[Earth, NASA] PEOPLE IN ACTION for a Better World
Links to Initiatives, Associations and Information on the Internet

Internet Links - Forums

People in Action
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Kid, by Clésio DaGama Children, by Clésio DaGama Water bearer, India, by Supreet Vaid Rustic scenes, India, by Supreet Vaid

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Developing Countries


The links with are the examples given on the Guide.

About: Women's Issues - World Issues. womensissues.about.com/od/worldissues

About: Women's Issues in 3rd World Countries (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20010515220149/women3rdworld.about.com/newsissues/women3rdworld

Action Against Hunger (UK). www.aahuk.org

Action Against Hunger (US). www.aah-usa.org

Action Contre la Faim (Action Against Hunger, France). www.acf-fr.org

ActionAid International. www.actionaid.org

AllAfrica. allafrica.com

African Internet Connectivity. demiurge.wn.apc.org/africa
Internet access in Africa.

African Reparations Movement (ARM). the.arc.co.uk/arm

CARE. www.care.org
International relief and development agency. Humanitarian programs in developing countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America, eastern Europe.

Center For World Indigenous Studies. www.cwis.org

Childcare International. www.childcare-intl.org

Christian network links for Africa. www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/cecilian/777

Concord - European NGOs Confederation for Relief and Development. www.concordeurope.org
NGOs in Europe. Concord's 18 international networks and 20 national associations represent more than 1500 European NGOs vis-à-vis the European Institutions. (Formerly called NGDO-EU Liaison Committee).

Dev-Zone - Development Resource Centre (New Zealand). www.dev-zone.org

Dev-Zone: Pacific Development Directory. www.dev-zone.org/pdd

Development Organizations based in Spain (Archive).

Doctors Without Borders (USA). www.dwb.org & www.doctorswithoutborders.org

Epitelio Network (Europe): Fair Trade. www.epitelio.org/fairtrade.htm
With links on fair trade.

Euforic - Europe's Forum on International Cooperation. www.euforic.org

Friends International (Maine, USA). www.friendsinternational.org

IDRC - International Development Research Centre (Canada). (In English and French). www.idrc.ca

IDRC: To the World (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20041128093116/http://www.idrc.ca/library/world/index_e.html
Directory of Internet sites related to international development.

IGC: Africa - Internet Resources Collection (Archive). web.archive.org/web/19990203053859/www.igc.org/igc/issues/africa

IGC: Asia & Pacific - Internet Resources Collection (Archive). web.archive.org/web/19990203122757/www.igc.org/igc/issues/asia

IGC: Development - Internet Resources Collection (Archive). web.archive.org/web/19990204012130/www.igc.org/igc/issues/develop

IGC: Latin America - Internet Resources Collection (Archive). web.archive.org/web/19990508204014/www.igc.org/igc/issues/la

India Development Service (IDS). www.idsusa.org
A non-profit organization supporting development projects in India.

Ingénieurs Sans Frontières (Engineers Without Borders, France). www.isf-france.org
In French.

Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development. www.iucisd.org

Medicus Mundi International. www.medicusmundi.org

Microcredit Summit Campaign. www.microcreditsummit.org
Very interesting and effective initiatives.

NativeWeb - A cyber-community for Earth's indigenous peoples. www.nativeweb.org

Nigrizia (Italy). www.nigrizia.it
Monthly magazine about Africa and the black world. In Italian.

Overseas Development Institute (ODI). www.odi.org.uk

Oxfam International. www.oxfam.org/eng
Relief agency which works in a large number of countries worldwide with the aim of helping people to help themselves.

Peace Corps. www.peacecorps.gov
Volunteers working in poor countries. Humanitarian organization created by John F. Kennedy.

Results. www.results.org & www.action.org
Creating public and political will to end hunger.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). www.undp.org

WIDE - Women in Development Europe. www.eurosur.org/wide
In Spanish and English.

World Bank. www.worldbank.org

A World Directory of Development Organizations and Programs. www.coop4coop.org

Yahoo!: Global Development. dir.yahoo.com/.../Global_Economy/Development

Yahoo: Indigenous Peoples. dir.yahoo.com/.../Indigenous_Peoples

Developing Countries


Google Groups: alt.native

Google Groups: alt.peace-corps

Google Groups: alt.society.economic-dev - Discussion of economic development worldwide.

Google Groups: bit.org.peace-corps

Google Groups: comp.society.development - Computer technology in developing countries.

Google Groups: soc.culture.african - Faq: faqs.jmas.co.jp/FAQs/african-faq/general

Google Groups: soc.culture.indian - India.

Google Groups: soc.culture.latin-america

Google Groups: soc.culture.native - Native peoples around the world. Faq: www.newsville.com/cgi-bin/getfaq?soc.culture.native

Google Groups: soc.org.nonprofit - Nonprofit organizations. Faq: www.nonprofits.org/npofaq/15/04.html & www.nonprofits.org/npofaq

People in Action: Developing Countries (Links)