music/.../Christian

Yahoo: Classical Composers. dir.yahoo.com/.../Classical/Composers

Yahoo: Classical Music. dir.yahoo.com/.../Music/.../Classical

Yahoo: Dance. dir.yahoo.com/.../Dance

Yahoo: Folk and Traditional Dance. dir.yahoo.com/.../Dance/Folk_and_Traditional

Yahoo: Folk and Traditional Music. dir.yahoo.com/.../Music/.../Folk_and_Traditional

Yahoo: Music. dir.yahoo.com/.../Music

Yahoo: Music by Region. dir.yahoo.com/.../Music/By_Region

Yahoo: Music Genres. dir.yahoo.com/.../Music/Genres

Yahoo: Music of Cultures and Groups. dir.yahoo.com/.../Music/Cultures_and_Groups

Yahoo: Music Shopping. dir.yahoo.com/.../Shopping_and_Services/Music

Yahoo: Music Therapy. dir.yahoo.com/.../Music_Therapy

Yahoo: New Age Music. dir.yahoo.com/.../Music/.../New_Age

Yahoo: World Music. dir.yahoo.com/.../World_Music

[Neil Young] Neil Young (North America). neilyoung.com & hyperrust.org & hyperrust.org/Links & www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/card/0,,512697,00.html
Progressive musician and singer, well-known since the hippy time. Author of "Comes a Time", "Old Ways", "Harvest", etc.

Young Concert Artists. www.yca.org & yca.org/Pages/alumni.html & yca.org/Pages/current_roster.html
With online classical music (RealAudio).



Google Groups: alt.arts.ballet - Ballet.

Google Groups: alt.fan.john-denver

Google Groups: alt.music - Web: The alt.music Group List www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/edmonds/music/alt-music.html

Google Groups: alt.music.african

Google Groups: alt.music.clannad

Google Groups: alt.music.country.classic

Google Groups: alt.music.dance

Google Groups: alt.music.enya

Google Groups: alt.music.folklore

Google Groups: alt.music.guthrie

Google Groups: alt.music.hawaiian

Google Groups: alt.music.j-s-bach - J. S. Bach. Faq (archive): web.archive.org/web/20030411012554/http://www.bachfaq.org

Google Groups: alt.music.james-taylor

Google Groups: alt.music.jewish

Google Groups: alt.music.leonard-cohen

Google Groups: alt.music.lightfoot

Google Groups: alt.music.lloyd-webber

Google Groups: alt.music.lor-mckennitt

Google Groups: alt.music.lyrics

Google Groups: alt.music.mccartney

Google Groups: alt.music.midi

Google Groups: alt.music.ministry

Google Groups: alt.music.misc

Google Groups: alt.music.paul-simon

Google Groups: alt.music.polkas

Google Groups: alt.music.world - Folk/traditional music from around the world.

Google Groups: rec.arts.dance - Dance. Faq: www.eijkhout.net/rad

Google Groups: rec.folk-dancing - Folk dances.

Google Groups: rec.music

Google Groups: rec.music.a-cappella

Google Groups: rec.music.arabic

Google Groups: rec.music.artists.emmylou-harris

Google Groups: rec.music.beatles

Google Groups: rec.music.beatles.info

Google Groups: rec.music.beatles.moderated

Google Groups: rec.music.celtic - Celtic music.

Google Groups: rec.music.christian - Christian music.

Google Groups: rec.music.classical - Classical music.

Google Groups: rec.music.classical.guitar

Google Groups: rec.music.classical.performing

Google Groups: rec.music.classical.recordings

Google Groups: rec.music.collecting.vinyl

Google Groups: rec.music.compose

Google Groups: rec.music.country.old-time

Google Groups: rec.music.dylan

Google Groups: rec.music.early - Pre-classical European music.

Google Groups: rec.music.folk - Folk music.

Google Groups: rec.music.folk.tablature

Google Groups: rec.music.indian.classical - Website: www.carnaticcorner.com/rmic.html

Google Groups: rec.music.indian.misc

Google Groups: rec.music.makers - For performers.

Google Groups: rec.music.marketplace.cd

Google Groups: rec.music.marketplace.misc

Google Groups: rec.music.marketplace.vinyl

Google Groups: rec.music.misc

Google Groups: rec.music.movies

Google Groups: rec.music.newage - New age music.

Google Groups: rec.music.reviews

People in Action: Music (Links)