[Earth, NASA] PEOPLE IN ACTION for a Better World
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Peace, San Francisco Bay Area, by Sam Bowman Heads, by Adam Sablich Hands union, by N. S. Júnior A social gathering of young Amish people on a Sunday afternoon, by Mira d'Oubliette

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The links with are the examples given on the Guide.

Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies (United States, India, and Assisi, Italy). www.anandacommunity.org & www.yoganandarediscovered.com/jaitruth/skWBC.html & www.anandauniversity.org/curriculum/building.html
Spiritual communities inspired by Paramhansa Yogananda.

Arcosanti. www.arcosanti.org

[L'Arche: La Borie Noble] The Ark (Communautés de l'Arche). (France, etc.). www.markshep.com/nonviolence/Ark.html & www.markshep.com/nonviolence/#Ark & www.markshep.com/nonviolence/books/Ark.html
Country and spiritual communities founded in the forties by Lanza del Vasto, a Christian disciple of Gandhi. (At last link, full text of a little book: "The Community of the Ark", by Mark Shepard).

The Ark (Communautés de l'Arche). (In French). www.lanzadelvasto.org

The Ark (Communautés de l'Arche): Addresses. www.inti.be/ecotopie/comarche.html

Asociación Gaia - Ecovillage Project (Argentina). www.gaia.org.ar/english & www.geocities.com/RainForest/8155/english.htm
Ecovillage. (In English and Spanish).

Auroville (South India). www.auroville.org

Beauchamp (Dordogne, France). www.beau-champ.com & beau.champ.free.fr
In English.

Blue Heron Farm Intentional Community (Pittsboro, North Carolina). bhfarm.org
Country community.

Bruderhof Communities. www.bruderhof.org

Cohousing Association of the United States. www.cohousing.org
Cohousing is the modern approach to reclaiming a traditional village lifestyle where rich, intergenerational relationships, cooperation, and sustainability are the norm.

Communautés (Communities). (France, Belgium, etc.). www.inti.be/ecotopie/communau.html
Some communities: The Ark, etc.

Community Bookshelf. store.ic.org/community-bookshelf.html & web.archive.org/web/19990220164151/http://www.crl.com/~eastwind/bookshlf.html
Useful (and often hard to find) books on intentional community, sustainable living and alternative culture.

Dreamtime Village. www.dreamtimevillage.org

East Wind Community (USA). www.eastwind.org

EcoVillage at Ithaca. www.ecovillage.ithaca.ny.us

Eco-Villages (Archive). web.archive.org/web/20031228184817/http://www.utexas.edu/depts/grg/ustudent/gcraft/fall95/issues/westphal/village/village.html

Edge of Time (UK). www.edgeoftime.co.uk
Books about communal living ("Diggers & Dreamers"), etc.

Global Eco-village Network - GEN. gen.ecovillage.org

Global Eco-village Network - GEN: Search Ecovillages. php.ecovillage.org/php/public/evdir/evsearch.php?lg=1
Database of communities all over the world.

Grishino (Russia). www.grishino.ecology.net.ru
Ecovillage. Shared work, meditation, ecology, etc. In English and Russian.

Magic (Palo Alto, CA). www.ecomagic.org
Ecology, etc.

Meadowdance Community Group (Vermont). www.meadowdance.org
Including articles by Luc Reid: "What is an intentional community?" and, in Resources, "Intentional Community Success Guide". Also, Questions and Answers, etc.

New Creation Christian Community: Links to Christian Communities. www.newcreation.org.uk/nccc/links_index.shtml

Permaculture International: Global Directory. www.permacultureinternational.org/globaldirectory/globaldirectory.htm
Directory of permaculture establishments and ecovillages: Internships, site visits, volunteering...

Plants for a Future (UK): Communities and Eco-villages. www.pfaf.org/links/linksOld1.php#COMM

Redfield Community (England). www.redfieldcommunity.org.uk

Réseau Français des Eco-Villages (France). www.rama.1901.org/ev

Servants of the Cross. www.servant.net
An ecumenical Christian community whose members have pooled their lives for prayer, evangelization and service to the poor in Maine and Haiti.

Sustainable Communities Information (Canada). www.chebucto.ns.ca/Environment/SCN/SCN_home.html

WWW Resources on Alternative and Utopian Communities. faculty.plattsburgh.edu/richard.robbins/legacy/utopia_www_resources.html

Yahoo!: Christian Intentional Communities. dir.yahoo.com/.../Christianity/.../Intentional_Communities

Yahoo!: Intentional Communities. dir.yahoo.com/.../Intentional_Communities



Google Groups: alt.community.intentional - Intentional communities.

Google Groups: alt.co-ops - Cooperatives.

Google Groups: alt.housing.nontrad - Nontraditional housing: Communes, co-housing and alternative living arrangements.

People in Action: Communities (Links)