[Earth, NASA] PEOPLE IN ACTION for a Better World
Links to Initiatives, Associations and Information on the Internet

Internet Links

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Surfers Paradise Signs, by Indra Arifin Searching the address card file, by Ricardo Vázquez WWW Grunge, by Carole N. Kids and Teens at PC course 5, by Norbert Machinek

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The links with are the examples given on the Guide.

The Alternative Guide through the WWW-Galaxy. http://www.stud.uni-hannover.de/~ingoj/altguid.htm

Alternative Press Center (USA): Alternative Viewpoints on the Internet. www.altpress.org/links_a.htm

AltNed - Website voor Alternatief Nederland (Netherlands). www.altned.nl

Asheville Holistic Resource Directory. www.newfrontier.com/aha

Asian Links (Central Oregon Community College). web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/hum210/links/linksasia.htm
Culture and literature of Asia (China, India, Japan).

ConsciousNet (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20020808150438/http://www.consciousnet.com

[Empowerment Resources] Empowerment Resources - For Personal Growth, Social Change, and Ecology. www.EmpowermentResources.com
A green guide to the Internet. Many interesting links.

Global Visions Spiritual & Humanitarian Directory. globalvisions.org
People, projects, organizations, events for a better world.

GreenNet (UK): Issues & Themes. www.gn.apc.org/Issues
GreenNet is a non-profit APC member network.

[Idealist] Idealist - Action Without Borders. www.idealist.org
Good international directory. (Old name: "Contact Center Network Global Nonprofit Directory").

IGC: Activism - Internet-Resources Collection (Archive). web.archive.org/web/19990129082807/www.igc.org/igc/issues/activis

IGC: Issues (Archive). web.archive.org/web/19990128102426/www.igc.org/igc/issues
Links about many issues.

[Internet Nonprofit Center] Internet Nonprofit Center (USA). www.nonprofits.org
Good directory. With many contacts and information.

Internet Prospector. www.internet-prospector.org
Monthly electronic newsletter about Internet sources for non-profit groups.

Links For Those With Conscience and Consciousness (Archive). web.archive.org/web/19981205102832/http://artitude.com/links.htm

List of accredited Non-Governmental Organizations who were represented at the Fourth World Conference on Women. www.gdrc.org/ngo/attendee
1761 addresses of NGOs.

Michigan Comnet Virtual Library. comnet.org/nprc
Directory for nonprofit public service organizations. With sections on grants and funding, government, health care, political activism, etc.

[Motherheart] Motherheart. www.motherheart.org
Birth, children and parenting; care giving; caring for Gaia; community; directories; health and wholeness; real life; spirituality.

Mystic Gateway: Holistic Oriented Sites & Links (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20040610192728/mysticgateway.org/pages/links1.html

Nerd World Media: Humanitarian Efforts. www.nerdworld.com/nw1279.html

Nerd World Media: Non-Profit Organizations. www.nerdworld.com/nw4017.html

Nerd World Media: Volunteer Opportunities. www.nerdworld.com/nw721.html

New Age Web Works Link Index. www.newageinfo.com/Directory.htm
A large number of links on new age, spirituality, etc.

NewEarthNet Members (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20041102015025/http://nen.sedona.net/members.html

[NewHeavenNewEarth] NewHeavenNewEarth: Like-Minded Websites. www.nhne.com/main/like-minded.html
New age, health, communities, spirituality, publications, etc.

New Renaissance Weblinks. www.ru.org/links.html

Non Profit Organizations (Archive). web.archive.org/web/19991010234952/http://www.simas.com/frames/floors/internet/t9/ypnonpro.htm
Links to directories.

Nonprofit Resources Catalogue, by Phillip A. Walker (Archive). web.archive.org/web/19991014042520/http://www.clark.net/pub/pwalker
Good directory.

[Norbert's Bookmarks for Active People] Norbert's Bookmarks for Active People - Together We Can Change The World! www.betterworldlinks.org
Thousands of links. Peace, nonviolence, disarmament, human rights, environment, third world, social issues, politics. (In English and German).

[Progressive Possibilities] Progressive Possibilities (MacroNet). www.macronet.org/newtable.html
Good directory.

Protree Alternative Information Center WWW. www.protree.com

Sumeria (The WWW Virtual Library). www.sumeria.net

Sun Angel: Noosphere. www.technoetic.com/noosphere

WebActive Directory. www.webactive.com/page/directory
Links for progressive activists.

[World Transformation] World Transformation. www.worldtrans.org
Many links.

Yahoo: Alternative Magazines and Newsweeklies. dir.yahoo.com/.../Magazines/Alternative

Yahoo: Community Service and Volunteerism. dir.yahoo.com/.../Community_Service_and_Volunteerism

Yahoo: Issues and Causes. dir.yahoo.com/.../Issues_and_Causes

Yahoo: New Age. dir.yahoo.com/.../New_Age

Yahoo: Philanthropy. dir.yahoo.com/.../Philanthropy

Yahoo: Society and Culture. dir.yahoo.com/Society_and_Culture

People in Action: Directories (Links)