[Earth, NASA] PEOPLE IN ACTION for a Better World
Links to Initiatives, Associations and Information on the Internet

Message Board
Alternative Technology - Books - Communities - Culture and Thought - Developing Countries - Directories - Ecological Agriculture - Ecology - Education - Human Rights - Internet - Music - Natural Health - Peace - Progressive Networks - Publications - Search for Information - Solidarity - Spirituality - Various Subjects

People in Action
Guide - Examples of Links Message Board
Alternative Technology | Books | Communities | Culture and Thought | Developing Countries | Directories | Ecological Agriculture | Ecology | Education | Human Rights | Internet | Music | Natural Health | Peace | Progressive Networks | Publications | Search for Information | Solidarity | Spirituality | Various Subjects
Personas en Acción: Guía - Ejemplos de Enlaces Navarra: Guía - Enlaces
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Another Lighthouse, Santa Cruz, California, by Christopher Bruno Cape Otway lighthouse in Victoria, Australia, by Neil Gould Lighthouse on sunset, Diamond Head, Hawaii, by Jenny W. Lighthouse Rockport, Massachusetts, by Score11

This page is an archived version of 1999

Links are being updated and moved to the new version at:

The People in Action directory consists of the following pages in each version (English and Spanish), indexed on the index page:

- A Guide (this page), divided into 20 thematic sections, with examples of Internet links for every subject.

- 20 enlarged pages (a page for every subject), with more links. The examples of links of this Guide are also on the enlarged pages.

Besides, Message Board pages, with old and recent messages.

There are two mirror web sites in each language.

A directory about Navarre (Spain) is also available.

Press where you want with the mouse and... good luck!

(For greater comfort, you can place this page in the bookmarks or favorites menu).

People in Action


[Message Board] People in Action: MESSAGE BOARD
(Communication and Cooperation).


A point of meeting and free communication for those interested in the subjects of People in Action directory: Ecology, Solidarity, etc.



Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

Public Citizen: Critical Mass Energy Project. www.citizen.org/CMEP & solstice.crest.org/policy-and-econ/critical-mass
Resource for sustainable energy activists.

(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

Alternatives Information. www.alternatives.com
Environment, health, religion, seniors, women, politics. Large free online library for social change.

webCATS - Library Catalogues on the World Wide Web. www.lights.com/webcats & library.usask.ca/hywebcat

People in Action: BOOKS.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

The Ark (Communautés de l'Arche). (France, etc.). www.markshep.com/nonviolence/Ark.html & www.markshep.com/nonviolence/#Ark & www.markshep.com/nonviolence/books.html#Ark
Country and spiritual communities founded in the forties by Lanza del Vasto, a Christian disciple of Gandhi. (At last link, full text of a little book: "The Community of the Ark", by Mark Shepard).

Eco-Village Information Service: Eco-Village Directory. www.gaia.org/evis/gen.html
Links to several communities all over the world.

New Creation Christian Community: Links to Christian Communities. www.jesus.org.uk/commlinx.html

People in Action: COMMUNITIES.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

Kahlil Gibran: "The Prophet". www.fas.harvard.edu/~alississ/poetry/gibran & www.sura.org/~patois/en/litterature/gibran/prophet & www.tcp.ca/Joshua/welcomeprophet.html
Full text of the book (in English).

Hermann Hesse: "Siddhartha". www.mcl.ucsb.edu/hesse/works/sidd.html & www.mcl.ucsb.edu/hesse/works/SiddGlos.html & www-control.eng.cam.ac.uk/hu/Hesse.html & members.aol.com/jawaayu/hesse.html & www.mcl.ucsb.edu/hesse/papers/stud_pap.html & www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=081120068X/o/002-0208022-9553606 & www.audiopartners.com/siddhartha.html & www.independentreader.com/books/bp0552.html
Celebrated classic about the search for truth. (Glossary at the second link, etc.).

[Rabindranath Tagore] Rabindranath Tagore (India). www.nobel.se/laureates/literature-1913.html & www.cs.brockport.edu/~smitra/tagore.html & www.itihaas.com/modern/tagore-profile.html & ddi.digital.net/~wisdom/school/tagore-bio.html & www.freeindia.org/ack/tagore & www.virtualbangladesh.com/tagore.html & www.wpo.net/sadhana/f.html
Poet, composer, philosopher, educator.

Henry David Thoreau: "Walden, or Life in the Woods" ("On Walden Pond"). www.concord.org/~kathy/Walden/WaldenPond.html & rotten.egg.com/ReadingRoom/Literature/OnWaldenPond & dev.library.utoronto.ca/utel/nonfiction/thoreauh_wald/wald_titlepage.html & Gopher: gopher://gopher.vt.edu:10010/02/149/5
Online book.

People in Action: CULTURE AND THOUGHT.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

New Internationalist. www.oneworld.org/ni
Magazine about the poor countries. The people, the ideas, the action in the fight for world development.

Survival International. www.survival.org.uk
Tribal peoples' rights.

UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund). www.unicef.org

Virtual Library on International Development. (In English and French). w3.acdi-cida.gc.ca/virtual.nsf

Volunteer Vignettes. www.interaction.org/pub/connect/serve.html

(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

Empowerment Resources - For Personal Growth, Social Change, and Ecology. www.EmpowermentResources.com
A green guide to the Internet. Many interesting links.

[Idealist] Idealist - Action Without Borders. www.idealist.org
Good international directory. (Old name: "Contact Center Network Global Nonprofit Directory").

Internet Nonprofit Center (USA). www.nonprofits.org
Good directory. With many contacts and information.

Motherheart. gnv.fdt.net/~mother
Birth, children and parenting; care giving; caring for Gaia; community; directories; health and wholeness; real life; spirituality.

Progressive Possibilities (MacroNet). www.macronet.org/newtable.html
Good directory.

World Transformation. www.worldtrans.org & newciv.org/worldtrans & www.vol.it/mirror/worldtrans
Many links.

People in Action: DIRECTORIES.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

Agriculture Naturelle (Belgium). www.arkham.be/ecotopie/agri.html

CAFF - Community Alliance with Family Farmers (California). www.caff.org

IFOAM - International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements. ecoweb.dk/ifoam & www.uswebstar.com/IFOAM

University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program. www.sarep.ucdavis.edu

(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

EarthAction. www.oneworld.org/earthaction
Global network of organizations. Campaigns.

EnviroLink. envirolink.org
A lot of environmental information.

European Greens: The European Federation of Green Parties. www.europeangreens.org & utopia.knoware.nl/users/oterhaar/greens/europe/europe.htm
The European Greens. With links.

Friends of the Earth. www.foe.co.uk/foei/worldmap.html & www.xs4all.nl/~foeint & www.foe.org/fea/foei.html & www.evolutionweb.it/amici/linksadt/linksadt.htm
World network of environmental groups. News, information, volunteering, etc.

[Greenpeace] Greenpeace International. www.greenpeace.org

Sierra Club (USA). www.sierraclub.org
Conservation of the natural environment.

WWF International (The World Wide Fund for Nature). www.panda.org

People in Action: ECOLOGY.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

Brockwood Park Educational Centre (UK). www.brockwood.org.uk & flp.cs.tu-berlin.de:1895/schools/brockwood.html
School inspired by Krishnamurti, celebrated Indian philosopher of the freedom and the consciousness.

[I*EARN] I*EARN (International Education and Resource Network). www.iearn.org
World educational telematic network. I*EARN enables young people throughout the world to undertake projects designed to make a contribution to the health and welfare of the planet and its people.

The Montessori Foundation. www.montessori.org
Montessori education (Tomorrow's Child magazine, etc.).

Summerhill School (England). www.s-hill.demon.co.uk
Pioneering free school founded by A. S. Neill and based on freedom and self-determination.

Tvind (Denmark): Det Nødvendige Seminarium / The Necessary Teacher Training College. www.dnsdk.dk
International alternative teacher training college. Teaching practice at alternative schools, study travel through Asia, learning by doing, etc. (There is a critical point of view at Tvind Alert, www.tvindalert.com ).

Youth In Action Network. www.mightymedia.com/youth.htm
Environmental and human rights action center for students, teachers and organizations.

People in Action: EDUCATION.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

[Amnesty International] Amnesty International. www.amnesty.org

Derechos. www.derechos.org
Human rights info and actions. (In English and Spanish).

Human Rights Web. www.hrweb.org

IGC: Human Rights (Internet-Resources Collection). www.igc.org/igc/issues/hr

The Mining Company: Human Rights. humanrights.miningco.com

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Language versions. www.unhchr.ch/html/MENU6/1/UNIVDEC1.HTM
In a large number of languages.

University of Minnesota Human Rights Library. www.umn.edu/humanrts

People in Action: HUMAN RIGHTS.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

AltaVista: Translation Service. babelfish.altavista.com & www.altavista.com
Automatic translations.

[AOLpress] AOLpress. www.aolpress.com
Free web WYSIWYG editor. (Of America Online). For making web pages easily and visually, without programing.

CNET. www.cnet.com
Information about the Internet, etc.

The Internet Society. www.isoc.org & info.isoc.org

Internet Traffic Report. www.InternetTrafficReport.com
Internet speed monitoring.

The Online World. login.eunet.no/~presno
A good book with links.

Tile.Net/News - The Complete Reference to Usenet Newsgroups. tile.net/news & tile.net/news/listed.html
Newsgroups (Usenet): lists, descriptions, FAQs, etc.

People in Action: INTERNET.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

[Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Online Music] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Online Music. Audio: w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/mozart_piano_con21_2.wav & www.nimbus.ltd.uk/nrl/main/5487b.html & www.jumbo.com/pages/stream/classical/mozart.htp & www.yca.org/barachovsky.html & www.yca.org/gomyo.html & www.efes.com/lecagot/samples.asp & www.tunes.com/tunes-cgi2/tunes/person_frame/232/0/0/4 & www.telarc.com/releases/digital.html
With music ready to listen to (for example, first link is a fragment from the celebrated Andante of the Piano Concerto No. 21).

RealPlayer. www.real.com/products/player & www.real.com & www.timecast.com
To listen to music on the Internet. Well-known RealAudio and RealVideo program, with a free version.

RootsWorld - Magazine of world music, roots music, music from around the planet. www.rootsworld.com/rw & www.rootsworld.com/rw/feature/sound.html
With sound files, etc.

Taizé Community (near Cluny, France): Music. Audio: www.asi.fr/~frereroy/sound/sg5rem8.wav & Audio: www.asi.fr/~frereroy/sound/lumen.au & www.taize.fr/cgi-bin/frame.sh/en/4/1 & www.taize.fr/cgi-bin/frame.sh/en/4/8 & www.asi.fr/~frereroy/sound & www.taize.fr & www.asi.fr/~frereroy
Beautiful Christian music. (With online fragments).

Tunes Network - The World's Largest Listening Station (Berkeley, California). www.tunes.com
With hundreds of thousands of RealAudio clips.

Up With People. www.upwithpeople.org & www.upwithpeople.org/suitcase/languages.html & Image: www.upwithpeople.org/image/about_pic2.gif
Musical and traveling youth. International groups created in the sixties.

Whale Songs, etc. asa.aip.org/sound.html & hippocrates.family.med.ualberta.ca/~seaquest/whale_sounds.html & www.nmfs.gov/songs.html & tqd.advanced.org/2946/whalesong.htm

People in Action: MUSIC.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

Acupuncture.com - Traditional Chinese Medicine: Alternative Health Links. www.acupuncture.com/News/Links.htm & www.acupuncture.com/News/linksold.htm

The Alternative Medicine HomePage. www.pitt.edu/~cbw/altm.html

[Cooper] Kenneth H. Cooper. www.cooperinst.org & www.empowermentresources.com/books/page10.html#Exercise & www.oru.edu/campus/ac.html & hsb.baylor.edu/html/sanchez/cooper.htm
Dr. Cooper is author of "Aerobics" (M. Evans and Co.; and Bantam Books), a very quoted health classic, and other books ("The New Aerobics", "The Aerobics Way", "The Aerobics Program for Total Well-Being", etc.) about the aerobic exercises (that is, of deep breathing): swimming, bicycle, walking...

International Vegetarian Union. www.ivu.org

The Life Extension Foundation. www.lef.org

WholeNurse. www.wholenurse.com
Holistic nursing, alternative medicine, patient care, etc.

Yoga Teacher (Japan, India, Spain...). shantiyoga.info
Minako Hiro, yoga teacher.

People in Action: NATURAL HEALTH.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

Abolition 2000 - A Global Network To Eliminate Nuclear Weapons. www.abolition2000.org & www.wagingpeace.org/abolition2000.html & www.hookele.com/abolition2000

Association of World Citizens - AWC. www.worldcitizens.org

Peace Brigades International. www.igc.org/pbi
In several languages.

[PeaceNet] PeaceNet. www.igc.org/igc/peacenet

Peacewalker. www.peacewalker.com
About Derek Youngs, peace pilgrim.

Mark Shepard's Nonviolence Page. www.markshep.com/nonviolence
Gandhi, Community of the Ark (Lanza del Vasto), etc. With online books.

War Child. www.warchild.org
Helping the innocent victims of war.

People in Action: PEACE.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

[APC] APC (Association for Progressive Communications). www.apc.org
World communications network for environment, human rights, development and peace. It cooperates with the United Nations and a large number of non-profit organizations. The APC member networks and the partner networks provide computer communications (Internet access) for NGOs of solidarity, etc., all over the world.

GreenNet (London, UK). www.gn.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host.

IGC - Institute for Global Communications (San Francisco, California). www.igc.org & Gopher: gopher://gopher.igc.apc.org
APC member network. Internet host. PeaceNet, EcoNet, ConflictNet, LaborNet, WomensNet.

Impact Online. www.impactonline.org
Volunteering. (Including via the Internet, etc.).

OneWorld. www.oneworld.org

Pangea - Comunicació per a la Cooperació (Catalonia, Spain). www.pangea.org
APC and IPANEX member network. Internet host. With web space for Non-Governmental Organizations of solidarity, etc. (NGO).

ZTN - Zamir Transnational Net (Former Yugoslavia: Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia). mediafilter.org/mff/ztn_info.html & www.MediaFilter.org/MFF/ZTN_InFo.html
APC member network. Internet host.

(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

Alternative Press Center (USA): Online Directory. www.altpress.org/newdir.htm
Hundreds of alternative publications (social change, ecology, feminism, peace, etc.).

Context Institute (In Context Magazine). www.context.org
Humane sustainable culture. Good magazine.

[The Earth Times] The Earth Times - Daily Web Edition. www.earthtimes.org & www.earthtimes.org/currentedition.htm & www.earthtimes.org/newsbycategory.htm
Newspaper. News on the environment, sustainable development, current affairs, etc.

Natural Life (Canada). www.life.ca & www.life.ca/nl & www.life.ca/subject

NeWo: News Resource. www.newo.com/news
Large directory of newspapers, radio, TV, etc.

Shambhala Sun. www.shambhalasun.com & www.shambhalasun.com/archives.html
Good Buddhist-inspired magazine about all aspects of life.

People in Action: PUBLICATIONS.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

[AltaVista] AltaVista. www.altavista.com & www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=aq&what=web
World Wide Web pages, Usenet News Groups. One of the search engines that give more information. Advanced search at the second link (and, or, near, parentheses, quotes " " for phrases, etc.).

Deja News. www.dejanews.com
Usenet news groups. Good service.

HotBot. www.hotbot.com
World Wide Web pages, Usenet News Groups. With advanced search ("Boolean expression" option). Very good search service.

MetaCrawler. www.metacrawler.com
Simultaneous search with several known search engines. Good service.

Search.Com. www.search.com
With many links to specialized directories and search services.

Yahoo. www.yahoo.com
With excellent lists of links by subjects.

(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

CharityNet (UK). www.charitynet.org
With free web space for charity organizations, and other services.

Plenty. www.public.usit.net/plenty1 & www.thefarm.org/charities/pl.html & www.gaia.org/farm/charities/pl.html
Developing countries, solidarity, environment, etc. The hippie peace corps. Founded in 1974 by the celebrated community The Farm (USA).

People in Action: SOLIDARITY.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

Buddhist Studies (WWW Virtual Library). www.ciolek.com/WWWVL-Buddhism.html

[Facets of Religion] Facets of Religion (WWW Virtual Library). sunfly.ub.uni-freiburg.de/religion & www.christusrex.org/www1/religion
Directory of the religions of the world.

Krishnamurti Foundation of America. www.kfa.org
Interesting explorations on the awakening of the human consciousness and on the fundamental subjects of the existence. Krishnamurti is author of "The First and Last Freedom" (his most celebrated book, with foreword by Aldous Huxley), "Commentaries on Living" (well-known three-volume work, selection of conversations with a wide variety of people), "Krishnamurti on Education" (talks and discussions with children and teachers), etc.

Raymond Moody, M.D., Ph.D. www.lifeafterlife.com & www.lifeafterlife.com/bk1.htm#lal1 & www.softcom.net/users/godisluv/moody.html & www.wholeliving.com/redwood/interviews/moody1.html & www.lightworks.com/MonthlyAspectarian/1995/April/RaymondMoody.html & pciweb.baka.com/14850/9311/interview.html
Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy. Author of the well-known book "Life After Life" (Bantam Books), etc.

Taizé Community (near Cluny, France). www.taize.fr & www.asi.fr/~frereroy & www.almac.co.uk/taize/taize.html
Well-known ecumenical community. Encounter place for young people of all Christian beliefs. With beautiful music.

Mother Teresa. cnn.com/WORLD/9709/mother.teresa & www.pathfinder.com/time/reports/motherteresa & www.latimes.com/teresa & www.nobel.se/laureates/peace-1979.html & www.s2f.com/stanmeyer/mamat/mamat.html & www.s2f.com/stanmeyer/ann/stories/aweb2.html & www.geocities.com/Athens/2960/mothert.htm & www.seattleu.edu/Calcutta
Life of love in Calcutta and the world.

People in Action: SPIRITUALITY.
(Enlarged page, with more links).




Some examples and an enlarged page.
(You can click on section title or last link).

Awakening Earth: Voluntary Simplicity. www.awakeningearth.org/simplicity.html & www.awakeningearth.org/VS_Links.html
With links.

Ecotopie (Belgium). www.inti.be/ecotopie
Ecology, etc.

[Gandhi] Gandhi (India). web.mahatma.org.in & www.algonet.se/~jviklund/gandhi/ENG.index.html & www.nuvs.com/ashram & www.mkgandhi-sarvodaya.org & www.indiaspace.com/gandhiji.htm & www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palms/6009/gandhi.html & www.chesco.com/~artman/gandhi.html

Hippyland. hippy.com

Petra Kelly. www.macronet.org/women/petra.html & www.petra-kelly-archiv.de & www.baker.hs.org/66/kelly-petra.html & www2.hawaii.edu/uhip/kelly.html
Ecology, peace, human rights, foundation of the green movement, etc. Dalai Lama: "Petra Kelly was a committed and dedicated person with compassionate concern for the oppressed, the weak and the persecuted in our time. Her spirit and legacy of human solidarity and concern continue to inspire and encourage us all."

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project (Stanford University). www-leland.stanford.edu/group/King

United Nations. www.un.org & www.unsystem.org

People in Action: VARIOUS SUBJECTS.
(Enlarged page, with more links).



People in Action: Guide - Examples of Links

Message Board: peopleinaction.com/board
Webmaster: Juan M. Gonzalez

People in Action, version in English:

Web site hosted at FutureQuest, Internet server in Florida (USA)


Old version (1999) hosted at GreenNet, APC network in London (UK)


Earth photographs, courtesy of NASA
(View of Africa, Apollo XVII spaceship, 1972;
view of South America, Galileo spaceship, 1990)