[Earth, NASA] PEOPLE IN ACTION for a Better World
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Personas en Acción: Salud Natural Navarra: Salud Natural
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Apple tree in a friend's farm, by Penny G. Medicinal Plants, by Angel Fragallo On the path to a cabin in the woods, by Kevin Cloutier Summer swim, by Cris Watk

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Natural Health


The links with are the examples given on the Guide.

Ability (UK): Alternative Medicine. www.ability.org.uk/alternat.html

About: Aerobic exercise. exercise.about.com/library/Glossary/bldef-aerobic.htm & walking.about.com/library/glossary/blaerobiczone.htm

About: Alternative Medicine. altmedicine.about.com

About: Bicycling. bicycling.about.com

About: Camping. camping.about.com

About: Exercise. exercise.about.com

About: Health & Fitness. about.com/health

About: Healthy Herbs. healthyherbs.about.com

About: Holistic Healing. healing.about.com

About: Mountain Biking. mountainbike.about.com

About: Nutrition. nutrition.about.com

About: Sports. about.com/sports

About: Vegetarian Cuisine. vegetarian.about.com

About: Walking. walking.about.com

About: Yoga. yoga.about.com

Acupuncture.com - Traditional Chinese Medicine. www.acupuncture.com

Aesclepian Chronicles (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20040612222350/http://forthrt.com/~chronicl

Aesclepian Chronicles: General Complementary Medicine References (Archive). whttp://web.archive.org/web/20010202142900/http://www.forthrt.com/~chronicl/archiv.htm

All Natural Foods (New Orleans, USA). www.accesscom.net/allnat
Local service.

Alternative-med. maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/alternative-med.html
Mailing list archives. St. John's University (US) list for discussion of alternative medicine.

Alternative Medicine Connection. www.arxc.com

Alternative Medicine Connection: Alternative Medicine Publications. www.arxc.com/pubs.htm
List of publications (with addresses).

[The Alternative Medicine HomePage] The Alternative Medicine HomePage. www.pitt.edu/~cbw/altm.html

The Alternative Medicine HomePage: Indexes, Guides & Directories. www.pitt.edu/~cbw/direct.html
Directory of directories.

The AltMed Web Database of Alternative Practitioners. www.altmedweb.com/db.html

American Holistic Nurses Association - AHNA. ahna.org

American Massage Therapy Association - AMTA. www.amtamassage.org

AntiAging Research Laboratories. www.antiagingresearch.com

Ayurvedic Foundations. www.ayur.com

BackMagic. www.backmagic.com
Back pain control. (Medical belt, walking program, postural balancing instructions).

Bastyr University (USA). www.bastyr.edu
Education and research center for alternative and natural medicine.

Bastyr University AIDS Research Center - BUARC. www.bastyr.edu/research/buarc
Alternative medicine and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).

Bastyr University Library: Online Resources. www.bastyr.edu/library/resources/online/bibliography.asp & www.bastyr.edu/library/resources/online
Directory on alternative medicine.

Body + Soul. www.marthastewart.com/page.jhtml?type=learn-cat&id=cat19837&rsc=msonav
Magazine. Whole living.

The Chiropractic Page (Archive). www.chiro.org/chimages/chiropage

Complete Health Magazine. www.completehealthmag.com

ConsciousNet: Health and Healing (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20020810170144/www.consciousnet.com/html/health-and-healing.htm

[Cooper] Kenneth H. Cooper. www.cooperinst.org & www.empowermentresources.com/books/page10.html#Exercise & www.oru.edu/university/campus/ac.html & www.baylor.edu/demba
Dr. Cooper is author of "Aerobics" (M. Evans and Co.; and Bantam Books), a very quoted health classic, and other books ("The New Aerobics", "The Aerobics Way", "The Aerobics Program for Total Well-Being", etc.) about the aerobic exercises (that is, of deep breathing): swimming, bicycle, walking...

Earthrise Spirulina Home Page. www.earthrise.com

European Vegetarian Union. www.europeanvegetarian.org

Excite: Alternative Medicine. excite.healthology.com/alt_medicine & www.healthscout.com/channel/407/1038/main.html

Excite: Health. health.excite.com

Gancao.net. gancao.net
Aculinks WWW Directory, AcuBlog, Acupuncturist Referrals, Acupuncture Forums...

Global Psychics' Book Shelf: Healing and Whole Health. www.globalpsychics.com/lp/book_shelf/health_books.htm
Books for sale.

GORP - Great Outdoor Recreation Pages. gorp.away.com

The Health Action Network Society - HANS. www.hans.org

Health Care Information Resources: Alternative Medicine. hsl.mcmaster.ca/tomflem/altmed.html

Healthfinder (US government). www.healthfinder.gov

HealthWorld Online. www.healthy.net

HealthWorld Online: Alternative Medicine Center. www.healthy.net/scr/center.asp?centerid=1

HIVnALIVE Nutritional Project - Positively HIV (Archive). members.aol.com/hivnalive

Holistic Healing Web Page. www.holisticmed.com

Holistic Internet Community. www.holistic.com

Dr. Hookman's Favorite Health Care Links. www.hookman.com/links1.html

International Massage Association. www.internationalmassage.com

[International Vegetarian Union] International Vegetarian Union. www.ivu.org

[Life Extension Foundation] The Life Extension Foundation. www.lef.org

The Life Extension Foundation: Calorie Restriction And Exercise. www.lef.org/magazine/mag97/march-event97.html

Lonely Planet: Health. www.lonelyplanet.com/health
Healthy travelling.

Massage Magazine. www.massagemag.com

MedWeb (Emory University, USA): Alternative and Complementary Medicine. www.medweb.emory.edu/MedWeb/... & www.medweb.emory.edu/MedWeb/...
Large directory.

MIT: Environment, Health, and Safety. web.mit.edu/environment/ehs

Michael Moore (master herbalist) - SW School of Botanical Medicine. www.swsbm.com
Medicinal plants.

Mystic Gateway Holistic Center (New Jersey, USA). www.mysticgateway.org

National Institutes of Health - NIH (USA). www.nih.gov

[Exercise and Your Heart] National Institutes of Health: Exercise and Your Heart - A Guide to Physical Activity. www.pueblo.gsa.gov/cic_text/health/exercise-heart

National Institutes of Health: Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health (Consensus Statement). consensus.nih.gov/1995/1995ActivityCardivascularHealth101html.htm

Natural Death Centre. www.naturaldeath.org.uk

Natural Health and Longevity Resource Center. www.all-natural.com
Many links.

Naturopathic Medicine Network. www.pandamedicine.com

Nerd World: Alternative Medicine. www.nerdworld.com/nw627.html

NOAH - New York Online Access to Health. www.noah-health.org
Consumer health information. In English and Spanish.

Online Birth Center. www.moonlily.com/obc
Pregnancy, midwifery, breastfeeding, child care.

Pan American Health Organization. www.paho.org

PubMed. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed & www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov
Great medical data base.

The Reiki Page. reiki.7gen.com

Reuters Health. www.reutershealth.com
Health and medical news.

Share Guide. www.shareguide.com
Holistic health magazine and resource directory.

Share Guide: Recommended Links. www.shareguide.com/links.html
Links to other holistic websites.

Simple Sourdough (by Mark Shepard). www.markshep.com/nonviolence/books/Sourdough.html & www.markshep.com/nonviolence/Sourdough.html
How to make a traditional bread such as made at the Community of the Ark (of Lanza del Vasto).

Sumeria: Alternative Health & Medicine. www.sumeria.net/health.htm

Vegan Action. www.vegan.org

Vegan Society (UK). www.vegansociety.com
With links.

Vegetarian Society (UK). www.vegsoc.org

Vegetarian Union of North America. www.ivu.org/vuna & www.ivu.org/vuna/english.html

VegWeb - Veggies Unite! www.vegweb.com

Viable Herbal Solutions. www.viable-herbal.com
Medicinal plants. With information about herbology (phytotherapy), descriptions of many herbs, etc.

The Visible Human Project (National Library of Medicine, USA). www.nlm.nih.gov/research/visible

Whole Energy Essences. www.essences.com

Whole Foods Market (USA). www.wholefoods.com

World Health Organization - WHO. www.who.int/en

The World Wide Essence Society. www.essences.com/wwes & www.essences.com/wwes.html

WWW Virtual Library: Medicine. londonbridge.ohsu.edu/wwwvl

Yahoo: Alternative Health. dir.yahoo.com/Health/Alternative_Medicine

Yahoo: Alternative Medicine Magazines. dir.yahoo.com/.../Alternative_Medicine/Magazines

Yahoo: Cycling. dir.yahoo.com/.../Cycling

Yahoo: Health. dir.yahoo.com/Health

Yahoo: Swimming and Diving. dir.yahoo.com/.../Swimming_and_Diving

Yahoo: Vegetarians. dir.yahoo.com/.../Vegetarians

Yahoo: Walking. dir.yahoo.com/.../Walking

Natural Health


Google Groups: alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian

Google Groups: alt.folklore.herbs - Discussion of all aspects of herbs and their uses. Faq: www.faqs.org/faqs/by-newsgroup/alt/alt.folklore.herbs.html

Google Groups: alt.food

Google Groups: alt.health

Google Groups: alt.health.ayurveda

Google Groups: alt.mountain-bike

Google Groups: alt.support.diet

Google Groups: misc.fitness.aerobic - All forms of aerobic activity. Faq: www.faqs.org/faqs/misc-fitness/aerobic-faq

Google Groups: misc.fitness.walking

Google Groups: misc.health

Google Groups: misc.health.aids

Google Groups: misc.health.alternative - Alternative, complementary and holistic health care.

Google Groups: rec.bicycles.misc

Google Groups: rec.food.cooking

Google Groups: rec.food.veg - Vegetarians. Faq: www.faqs.org/faqs/vegetarian/faq

Google Groups: rec.food.veg.cooking - Vegetarian recipes, cooking, nutrition. (Moderated).

Google Groups: rec.sport.swimming

Google Groups: sci.life-extension - Slowing, stopping or reversing the ageing process.

Google Groups: sci.med

Google Groups: sci.med.nutrition

Google Groups: uk.rec.cycling

Google Groups: uk.rec.walking

People in Action: Natural Health (Links)