[Earth, NASA] PEOPLE IN ACTION for a Better World
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Personas en Acción: Educación Navarra: Educación
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Clever bricks, by Stephen Rainer A boy, a girl and a book, by Tim & Annette Party of the countryside in the school, by Jose Boaventura de Freitas Watch them fly, by Cris Watk

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The links with are the examples given on the Guide.

About: Education. about.com/education

About: Homeschooling. homeschooling.about.com

About: Parenting & Family. about.com/parenting

About: Special Education. specialed.about.com

About School Choice. www.edreform.com/index.cfm?fuseAction=section&pSectionID=14&cSectionID=37
Published by the Center for Education Reform.

Alpine Valley School (Colorado). alpinevalleyschool.com
Students completely design their own education and fully participate in governing the school.

Alternative Higher Education Network - AHEN (Archives). web.archive.org/web/20030806141641/http://www.ahen.org & web.archive.org/web/20020924044441/http://ahen.org

Altlearn Map Network of Natural Learning (Unschooling). www.alternative-learning.org

American Institute for Creative Education. www.aiceonline.com

Association for Experiential Education. www.aee.org
Including adventure-based and outdoor education, etc.

Big Rock Sudbury School (Marin County, California). www.bigrock.org

Cedarwood Sudbury School (California). cedarwoodsudbury.org

Centre For Learning (Bangalore, India). www.cfl.in
Krishnamurti educational center.

CERES: California Environmental Education. ceres.ca.gov/education

Chicago Sudbury School. www.chicagosudburyschool.org

Children's Defense Fund. www.childrensdefense.org

The Circle School (Pennsylvania). circleschool.org

Collaborative Planning Time for Teachers (Archive). web.archive.org/web/19991204185833/http://www.scsd.k12.ny.us/levy/colab.html

ConsciousNet: Education (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20011205114856/http://consciousnet.com/html/education.htm

Creative French Language Teaching Methods (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20000309030511/http://www3.sympatico.ca/heather.zaitlin/TEACHER.HTM

Diablo Valley School (California). www.dvschool.org

The Diary Project. www.diaryproject.com
Self-expression for teenagers.

East West: Books for Children and Parents (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20000505115554/http://www.eastwest.com/html/Books_for_Children_and_Parents.htm
Online bookstore.

East West: ConsciousKids - ConsciousParents (Archive). web.archive.org/web/19990223221454/http://www.eastwest.com/consciouskids
Online bookstore.

Education for Life & Living Wisdom Schools (Ananda schools, USA). www.livingwisdom.org & www.ananda.org
Holistic, spiritual and experiential system of education.

European University on Environment / Université Européenne de l'Environnement (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20040723005853/www.uee.org/uk/index_uk.htm

Evergreen Sudbury School (Maine). www.powerlink.net/evergreen & members.aol.com/computerus/evergreen

Fairhaven School (Maryland). www.fairhavenschool.com

The Informal Education Homepage. www.infed.org
Informal education, lifelong learning, community education, youth work, etc.

Information Center for the Environment - ICE (University of California, Davis). ice.ucdavis.edu

The International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation. www.menuhin-foundation.com

Jefferson County Open School (Colorado). jeffcoweb.jeffco.k12.co.us/high/jcos
Community-based alternative to traditional public schools since 1970.

Krishnamurti Schools. www.kfoundation.org/links2.asp?which=school & www.kfa.org/k_schools.php & www.kinfonet.org/community/default.asp?id=2 & www.kfionline.org/the_school.asp

Microsoft Education: Lesson Plans. www.microsoft.com/education/lessonplans.mspx

Montessori en France. www.montessorienfrance.com
Including a complete book online on Montessori education. (In French).

Montessori Online. www.montessori.org
The Montessori Foundation, and the International Montessori Council.

Montessori World. www.montessori.co.uk

The New School (Delaware). www.thenewschool.com

Oak Grove School (Ojai, California). www.oakgroveschool.com
Krishnamurti educational center.

Peace Corps Fellows Program (Teachers College, Columbia University). www.tc.edu/pcfellows

Pearson College (Canada). www.pearsoncollege.ca
Building peace, one individual at a time. International education. 200 students, 88 countries, 200 full scholorships.

The Putnam Pit: Education. www.putnampit.com/educate.html
Krishnamurti, holistic education, etc.

Rajghat Education Centre (Varanasi, India). www.j-krishnamurti.org & www.kfionline.org/2_rajghat_ec.asp
Krishnamurti educational center.

Rishi Valley School (Andhra Pradesh, India). www.rishivalley.org & www.rvs.org & www.kfionline.org/2_rishivalley_ec.asp
Krishnamurti educational center.

Sabis School Network. www.sabis.net
A worldwide network of schools. When in class, students learn actively. They do not simply listen to lengthy explanations or take dictated notes. Class time is utilized for building a solid foundation of knowledge through interacting, analyzing, forming and expressing opinions, and effective discussion.

Sacramento Valley School (California). www.sacval.org

Sahyadri School (Pune, India). www.kfionline.org/2_sahyadrischool.asp
Krishnamurti educational center.

Santiniketan (or Shantiniketan, West Bengal, India). www.wb.nic.in/westbg/shanti.html & www.visva-bharati.ac.in & hasok.tripod.com/id17.htm & web.archive.org/web/20030620095314/http://www.pa.uky.edu/~sugata/santiniketan.html
Santiniketan School, Patha-Bhavana School and Visva-Bharati University, established by Rabindranath Tagore.

School Choices - A Citizen's Guide to Education Reform. www.schoolchoices.org

School of Thinking. www.schoolofthinking.org
Founded in 1979 to teach thinking as a skill by Michael Hewitt-Gleeson and Edward de Bono.

School of Total Education (Australia). www.sote.qld.edu.au
Small, family-oriented school. Innovative educational program with emphasis on personal development.

Schumacher College - An International Centre for Ecological Studies (UK). www.schumachercollege.org.uk

ScoutNet - The Worldwide Scouting Database. www.scout.net

Sudbury Valley School: Other Schools. www.sudval.org/07_othe_01.html
International directory.

Teachnet.com. www.teachnet.com
Lesson plans, teaching resources, education, teacher tips.

Teacher Talk. education.indiana.edu/cas/tt/tthmpg.html
Secondary education.

Teachers Helping Teachers. www.pacificnet.net/~mandel
Lesson plans, educational resources...

Teachers Network. www.teachersnetwork.org & www.teachnet.org
Educational non-profit organization connecting innovative, professional, and creative public school teachers.

Teachers & Writers Collaborative. www.twc.org

Teaching.com. www.teaching.com
Free, non-commercial educational web services for educators and students.

Teaching Education. www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/10476210.asp
This journal is an interdisciplinary forum for innovative practices and research in teacher education. Focus: social and cultural change, transformation of education.

TIES - The Institute for Educational Studies. ties-edu.org
Master of Education. Colloquium-based and ecologically sensitive on-line learning community. Focus on integrative and transformative learning, Montessori, holistic education.

[Up With People] Up With People. www.upwithpeople.org
International youth, since 1965.

WaldorfWorld - Waldorf Education on the Web. www.waldorfworld.net

Windsor House School (Canada). www.at.org/whs & whs.at.org

Women in Higher Education. www.wihe.com
Magazine about women at university.

World Organization of the Scout Movement. www.scout.org

WYSE - World Youth Service & Enterprise. www.wyse-ngo.org
Training for young people (18-30 years) from different countries, who have vision, awareness and are inspired to work towards a peaceful world.

Yahoo!: Education. dir.yahoo.com/Education

Yahoo!: Education Theory and Methods. dir.yahoo.com/Education/Theory_and_Methods

Yahoo!: Environment and Nature Education. dir.yahoo.com/.../Environment_and_Nature/Education

Yahoo!: Teaching. dir.yahoo.com/.../Teaching



Google Groups: alt.education

Google Groups: alt.education.alternative

Google Groups: alt.education.nontrad-degree

Google Groups: alt.education.research

Google Groups: misc.education

Google Groups: misc.education.home-school.christian

Google Groups: misc.education.home-school.misc

Google Groups: sci.edu - The science of education.

People in Action: Education (Links)